SOC 102 Topic 2 DQ 1 and 2
SOC 102 Topic 2 DQ 1 and 2
SOC 102 Topic 2 DQ 1
Compare and contrast material and nonmaterial culture. Provide examples of both from your life.
SOC 102 Topic 2 DQ 2
Are we prisoners of socialization – yes or no? If you answer yes, how do you explain the fact that we think of ourselves as having choices and free will? If you say no, how do you explain the fact that in almost every way, we conform to what society expects of us? (We wear clothes, we drive on the right-hand side of the road, we go to college, we don’t – usually – go around stealing things, killing people, or breaking most of the laws of society.) Discuss this question with a friend, then post your response as well as how your friend’s opinion was similar or different than your own.
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SOC 102 Topic 4 DQ 1
Provide two examples of statuses and roles you inhabit. Explain what statuses and roles produce for the social person, and thus, for you.
SOC 102 Topic 4 DQ 2
Select three societal tasks from Chart 6-1 in Our Social World: An Introduction to Sociology – chapter 6, and explain how the related social institution performs the societal task. Can an argument be made as to the most important task? Share your thoughts with the class.
SOC 102 Topic 5 DQ 1
Compare and contrast of social stratification with Mosca’s conflict perspective of social stratification. After your comparison, indicate which theory you agree with and why?
SOC 102 Topic 5 DQ 2
Through research, find an example of issues related to two of the three organizing principles of stratification in the United States (class, race, and gender). How are individuals stratified based on each of the two principles you chose? Provide citations for the sources you use. An example of an issue related to gender is the pay gap between men and women.
SOC 102 Topic 6 DQ 1
Name four social negatives and four social positives concerning gentrification. If you or someone you know have experienced gentrification, share their experience and what was the effect of gentrification.
SOC 102 Topic 6 DQ 2
Explain the difference between Modernization Theory, Dependency Theory, and World Systems Theory. Then select the theory that best explains social change and why.
SOC 102 Topic 7 DQ 1
How do structural-functionalist, feminists, and symbolic interactionists differ in their analysis of the family? Provide your conclusion as to the perspective that provides the fullest understanding of the family.
SOC 102 Topic 7 DQ 2
Go to and find the video on the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth. What type of authority is demonstrated by the video? What type of authority does our President have? Which authority would you rather live under, traditional or rational-legal, and why?