200+ Best College Essay Topics To Get Started

Choosing college essay topics to write about can be more challenging than the writing process. You need to brainstorm various ideas and analyze different topics, which is not a cup of tea for many students. This article compiles 200+ best college essay topics to write about.

Before looking at the topics, it is crucial to know the tips for choosing good college essay topics. It is also essential to know the qualities of good essay topics.

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Tips for choosing good essay topics

  • Brainstorm various topics to come up with multiple potential ideas
  • Write down all the ideas you think about
  • Research the topics you select to see if you can find enough information for each topic selected
  • Narrow your topics down and select one topic

After settling down with one topic, continue with your research. You may choose a topic that will give you a headache to research. Ask yourself these questions after selecting a topic:

  • Can I finish the paper before the deadline?
  • Will I reach the specified word count for the topic?
  • Is it possible to access the resources I need for the article?
  • Does the topic provide room to showcase my understanding of the topic?
  • Does the topic demonstrate my writing skills?
  • Do I feel motivated to write about this topic?

Qualities good essay topics

  • Concrete and specific

A good essay topic has specific goals and expected results. The goals and results should be clear and met after the writing process.

  • Highly relevant

A good essay topic should be relevant to the readers. If it is not, you might end up with poor scoring grades.

  • Trending

While selecting essay topics, ensure you choose emerging and current issues. They are likely to be more interesting to read. Choosing emerging issues shows your research is updated, which is a plus point in academics.

  • Important

An essay topic should be impactful to the field of academics, society, and community in general. For example, you cannot use a geography topic while writing an English essay. It might be right but irrelevant to the issue.

Essay topics for different categories

There are different types of essays for college students. The character of the topics depends on the specifics of the paper. Some topics like argumentative and persuasive seem to be identical, while narrative and cause and effect are different.

Argumentative essay topics for college

If you have been assigned an argumentative essay to write, you can use our ideas to develop a current essay topic. Worry not if you choose an idea but find it challenging to write the essay. We can help you write a quality argumentative essay at affordable rates. here are some argumentative college essay topics you can write about:

  1. Is there an excessive amount of pressure on youngsters to attend college?
  2. Should immigrants be granted more rights?
  3. Is it the responsibility of TV shows and movies to be more diverse?
  4. What impact does “false news” have on political and social life?
  5. What impact do reality shows have on society?
  6. Should English be made the official national language of the United States?
  7. Can we ever stop using social media in our free will?
  8. Cameras placed at public places; do you feel like they infringe on people’s privacy?
  9. Should teenagers be controlled from the time they take playing internet games?
  10. Should we use cosmetics that are animal tested to protect ourselves from dangerous consequences?

Persuasive college essay topics

  1. Should kids in elementary and secondary schools be permitted to use cell phones?
  2. Should all Americans be required to serve in the community for a year?
  3. Should adolescent girls be permitted to acquire birth control without their parent’s permission?
  4. Is now the right moment to change immigration laws?
  5. Should youngsters be charged as adults for violent crimes?
  6. Should students be allowed to have phones at school?
  7. In American history, the Antebellum and Reconstruction periods are contrasted
  8. Star Wars and Star Trek have similarities and contrasts, explain
  9. Which makes a better pet: cats or dogs?
  10. Middle Colonies vs. New England Colonies OR Southern Colonies vs. Middle Colonies
  11. Capitalism vs. Communism

200+ Best College Essay Topics

Compare and contrast essay topics

The selection of compare and contrast essay themes is challenging since you must demonstrate your analytical abilities. Here are several ideas for compare and contrast essay topics

  1. Traditional Education vs Distance Learning: Which Is the Better Option for Today’s Students?
  2. Are Fascism and Nazism the Same or Different Concepts?
  3. Gender Differences in Mental Processes: Female and Male Mental Processes
  4. Is working as a freelancer a viable option to working full-time?
  5. Which Social Network Has More Possibilities: Facebook or Myspace?
  6. What Is More Dangerous: Anorexia Nervosa or Obesity?
  7. Should We Protect Intellectual Property from Free-to-Access Sources with Rights Reserved?
  8. Which one is the best option for students to get a part-time job in college or party all their free time?
  9. Actual versus virtual classrooms, which one is more effective?
  10. Which ones are more effective? Mobile healthcare units or stationary units?

