Policy Institutes Assignment Paper
Policy Institutes Assignment Paper
Policy Institutes Assignment Paper
Part I
Policy institutes play a critical role in the policy space by fulfilling various obligations, such as the provision of insightful research and advising the public on various policy issues. They usually focus on solving complex problems through the identification of policy issues, researching and evaluating ideas, and coming up with recommendations that can help influence regional, national, and global public policy (Béland, 2019). The chosen policy institute is Brookings which is a non-profit public policy institute located in Washington, DC. The organization’s mission is to carry out in-depth research focused on creating new ideas to help solve various issues which face global, national, and local society (“Brookings,” 2022). One of the most recent reports by Brookings is a report entitled “Digitalization and digital skills gaps in Africa: An empirical profile. This research report explored how to measure and understand the extent and nature of digitalization and digital skills in Africa.
There is a relationship between the labor market and digital technologies, a relationship that has only been fully explored in developed nations, leaving Africa lagging behind. Hence this report is a timely report. This report is consistent with the institution’s mission. The mission of the institution is to carry out in-depth research focused on creating new ideas to help solve various issues which face global, national, and local society (“Brookings,” 2022). Therefore, this report is in sync with this mission since the report is about Africa, which is on a different continent. Hence it qualifies as research focused on global society. Among the strategic initiatives and priorities is to carry out in-depth and independent research that results in innovative and pragmatic ideas for solving societal problems. The report is also consistent with the strategic initiatives and priorities since the findings of this report focus on reducing the digital skills gaps in Africa to further help in solving societal problems.
Béland, D. (2019). How ideas and institutions shape the politics of public policy. Cambridge University Press.
Brookings. (2022). About Us https://www.brookings.edu/about-us
Part II
Nursing organizations play several roles in the healthcare sector, such as advocating for the rights of both nurses and patients. Nursing organizations also participate in policy formulation since they use various strategies to influence legislators and the general public regarding various policy issues. There are numerous nursing organizations currently in existence in the US. While some have been in existence for several years, others were formulated recently as the number of nursing professionals continues to grow substantially (Willgerodt et al.,2018). Even though various nursing organizations align to an extent with my policy beliefs and agenda, the nursing organization which closely aligns with my policy beliefs or agenda is the American Academy of Nursing (AAN).
AAN mission is to improve health and achieve health equity by impacting policy through science, innovation, and nursing leadership (“AAN,” 2022). One of my policy beliefs is that effective policies are those that the policy proposers have contacted every relevant stakeholder and considered their input in reference to the policy issue in question. AAN seeks to impact policy, and therefore it aligns with my belief. I also believe that policy initiatives can well be accomplished by collaborating with the relevant nurse leaders. Nurse leaders usually have first-hand information regarding what goes on in the care environment. Therefore, they are better placed to propose various actions to be taken to help improve patient outcomes. The organization believes in impacting policy and policy initiatives through nursing leadership; hence this aspect also aligns with policy beliefs. I also believe that it is important for professionals and nursing organizations to actively participate in policy proposals and implementation for better patient outcomes and working conditions.
AAN. (2022). About the Academy. https://www.aannet.org/home
Willgerodt, M. A., Brock, D. M., & Maughan, E. D. (2018). Public school nursing practice in the United States. The Journal of School Nursing, 34(3), 232-244. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059840517752456
1. Select one of the policy institutes listed in chapter 17 of your text. Research their website and read their most recent annual report. Attach the report to your discussion. Analyze the institute’s annual report in relation to their mission and strategic initiatives and priorities. Are they consistent?
2. Select a nursing organization from the list at the link provided that closely aligns with your own policy beliefs/agenda. Compare your views with that of the nursing organization.
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Revised 12/31/2108 LH
The University of Texas at El Paso School of Nursing Discussion Board Posting Rubric
Total Points Possible: 125
Criteria | D or F 0 points | C
88 points |
107 points |
113 points |
125 points |
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Submits one secondary response by due date but does not submit a primary response. 17 points |
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OR Submits both secondary posts by due date but primary post is late
21 points |
Submits both primary and secondary responses by due dates.
22 points |
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25 points |
Spelling and mechanics | Does not submit posts that are in complete sentences. Or three or more of the complete sentences are grammatically incorrect. Or the entire post contains greater than 5 spelling errors. | Does not submit posts that are in complete sentences. Or two or more of the complete sentences are grammatically incorrect. Or the entire post contains greater than 4 spelling errors.
17 points |
Does not submit posts that are in complete sentences. Or one or more of the complete sentences are grammatically incorrect. Or the entire post contains greater than 3 spelling errors.
21 points |
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22 points |
Submits posts that have no grammatically incorrect sentences and/or only one spelling error.
25 points |
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and applicability to professional practice | Post(s) and responses show no evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice. | Post(s) and responses show little evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice.
Responses simply affirm the posts made in the primary posting.
37 points |
Post(s) and responses show some evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice, but are superficial in nature.
44 points |
Primary and secondary posts demonstrate evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice.
47 points |
Primary and secondary posts demonstrate significant evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice.
50 points |
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17 points |
Cites only 2 sources other than the assigned readings which support primary and secondary posts
21 points |
Cites a minimum of 3 sources other than the assigned readings which support primary and secondary posts
22 points |
Cites a minimum of 4 sources other than the assigned readings which support primary and secondary posts
25 points |