PSY 201 Week 9 Assignment – Social Psychology Paper
PSY 201 Week 9 Assignment – Social Psychology Paper
Review the University Material: Social Psychology Paper Scenario.
Write a 750- to 1,200-word paper using the Social Psychology Paper Scenario in which you answer the following questions:
• What factors contributed towards Sarah’s attitude regarding her curfew and how did these factors contribute?
• In what ways did Sarah display cognitive dissonance?
• In what situations did Sarah conform to her peers’ beliefs, and how? What are some possible reasons that Sarah did this?
• What are some possible reasons that Jack was interested in Sarah and how do these relate to the factors of attraction?
• What type of social interaction was displayed through the fight at the party? How did this social interaction affect others at the party?
• How was Sarah’s behavior influenced by others throughout the night?
Submit your work as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the assignment tab.
Additional Resources from the Center for Writing Excellence:
• Grammar Mechanics
• Writing Style
PSY 201 Week 9 DQ 1 and DQ 2
Week 9 DQ 1
What is conformity? List three reasons people conform. What are three factors that increase the likelihood of conforming? Provide an example of conformity you see daily.
Week 9 DQ 2
Identify one everyday hassle and one uplift that relate to your life. Without revealing any personal information, which coping strategies might you employ to reduce negative effects of stress? What methods mentioned in the reading appeal to you
Requirements of submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length should be 2-3 pages, not including cover page and resources.
Instructor Feedback: Students can find their feedback in the grade book as an attachment.
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Main Elements Includes almost all of the main elements and requirements and cites multiple examples to illustrate each element
(23-25) Includes most of the main elements and requirements and cites many examples to illustrate each element
(20-22) Includes some of the main elements and requirements
(18-19) Does not include any of the main elements and requirements
(0-17) 25
Quality of Article Critique
Provides an in-depth critique of the main elements; lists and explains examples of bias or faulty reasoning found in the article
(23-25) Critiques the main elements; lists and explains any examples of bias or faulty reasoning found in the article
(20-22) Attempts to critique the main elements and list examples of bias or faulty reasoning found in the article
(18-19) Fails to critique the main elements, does not include any examples of bias or faulty reasoning found in the article
(0-17) 25
Inquiry and Analysis
Explores multiple issues through extensive collection and in-depth analysis of evidence to make informed conclusions
(14-15) Explores some issues through collection and in-depth analysis of evidence to make informed conclusions
(12-13) Explores minimal issues through collection and analysis of evidence to make informed conclusions
(11) Does not explore issues through collection and analysis of evidence and does not make informed conclusions
(0-10) 15
Integration and Application All of the course concepts are correctly applied
(9-10) Most of the course concepts are correctly applied
(8) Some of the course concepts are correctly applied
(7) Does not correctly apply any of the course concepts
(0-6) 10
Research Incorporates many scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research
(14-15) Incorporates some scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research
(12-13) Incorporates very few scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research
(11) Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research
(0-10) 15
(Mechanics/Citations) No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations
(9-10) Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations
(8) Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations
(7) Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations
(0-6) 10
Earned Total:
Comments: 100%