If you choose one of these topics, you will undoubtedly succeed in attracting your audience’s attention because they are current discussion issues. Compared to other types of essays, compare and contrast essays are the hardest to create because they involve strong analytical skills. This is your chance to flourish academically!

Informative college essay topics

A good informative essay topic should focus on emerging critical issues. It should offer value to the paper and keep readers interested. Here are some examples of informative essay topics you can consider to get you started:

  1. Methods for Improving School Health Standards in Germany
  2. What can we do to make American football safer?
  3. The Importance of Having a Democratic Political System
  4. In less developed countries, there are various types of social evils
  5. Why Should Your Company Implement Reliable Cyber Security Measures?
  6. Pregnant Women Traveling by Plane: What Are the Most Important Health Tips?
  7. Methods for Preventing Excessive Factory Air Pollution
  8. Does the college dress code improve the academic efficiency of all students?
  9. Influence of video games on students’ grades
  10. Factors that influence the academic performance of college students

Unlike compare and contrast essays, Informative essays do not compare and contrast distinct subjects, acts, or occurrences. Informative essays are more descriptive than narrative essays. You can also choose serious or funny informative college essay topics to write about.

Topics for Controversial Essays

Controversial essay themes offer a wide range of engaging conversation topics. You are, however, always in danger of expressing a viewpoint that differs from the one that your instructor endorses.

Some instructors will welcome alternative viewpoints, while others may penalize you if you express an opposing view. As a result, be cautious when selecting topics for controversial essays. Below are some ideas for controversial essay themes.

  1. The Importance of a teacher’s behavior in the case of child abuse signs
  2. Factors that can turn computer games into violent stimulators in real life
  3. The role of prostitution in the Canadian economy and its impact
  4. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide ethics
  5. Is Global Warming real, or is it just propaganda?
  6. Vaccinations are required for admission to public schools, according to the LGBTQ community’s history, explain
  7. Should animals be used in experiments testing?
  8. Is the process of United States elections fair?
  9. Should the death penalty be included in the constitution?
  10. Explain how religious movements cause war

Controversial essays are fun to write, but the subjects are often shocking. As a result, choose your topic carefully to prevent receiving poor grades.

Narrative essay topics

Narrative essays tell stories about the writer’s personal experience. What makes the paper unique is the writing style and the voice. Some students confuse these topics with social argumentative essay topics. Here are some topics you can choose for your narrative essay:

  1. Describe an instance when you were injured on the playground; what went wrong?
  2. Describe a time in your life when you rebelled
  3. Tell us about moral issues that you are concerned about and why
  4. Cowardice in its worst form
  5. Tell us about a time when you faced a moral dilemma
  6. Topics for expository essays (click here to see the remaining 50+ options)
  7. Describe the social relevance of wearing a school uniform
  8. Describe the ramifications of dropping out of college
  9. Explain how communication has changed in the previous 20 years since the internet’s inception
  10. Explain why workplace tolerance is so important
  11. Define the reasons for not voting in elections and the consequences of not voting

Cause and effects essay topics

When writing a cause-and-effect essay, ensure you choose an important topic to make your essay successful. Here are some fantastic topic ideas for your cause-and-effect essay:

  1. Do family vacations have any effects on family relationships?
  2. Describe the causes of environmental catastrophes
  3. Is there any relationship between human curiosity and our planet?
  4. Has development in technology affected the state of nature?
  5. Discuss the causes of technological advancements in Japan
  6. What are the effects and causes of terrorism in the world today?
  7. Does world travel affect personality and life in any way?
  8. Describe the effects of genetically modified foods on human bodies today
  9. How can smoking affect a pregnant woman?
  10. Describe the impacts of stress on health

Proposal essay topics

Proposal essay topics aim at proving that a particular idea can be put into practice. Here are several ideas you can get proposal essay topics from:

  1. Can money motivate you to put more effort into work? Tips on leading a light-hearted life without worrying about your income
  2. Should Religious Studies be included in the curriculum for high school students? What is the best way to make it work for all religions?
  3. How do students and teachers play a role in the educational process? How can students and teachers improve the educational process?
  4. Why do we mistake misunderstanding for hatred: coping with powerful emotions in parent-child relationships?
  5. Do people with disabilities get fair treatment in society? Is there anything we can do to make people with disabilities’ lives better?
  6. Is it still necessary to protect the environment? what can we do every day to help change things?
  7. Apart from monetary compensation, how should businesses reward their employees?

