How to write a nursing essay complete guide

If you are studying nursing in college, you will likely come across many writing assignments. This may be challenging to some students, especially those who lack the skills and time to write essays. This article provides a full guide on how to write a nursing essay.

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Nursing essays can be of different types depending on structure and intention. Before writing, ensure you understand the instructions provided by your instructor. Let’s get into nursing essays.

What is a nursing essay?

A nursing essay has a logical and clear definition. Nursing involves caring for sick people, either mentally, physically, or emotionally. A nursing essay is writing that expresses students’ thoughts or explores a certain subject in the nursing field.

What is the role of a nurse essay?

Nursing essay writing is important as it helps students improve their research skills, words, and vocabulary. Nursing essays also help students take arguments, support them, and develop ways of improving certain research areas. As a result, every nursing student should learn to write a nursing essay effectively.

How to write a nursing essay

  1. Understand the requirements of the assignment

Read the essay question carefully to get some ideas about the essay you are about to write. The assignment may instruct you to analyze, discuss, explain a subject or certain issue, etc. For your essay to succeed, you must understand and interpret the essay question well.

  1. Look for a topic

This step happens when your professor or instructor has not provided a topic of discussion. You need to brainstorm different topics to find a good topic to write about for your nursing essay. Ensure you choose a topic that you have some interest in. This will make the research process easier as you will act as one of your audiences.

  1. Conduct thorough research

Go through all reliable sources that you can find in the library, internet, and databases. Gather enough information as you narrow your topic down to find something specific. Do not forget to note everything down while reading and mention the source of your information to make the referencing part easy.

  1. Come up with an outline

You need to have a detailed plan of what you want to include in your nursing essay. Come up with a list of different subtopics you would like to include in your essay. When you classify information, you will develop a well-balanced and logical nursing essay.

  1. Write an introduction

An introduction is a paragraph that gives the reader an idea of what to expect in the entire essay. Tell a brief explanation of the information to include in your body paragraphs. Show why your topic is significant for research.

  1. Write the body paragraphs

Like other types of essays, a nursing essay contains two to three body paragraphs. This will, however, depend on the depth of the topic of discussion. Each paragraph should have an opening sentence containing a new idea. The subsequent sentences should back up the idea stated in the topic sentence.

  1. The conclusion

In this part of your essay, sum up all information discussed in your essay. You can rephrase your thesis statement and add other points. Do not state anything new in the concluding paragraph.

  1. Edit and proofread part

After writing your nursing essay, read and proofread the document to ensure it is error-free. Ensure everything in the essay sounds logical. Also, ensure that all information is placed in the correct subheading.

Top tips on writing a nursing essay

  1. Be straightforward in writing

When writing a nursing essay, use concise sentences so that your text can be easy to read. Using long sentences may make your essay lose meaning.

  1. Allocate enough time for writing

To develop a winning essay for nursing, ensure you allocate the essay enough time for researching, writing, and editing. The worst blunder you will ever make is writing your nursing essay a few hours before the deadline. You might end up leaving out some important details.

  1. Adhere to all the academic principles

While writing a college nursing essay, remember that you are writing an academic document. As a result, ensure you follow all the academic writing principles.

  1. Follow instructions carefully

Ensure you understand the type of nursing essay your instructor expects. Also, follow all instructions before starting the writing process. A slight mistake may cost your grades heavily.

  1. Relate theory and practical experiences

Nursing education involves both theory and practical experiences. You will learn treating processes in class and then practice them while dealing with patients in the hospital. As a result, it is important to relate the same in your nursing essays.

  1. Read widely

Apply broad reading principles to get all information about your topic of discussion. Try to look for adequate information to make your essay more effective. Go through library books related to your topic of discussion.

  1. Apply logic arguments

Apply critical evaluation and logical argumentation so that your essay can be classified as high-level academic. You will come to apply these skills at your workplace one time, so it is advisable to learn as early as possible.

  1. Reference your work properly

Use materials from clinical evidence and academic sources to back up your research. This shows that your research adds value to the published documents related to your topic of discussion.

Nursing essay structure

After choosing a suitable topic for your nursing essay and an evidence portion, you should know how to structure your essay. The structure of a nursing essay is almost the same as those of other essays. To write a compelling nursing essay, follow the following structure:

  1. Introduction

The primary objective of this part is to introduce your essay topic to the intended audience and provide sufficient background information on the subject. The rationale for your article should be explained at the beginning and its significance in the nursing area.

