Nursing Leadership and Management Assignment
Nursing Leadership and Management Assignment
Please use in-text citations when answering each question. References used must be within the past five years.
#1 You have an idea (adequate staffing) to improve patient care that you would like upper management to support and fund. What type of communication tool would you use to present your idea and why?
#2 What differentiates someone that is intrinsically motivated from someone that is extrinsically motivated? Give an example of how you would go about motivating an individual who is intrinsically motivated and one who is extrinsically motivated. What are the characteristics of a performance-driven team?
#3 A new director decides to reorganize the department you work in. This reorganization comes about without input from the employees and many of the nurses that you oversee are feeling resentful of the change. As a nurse leader, identify factors that may lead to conflict and ways you can manage them.
#4 Personal affiliations and networking are important for nursing leaders. Why are these important? How will they benefit you in your career future? Identify two affiliations or a situation in which you have networked for the health of a population or your community.
#5 How does the nurse manager or leader play a role in the reengineering of health care?
#6 Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing the challenges of the health care industry. Provide an example of how you would apply CQI in your current (Medical surgical setting) or past position.
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