Ideas for proposal essay topics are developed. Do not attempt to polish them before speaking with your instructor or professor. Before finishing your essay, talk to your teacher about it, and then polish your theme.

Funny informative college essay topics

  1. Sincerity vs politeness: the games people play and masks they wear
  2. Why is the internet being ruined by stupid cat videos?
  3. Is adrenaline worth the risk in extreme sports?
  4. Why do skinny models remain a modern beauty standard?
  5. Ethical concerns surrogate motherhood and its environment
  6. Can women be considered today’s weaker sex?
  7. Is laziness a path to success?
  8. Data in the media has a dubious track record.
  9. The Chernobyl disaster’s consequences
  10. The problems of happy and unhappy marriages.
  11. Television creates a new culture
  12. Your choice of profession is directly related to your level of interest in personal development
  13. The human body’s possibilities are endless
  14. Errors are unavoidable in any sphere. Is it OK for doctors, judges, and teachers to make mistakes?
  15. Why do managers use a stick and a carrot approach to motivating employees? Isn’t it enough to have stick policies?
  16. Is it necessary for an artist to be talented at creating abstract art?
  17. Remakes of classic plays and modern theatre – New interpretation or outrage?
  18. Do you want to eat to live or live to eat? favorite dishes vs healthy diets
  19. E-books and audiobooks vs printed publications–can you save trees by downloading e-books?
  20. Visitors have the potential to harm historical sites, should tourists be allowed to visit

Reflection essay paper topics

  1. Is it true that art pays?
  2. Is it possible to classify music and cinematography as arts as well?
  3. Is Gothic Art the Most Admired and Magnificent Work of Art in Human History?
  4. Can You Make It in Life if You Work in the Arts?
  5. Is today’s music educational or meaningful in any way?
  6. Is it possible that today’s lyrics are too explicit for a young audience?
  7. In the majority of recent films, there is no plot
  8. Which side are you on when it comes to architecture, modern or classic?
  9. Why should we attend an opera performance in the twenty-first century?
  10. Van Gogh is regarded as a modern-day style icon

We have compiled a list of top topics in the current scientific and societal debates. These ideas will make your essay more intriguing and help you get better grades. Additionally, humorous essay topics can help you capture your audience’s attention.

Good college essay topics

Because college is the next step after high school, instructors expect more from college students. Professors at colleges may decline to teach popular topics among high school students.

As a result, coming up with college essay ideas is challenging. To make your life easier, we’ve come up with a list of good college essay topics you can write about. They are as follows:

  1. Are test scores the most reliable indicator of a person’s ability?
  2. What aspects of the current tax system should be altered?
  3. Why are left-handed guitarists more gifted than right-handed guitarists?
  4. What factors are contributing to the rise in the number of adolescent mothers?
  5. Is the competition for college admissions becoming too fierce?
  6. Is the pay for project managers and CEOs excessive?
  7. The role of gender in military service
  8. Select a quote that explains your life and explain about it
  9. What event, occasion, or person makes you angry, and what are you doing about it?
  10. If you were asked to give a speech to high school students, how would it be?

Health essay topics for college students

Health is a very significant factor in the lives of human beings. College students should be ready to write healthy essays in their academic life. If you have no idea the topic to choose for your health essay, you can consider the following:

  1. How can people be encouraged to make healthier lifestyle choices in the most effective way possible?
  2. Do TV Shows on Obese People Losing Weight Harm or Help Obese People Lose Weight?
  3. Is Pollution of the Environment Harmful to Human Health?
  4. How Can Antibiotic Resistance Be Addressed Most Effectively?
  5. Is the Use of Drugs in the Treatment of Mental Illness Excessive?
  6. What Gives Some People the Ability to Live a Century?
  7. Is it possible for Internet medical advice to improve people’s health?
  8. Eating disorders and obesity have a variety of causes
  9. How to cope with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
  10. The phenomenon of feminism’s effect on anorexic women

Process analysis essay topics for college students

Process analysis essays explain the process that needs to be followed to develop a particular product or task. For example, you can think of a recipe and state all the ingredients and techniques. Here are some fantastic topics for your process analysis essay:

  1. How is ice cream made?
  2. Ways to play chess
  3. How do people choose their partners?
  4. Five methods for quitting smoking
  5. How to raise your dog to be obedient
  6. Tips for acing a job interview
  7. How to get started with photography 8
  8. How does a bad habit form?
  9. How to have a good time for less than $20 this weekend
  10. How to create the best brownies possible
  11. How to lose weight without oozing your mind
  12. How to get rid of a roommate without hurting them
  13. How can one achieve academic success in college?
  14. How to make Christmas outfits
  15. Describe the process of winning an argument

Analogy essay topic suggestions

  1. Starting a new job
  2. How to get out of a debt
  3. Have you ever been in a car that caused an accident? Explain the whole scenario
  4. Explain your experience of falling in love for the first time
  5. Explain any time you experienced grief
  6. Having a good time, what is it like?
  7. Choosing a college major
  8. For the first time, you’re leaving home
  9. Delivering a speech, the most effective way
  10. Drug addiction is number ten on the list.

Good exemplification essay topics for college students

  1. People Who Have Achieved Success Despite Having No Formal Education
  2. Is homeschooling beneficial to students or not? Does it draw a thin line between the rich and the poor?
  3. Consequences of Social Media Sites, do they affect students negatively or positively
  4. The discipline of children, should children be disciplined every time they go wrong?
  5. People with animal Characteristics should be embraced in society today?
  6. Embarrassing Commercials
  7. Genetic Modification
  8. Goblins and Ghosts, are they actual creatures?
  9. School Religion and its impact on students
  10. Discrimination and its effects in society today

Essay topics on ethics and society

  1. Are there circumstances where abortion should be allowed?
  2. Should shoplifters be taken to jail?
  3. Violence against women and children is becoming common in many parts of the world; explore this in an essay
  4. Animal cruelty can range from dog bites to factory farming, explain
  5. Is it ethical to take capital punishments on crimes that cause profound societal implications?
  6. In developed countries, children should eat, rest and learn, which is the opposite of developing countries, explain
  7. Causes of high unemployment rates in developing countries
  8. Cases against abortion in the world today

Sample application college essay topics list

  1. Many students have identity, background, talents or interests that are so meaningful that they believe their application essay would be incomplete without talking about it; talk about your story
  2. Write about a time when you faced a failure challenge or setback, how you were affected, and the lessons you learnt
  3. The lessons we learn from the challenges we go through can be the basics for success later in life, explain
  4. Is there a time you challenged or questioned an idea or belief? What were the results?
  5. Describe any problem you ever solved or ever wished to solve; it can be an ethical query, an intellectual or a research query
  6. Describe an idea, topic, or a concept that you find very engaging and makes you lose track all the time; why do you think it captivates you that much?
  7. Discuss any event, realization, or accomplishment that sparked a period of your personal growth and a better understanding of yourself and other people
  8. Write an essay on any topic of your choice; it can be a response to a prompt or an essay you have ever written

Creative college essay topics

Creative college essay topics aim to test the ability of a student to think beyond what they have learned in class. If you have the assignment to write such kind of an essay, you can consider the following topics:

  1. Describe an occasion where you were not successful in achieving your targeted results, are there any lessons you learned from the experience?
  2. Is there any situation where you had to decide between playing it safe and taking a risk? Which choice did you make and why?
  3. Which musical composition, poem, novel, or movie influenced your life, and how?
  4. Talk about any situation that changed your life completely
  5. What are your plans after graduating from college?
  6. Talk about your long-term goals in school
  7. If you had the opportunity to change one aspect of your life, what would it be and why?
  8. What are the unique features that differentiate you from all the other people?
  9. Do you have any accomplishments in the last two years that are not connected to academics?
  10. If you had an opportunity to talk with any person in human history, who would it be? Why?
  11. Talk about the best advice you have ever received
  12. Have your neighborhoods contributed to the person you are today? How?
  13. If you could read through other people’s lives, would you use the ability?
  14. Talk about a story that describes your characteristics
  15. The most embarrassing moment in your life, did you learn anything from experience?

In a nutshell

If you are just joining college, be ready to write different types of essays. Many students get stuck in choosing suitable topics for essays. This article has outlined 200+ best college essay topics you can write about.

If you still need help choosing college essay topics or writing a compelling easy at any time, do not worry. We provide essay writing services to students at affordable rates. Contact us now for more information.

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