Diverse Populations and Nursing Practice Report Assessment Task 3
Diverse Populations and Nursing Practice Report Assessment Task 3
Diverse Populations and Nursing Practice Report Assessment Task 3
NURBN3034 Assessment Task 3
Diverse Populations & Nursing Practice Report
Weighting: 50%
Due date: Thursday October 13th 13.59pm ALL Students
Purpose: Develop a nursing practice plan using the Registered Nurse Standards for strategies in managing the health issues that impact those of a chosen diverse population in the context of the Australian population.
Word Count: 2500 words (+/- 10%) (includes in text citations).
You are required to use headings to structure your report. However, should include logically structured discussion sections. You may include a defined introduction paragraph. The Report will be presented as a formal academic paper and academic writing should be formatted according to following:
• Cover page – include student name, student ID, campus, campus coordinator name, total word count (not including reference list).
• The preferred layout of your paper should be 1.5/double spaced with block paragraphing (no indenting). Do not indent the first line of each paragraph.
• Page numbers are to be included on the bottom left corner of the page.
• 12-point font
• Any task that is under or over the allocated limits by 10% will attract a deduction from the final mark for the task.
In this assignment students are required to:
Choose one diverse population of your choice based on the populations outlined in the course content, that is: children, older person, men, women, minority groups, culturally and linguistically diverse persons, those with a physical or mental disability. You may narrow this down further to a sub group for example: children aged between 11-16 yrs, older people living in residential care, pregnant women, men living in rural and remote Australia.
Then present a report discussing the key areas to follow. You will also propose a nursing plan that seeks to address one of the health outcomes you have discovered for this group.
Within your assignment you need to use the headings provided and discuss:
• WHY your chosen population is considered diverse and include:
o Social determinants of health and how they impact this population;
o Health inequalities (the differences in health status between population groups) such as differences in wellbeing, risk of disease, abuse/violence, healthy life expectancy, morbidity and mortality;
o Health inequities (differences in health status between population groups that are socially produced, systematic in their unequal distribution across the population, avoidable and unfair) such as difference in access, affordability, income etc;
o Health outcomes – Discuss key health issues impacting this population i.e. certain disease, mental health issues, injuries etc
(Approx.1200 words)
• Discuss the nursing care considerations that would be important in caring for an individual of this population. Your discussion should highlight and link to three Registered Nurse Standards such as:
o Standard 2: Engaging in a therapeutic and professional relationship
How to communicate effectively, and how to be respectful of your chosen population’s dignity, culture, values, beliefs and rights.
How to provide support and direct your chosen population to resources to optimise their health-related decisions
(Approx.1200 words)
Referencing should be included using APA 7th Edition guidelines. Review the FedCite Resource page. It is expected that the students use a minimum of 15-20 peer reviewed sources for referencing. These should be no more than 7 years old unless of historical significance and/or of specific relevance to the topic (for example; the Ottawa Charter from 1986). These references must be a mixture of books and journals or Library database sources. Dictionaries or Wikipedia are not considered a primary reference and therefore will not be counted in the reference count. Direct quotes, appendices or the reference list, are not counted in the word limit. Direct quotes must be limited to no more than 50 words and be according to APA 7th Edition style.
All reports for Assessment Task 3 are to be submitted before or on the due date and stipulated time and submitted electronically via Turnitin. When submitting online, please ensure that the file name includes the Course Code, Surname and Student ID number. For example: NURBN3034Smith30109999. Ensure there are no spaces or use of punctuation (!?/;_-).
Turnitin software will be used in this course for Assessment Task 3 to assist students with their academic writing and to verify the originality of assessment tasks. It will be used to assess and give feedback. FAILURE TO SUBMIT WORK THROUGH TURNITIN FOR THESE TASKS WILL
RESULT IN A ZERO GRADE for this assessment. Please ensure you only use the link provided with the assessment task. If you have any issues with your submissions through the Turnitin Link provided on Moodle, you need to make contact with the Information Technology Service Desk (ph: 5327 9999) to resolve the problem. If the problem cannot be resolved prior to the due date, you must email the Course Coordinator immediately. Please note that you should always attempt to complete and submit your assignment as early as possible to avoid any potential problems.