Ensure your nursing essay introduction grabs the reader’s interest in the issue and captures their attention. A hook is required for this purpose, which can be questions, shocking statistical facts, or statements from well-known healthcare specialists. Strive to keep your beginning brief but useful to provide a quick overview of your essay.

  1. A thesis statement

A thesis statement is usually the last sentence of your introduction. It is the most important element of any nursing essay because it states your opinion on the topic and summarizes the essential points. As a result, your thesis statement must include one line that will act as the foundation for your subsequent arguments.

The thesis statement is effective if it directly answers the essay’s question and makes a claim that others may disagree with your idea. You can look for a nursing essay sample online to learn more about thesis statements.

Look at this example, “The worldwide healthcare system’s scarcity of nurses impacts patient happiness, mortality, and care quality.”The main purpose is to argue for the expansion of nursing to solve patient complaints and family issues and improve the completion of health programs.

Amnesia is the most serious illness since it causes the loss of critical memories, makes acquiring new knowledge more difficult, and produces false memories.

  1. The main body

This is likely the most important part of your essay, as the thesis statement will not work unless good arguments support it. The major part of your nursing essay demonstrates the progression of your investigation. As a result, it’s critical to remember that each topic you would like to explore should be addressed in its subsection.

Every paragraph should also have a topic sentence in which you declare your position on the issue, supporting evidence, discussion, and conclusion sentences. You state whether the subsequent analysis disproved or supported your point. Use just necessary information to reach the word count requirements; otherwise, the quality of your work will suffer.

  1. The conclusion

In this part of your essay, you should restate your thesis statement, summarize the primary points presented in the main body, and provide additional recommendations about the topic. To make your work more enticing to the reader, you should carefully craft your conclusion. The conclusion of your nursing essay should summarize the outcomes and the discoveries and reflect on their importance in the field of nursing.

The ideas stated in the closing section should be related to the thesis statement’s perspective. The conclusion is also your last chance to persuade the reader that your essay is strong, trustworthy, and valid. Suppose your instructor lacks enough time to read the whole essay and decides to skim through the conclusion. They should get a whole idea of your essay.

Because the conclusion is entirely reliant on the logic offered in the essay’s main body, you are not permitted to introduce new concepts or express new opinions. You must concentrate on the essay’s main points and formulate the overall meaning of your research.

  1. Editing and proofreading

After completing the writing portion, go over your work for several types of frequent mistakes. Proofreading is a vibrant portion of a nursing essay writing process because faults in grammar, punctuation, and spelling can have a big impact on the clarity of your essay. In your nursing essay, you cannot use the first person “I” or “We” because it will make your work too informal and personal.

Include all types of statistics, claims, and thoughts. To avoid plagiarism difficulties, cite any information that isn’t common knowledge. Take your time and go over your essay as carefully as you can. Take note of any figures, tables, or graphs that could be used in the nursing essay.

Examine whether your writing is legible and engaging to the eye of the reader. Scrutinize your work for consistency and evaluate the efficiency of your analysis. Make sure all statements in your nursing essay are relevant and to the point.

Nursing essay topics

The nursing field is complex and wide. As a result, there are many topics you can choose for your nursing essay. The primary goal is to develop an original and competitive topic that attracts the reader’s attention and motivates them to read the entire essay. To select a good topic, follow these rules

  1. Be open-minded

Do not focus only on a specific nursing area because there are many undisclosed, interesting diseases, reforms, and issues. Be willing to different ideas to develop an appropriate topic for your nursing essay.

If you decide to write about nursing roles in clinical practices, or the influence of anxiety on nurses, do not be in a hurry to write. You can still consider other topics to derive your topic according to informative, interesting, and more valuable areas such as adolescent pregnancy and risks in medicine.

  1. Avoid personal criticism

It might be tempting, but do not allow your judgments and feelings to affect your choice of nursing essay topics. Ensure you are objective to select a topic with several aspects you can reveal.

Don’t limit yourself to the finest examples if you’re writing about benchmarking data for nursing productivity. Instead, you should be objective and try to uncover all possible effects of benchmarking data on nursing performance.

  1. Cultural competence

When choosing nursing essay topics, be careful about the community and society. Do not select a topic that can hurt your professor or fellow students from different cultural backgrounds.

