Reflection Journal/ personal nursing philosophy Madeleine Leininger

Discipline: Nursing

Type of Paper: Term paper

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 2 Words: 550


The grand nursing theorists you read about this week were real nurses who observed common issues and nagging problems within nursing and tried to systematically explain them in order to predict and prescribe nursing practice and research. The theorists were influenced by many factors as they critically analyzed and thoughtfully reflected on nursing practice. Relate your personal philosophy of nursing and relate it to at least one grand theory of nursing. (Cite where you found your grand theory.)

In NUR 507: Transition to Graduate Nursing Practice, you were asked to include a detailed discussion about your personal philosophy in nursing. Without self-plagiarizing that assignment, reflect upon how your background, experiences, values, and beliefs may influence your personal nursing practice. Through what lens do you see nursing today and in the future? Which grand nursing theories align most closely with your personal theory of nursing? Support your responses with examples from your practice.

APA 7th edition

Must be done in word for editing