University staff will mark this assessment task. Pre-marking moderation will apply to this assessment task. A marking guide for this assessment task is included on page 4.
Results and feedback for this assessment task will be released within 3-4 weeks as per Federation University policy.
Introduction to the Diverse population Excellent description of the diverse group. All key social Good description of the diverse group. Most social determinants Minimal des c r i p t i on of the diverse group. Most social determinants identified and some Unclear description of the diverse group. Some social determinants identified though poor discussion of t hei r
i m p a ct. (4 marks) A brief description of the diverse group. Minimal or incorrect social determinants discussed Diverse population not introduced or discussed.
(0 marks)
determinants identified and good discussion of t hei r and minimal or incorrect
identified and discussion of t hei r i m pact . (6 marks) discussion of their impact.
comprehensive i m pact . (8 marks) (2 marks)
discussion o f
t hei r i m pact . (10
Health inequalities and inequities Excellent discussion of Good discussion of inequalities and inequities. Good discussion of t hei r i m p a ct.
(16 marks) Minimal or i r r el ev an t discussion of inequalities Unclear discussion of inequalities and Unclear discussion of inequalities and No relevant health inequalities or
inequalities and and inequities. Unclear inequities. inequities. No or poor inequities discussed
inequities. discussion of t hei r Unclear/irrelevant discussion of t hei r (0 marks)
Comprehensive i m pact . (12 marks) discussion of t hei r i m p a ct. (4 marks)
discussion o f i m pact . (8 marks)
t hei r i m pact .
(20 marks)
Health outcomes Excellent Good discussion of Minimal or i r r el ev an t Unclear discussion of Unclear discussion of No relevant health
discussion of health outcomes. discussion of health health outcomes. health outcomes. No or outcomes discussed
health outcomes. Good discussion o f outcomes. Unclear Unclear/irrelevant poor discussion o f (0 marks)
Comprehensive t hei r i m pact on discussion of t hei r discussion of t hei r t hei r i m pact on
discussion o f t he popul at i on. i m pact on t he i m pact on t he t he popul at i on. ( 2
t hei r i m pact on (8 marks) popul at i on.(6marks) popul at i on.(4 marks) marks)
t he popul at i on.
(10 marks)
First chosen Excellent Good discussion of Minimal or i r r el ev an t Unclear discussion of Unclear discussion of No relevant
standard discussion of the the application of discussion of the application the application of first the application of first discussion of the
application of first first Standard. Good of first Standard. Unclear Standard. Standard. None or poor application of first
Standard. discussion of t hei r discussion of t hei r Unclear/irrelevant discussion of t hei r Standard
Comprehensive i m pact on t he i m pact on t he discussion of t hei r i m pact on t he discussed (0
discussion o f popul at i on. (8 popul at i on.(6marks) i m pact on t he popul at i on. ( 2 marks)
t hei r i m pact on marks) popul at i on.(4 marks) marks)
t he popul at i on.
(10 marks)
Second chosen Excellent Good discussion Minimal or i r r el ev an t Unclear discussion of Unclear discussion of
No relevant discussion of the application of the second Standard discussed
(0 marks)
standard discussion of the of the application discussion of the the application of the the application of the
application of of second application of second second Standard. second Standard.