If you want to write about issues related to legal health like AIDS, you can decide to discuss the overwhelming effects of the incidence rates of AIDS. Choose another topic or frame the topic concerning the nursing code ethics rules.

Top nursing essay topics

  1. What is the role of nurses in the community?
  2. Discuss the nursing ethics
  3. Are there any challenges related to nursing?
  4. Talk about nursing ethics
  5. Are there more female nurses than male nurses?
  6. Describe the need for good nursing leadership
  7. Describe the steps to healing a severe wound
  8. Steps that nurses should take while dealing with hyperactive patients and related people
  9. Differences between challenges faced by doctors and those faced by nurses in terms of values and respect
  10. Is it possible to heal severe wounds without using any instruments?
  11. How to take care of patients in areas where there is no medical infrastructure
  12. Challenges related to medical infrastructure
  13. Ways of performing home nursing
  14. How can you improve your mental health?
  15. What are some of the dangers of dieting?
  16. Does technology play any role in nursing?

Nursing essay topic for moderate level students

  1. Talk about holistic nursing
  2. Can nurses be allowed to prescribe antibiotics or medication?
  3. What are the risks that are related to nurses prescribing medicine?
  4. Are there any problems related to payments in nursing jobs?
  5. How to deal with rude patients in the workplace
  6. Can civilians help nurses in treating patients?
  7. Causes of infant mortality
  8. The procedure of creating a resume for a nursing application job
  9. Impact of mental damage on nurses
  10. Explain the basic theories applied in nursing
  11. Talk about the nursing sector in India
  12. Does nursing require any soft skills?
  13. What to consider while choosing nursing as a profession
  14. How is nursing taught in schools?
  15. How can nurses manage depression?
  16. How can nurses deal with patients with partial dementia?
  17. Should euthanasia be legalized?
  18. How to make patients comfortable in neonatal units
  19. Is midwifery underestimated in society?
  20. How can health actioners balance between earning profits and treating the patients?

Essay topics for advanced nursing levels

  1. Explain reproductive endocrinology to your students
  2. Describe the symptoms of acute coronary syndrome
  3. How do you persuade people to donate their organs?
  4. Measures to improve the efficiency of nurses as doctor’s helpers
  5. The importance of psychological training in ensuring effective medical practice
  6. Has Covid-19 impacted the number of people considering nursing as a career?
  7. Pre- and post-delivery precautions should be performed
  8. What can nurses do to help Alzheimer’s disease patients?
  9. What precautions should be taken after a baby is born?
  10. Discuss the ethics of pediatrics
  11. Describe the origins of anxiety disorders
  12. Menarche and menopause have their own set of obstacles and symptoms
  13. Managing the weight gain that comes with pregnancy
  14. Covid-19 epidemic and chronic illnesses
  15. Write about obesity and weight-loss regimens
  16. Pros and cons of therapeutic injections
  17. Give your thoughts on how Henderson’s ideas can be applied to nursing
  18. A study of joint diseases in the elderly
  19. How can I avoid being admitted to the hospital with Covid-19?
  20. What are the ethics of geriatrics?

Nursing argumentative essay topics

  1. Should there be a greater emphasis on in-home nursing?
  2. Is it really necessary for a nurse to work on her emotions?
  3. How is racial discrimination in nursing a problem?
  4. Is nursing mostly a female-dominated field?
  5. What effect does the increased number of working hours have on nurses’ productivity?
  6. The pay differential between day and night shift nurses is significant
  7. Is it true that nurses are more susceptible to health dangers than doctors?
  8. When compared to the role of a doctor, how significant is the position of a nurse?
  9. Is it true that nurses are more compassionate than doctors?
  10. What is an appropriate number of nurses at a hospital?