second Standard. Standard. Good Standard. Unclear Unclear/irrelevant None or poor
Comprehensive discussion o f discussion of t hei r discussion of t hei r discussion of t hei r
discussion o f t hei r i m pact i m pact on t he i m pact on t he i m pact on t he
t hei r i m pact on on t he popul at i on.(6marks) popul at i on.(4 popul at i on. ( 2
t he popul at i on. popul at i on. (8 marks) marks)
(10 marks) marks)
Third chosen Excellent Good discussion of Minimal o r i rr el ev an t Unclear discussion of Unclear discussion of No relevant
standard discussion of the the application of discussion of the application the application of the the application of the discussion of the
application of the the third Standard. of the third Standard. third Standard. third Standard. None or application of the
third Standard. Good discussion o f Unclear discussion o f i ts Unclear/irrelevant poor discussion o f i t s third Standard
Comprehensive i t s i m pact on i m pact on t he discussion o f i t s i m pact on t he discussed (0
discussion o f i t s t he popul at i on. populaion.(6 marks) i m pact on t he popul at i on. ( 2 marks)
i m pact on t he (8 marks) population.(4 marks) marks)
popul at i on. (10
/Presentation 5 MARKS 4 MARK 3 MARKS 2 MARKS 1 MARKS 0 MARKS
Readability: Excellent structure Moderate structure Structure requires a more Structure lacks evidence of Structure lacks evidence Structure displays
Structure Elements that includes all that includes all structured and sequenced plan, a sequenced plan. More of a sequenced plan. no planning or
elements and follows elements and mostly and/or has some elements attention required to link Minimal linking dialogue structure, jumping
a logical sequence follows a logical missing. topics of discussion. between topics of from one topic to the
with linking dialogue. sequence and linking discussion. next with no linking
dialogue. dialogue.
Readability: Excellent level of Substantial level of Moderate level of articulation Minimal level of articulation Poor level of articulation Inconsistent levels
Professional Prose articulation and articulation and and expression, requiring and expression, with some and expression, with of articulation and
expression, with clear expression, with clear sentence and paragraph sentence or paragraph considerable sentence or expression,
and concise and concise sentence structure to be more concise, structure unclear, and/or paragraph structure numerous spelling,
sentence and and paragraph and/or several spelling or several spelling or unclear, and/or numerous and grammatical
paragraph structure, structure, and minimal grammatical errors. grammatical errors. spelling or grammatical errors and/or lack of
and no spelling or grammatical errors. spelling or grammatical errors. sentence or paragraph structure
Readability: Fluency Sentence and paragraph structure is well-defined and clear with introductory and linking dialogue. Key definitions are addressed. Sentence and paragraph structure are mostly well- defined and clear with introductory and linking sentences. Moderate sentence and paragraph structure requiring more clarity with introductory and linking sentences. Some paragraphs are too long/short. Sentence and/or paragraph structure is sometimes undefined or lacks clarity through not providing introductory or linking sentences. Some paragraphs are too long/short. Sentence and/or paragraph structure is often undefined, lack structure, or are too long or too short. The arrangement of content is haphazard and difficult to follow. The arrangement of content is illogical.
References: Minimum Number More than 15 minimum references used to support presentation material and offer direction for further information. Minimum 15 references used to support presentation material or offer direction for further information. Less than 15 minimum references used to support presentation material or offer direction for further information. No references provided.
References: Selection & Credibility All references are reputable, current, extensive, and relevant. All articles are relevant to the purpose. Most references are reputable, current, extensive, and relevant, and/or the connection between some of the articles and the purpose is developing. Some references are reputable, current, extensive, and relevant, and/or the connection between some of the articles and the purpose is unclear. Many references are NOT reputable, current, extensive, or relevant, and/or the connection between the articles and the purpose is poorly demonstrated. No references reputable, current, extensive, or credible, and/or the connection between the articles and the purpose is missing.
References: APA style All in-text citations, quotes and references are in APA style. A couple of errors noted in APA referencing of in-text citations, quotes, or references. Numerous errors noted in APA referencing of in-text citations, quotes, or references. Incorrect APA referencing style for in-text citations quotes and/or references.
Academic Requirements: Presentation Paper conforms to all presentation requirements as set out in Course Descriptor. Paper mostly conforms to presentation requirements as set out in Course Descriptor. A few areas of paper do not conform to requirements as set out in Course Descriptor. Significant number of areas of paper do not conform to requirements as set out in Course Descriptor. Paper does not conform to presentation requirements as set out in Course Descriptor. Nil submission.
Total marks /90 converted to
50% weighting /50