Controversial nursing essay topics

  1. How can pharmaceutical companies strike a compromise between their ambition to make a profit and the requirements of their patients?
  2. What role do midwives play in assisting patients and doctors? Is the role of the midwife undervalued?
  3. Can saving be a critical aspect in dealing with life-or-death situations?
  4. What role does the family have in caring for members who are on pain medication?
  5. What are the most effective treatments for dementia patients in the early stages?
  6. Should nurses or doctors have the authority to decide when a patient’s life should be ended?
  7. Nursing practice and patient care delivery models are changing
  8. Is it worthwhile to make euthanasia legal?
  9. What steps should be taken to make parents’ visits to neonatal units more pleasant?
  10. What should be done to make trauma units more efficient and cost-effective?
  11. What can be done to keep nurses from being exhausted at the hospital?
  12. What role may general practitioners have in assisting nurses?
  13. Is it worth it to enable nurses to provide antibiotics to patients without a doctor’s permission? What are the benefits of making such a decision?
  14. How can nurses persuade the family to give the organs of a recently deceased family member?
  15. How might post-operative manipulations aid patients’ recovery?
  16. Is it important to tell patients the truth about their fatal diagnosis?

Simple nursing research topics

  1. My perspective on nursing
  2. Ideology in nursing
  3. Nursing is a profession with a variety of options
  4. Nursing interventions aimed at reducing the number of patients
  5. Nursing and the internet
  6. Nursing care and social and psychological concepts
  7. The nursing paradigm is Jacqueline Fawcett
  8. Why are only women allowed to nurse?
  9. Nursing concepts are weighed
  10. Assisting students in the fields of health care and nursing
  11. Nursing and religious issues
  12. Faye Glenn Abdallah’s contribution to nursing (an American pioneer in nursing research).
  13. Saudi Arabia’s nurse satisfaction rate.
  14. A shortage of nurses exists
  15. Nursing and information science
  16. A look at what it takes to be a nurse
  17. In a nursing home, I gained experience
  18. Mistakes made by nurses
  19. Issues with nursing literature
  20. Abandoning patients is an ethical concern in nursing
  21. Nursing care for the elderly with dementia
  22. Concerning nursing, I have certain intentions

More nursing essay topics

  1. Patient evaluation is the topic of this nursing paper
  2. Creating a nursing admissions essay
  3. Model of nursing care delivery that is innovative
  4. Writing a critical nursing essay
  5. Writing an essay about nursing philosophy
  6. How should students select appropriate courses to pursue a rewarding nursing career?
  7. Creating an essay emphasizing contemporary issues in the field of nursing
  8. Tips on writing a good nursing research paper?
  9. I’m working on a case study about ethical issues in nursing
  10. Nursing practice and culture

How to write a reflective essay in nursing

A reflective essay is a kind of writing that expresses your feeling, thoughts, and experience about an event or object. Nursing students will get these assignments as they face different incidences with medical personnel and patients.

A reflective essay is a perfect exercise to assist nursing students in understanding practical situations and studies through real-life experiences from a hospital placement program. To become a qualified nurse, you are a basic requirement.

At the time of practice, you are likely to face challenging moments and make many mistakes. A reflective essay will help you identify the kind of problem and show your doubts and professional concerns as you find a suitable solution. To develop a compelling nursing reflective essay, include the following:

  • Description

Describe using the right terms the situation that has happened at the workplace. You can use pseudonyms if there is any need. Emphasize describing all the details that matter to the incidence.

  • Feelings

Share any personal feelings you have experienced. Include enough information for the readers to understand the situation correctly.

  • Evaluation

Evaluation skills are significant when writing a reflective essay in nursing. Evaluate the incident as you sum up the major points you have noted throughout the incident.

  • Analysis

Look for information in nursing codes or medical or any literature that relates well to the incident at hand.

  • Conclusion

Ensure you sum us all that you have experienced. Include the lessons you may have learned from the incident. If there are any negative effects, list them and show how they can be eliminated.

  • Indicate an action plan

After the whole experience, there must be areas that you need to improve on. Think about it to avoid repeating the mistakes in the future.

When writing a reflective essay for nursing, use first-person language. The format is the same as that of other essays, i.e., Introduction, body, and conclusion. You must not follow all the academic requirements in the essay as your instructor or professor will be looking for identified growth and personal experiences in your essay.

To sum up

Nursing essays are not different from other essays. If you find writing a nursing essay a difficult task, you now know it is not. This article has provided a full guide on writing a compelling nursing essay.

When writing a nursing essay, follow all the instructions provided by your instructor. Choose an interesting and eye-grabbing topic. Also, follow the basic five-paragraph structure and ensure you place every piece of information in the correct section.

If you still need help selecting a good nursing essay topic or writing a top-notch nursing essay, worry not. We provide nursing essay writing services to students of all academic levels. Order your nursing essay with us now and improve your grades.

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