NURS 6565 Assignment 1: Professional Goals
NURS 6565 Assignment 1: Professional Goals
Developing professional goals is critical to guiding your career and transitioning to become a practicing NP. The goals that you develop should be SMART. SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-specific (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Human Resources, n.d.). Keeping your goals SMART will increase your chances of meeting or exceeding your professional career goals.
For this Assignment, you will identify three short-term and three long-term goals. You also will explain how each goal relates to your professional career development and how you might achieve each of these goals.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Human Resources (n.d.). SMART goals. Retrieved from
To prepare:
• Review the SMART Goals Learning Resources
• Consider professional goals that you might select to help focus on your transition from RN to NP practice.
By Day 7
For this Assignment, write a paper that is no more than 2 pages long that addresses the following:
• Identify at least three short-term goals (1-2 years)
• Identify at least three long-term goals (3-5 years)
• Explain why you selected each goal and how they relate to your professional career development
• Create a strategic plan that explains how you might achieve each of these goals
Assignment 2: Practicum Assignment 1: Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills
A self-assessment is an opportunity for you to review what you have learned in the program, evaluate your clinical skills, and develop goals before exiting the NP program. For this assignment, you will complete the Risk Control Self-Assessment Checklist for Nurse Practitioners and identify your areas of strength and weakness. You also will explain how you plan to improve on these weaknesses, as well as how you plan to master clinical skills you have not obtained prior to exiting NP program.
To prepare:
• Complete the Risk Control Self-Assessment Checklist for Nurse Practitioners
• Review preceptor and faculty evaluations in Meditrek for all completed clinical courses
• Consider your strengths and weaknesses
• Review types of patients treated and clinical procedures performed
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
• Identify at least three strengths
• Explain why you consider these strengths and what you can do to maintain them in your practice
• Identify at least three weaknesses
• Explain how you plan to address each weakness
• Examine at least three clinical skills you need to obtain prior to exiting the program
• Explain how you plan to master the clinical skills before exiting NP program
• Analyze the history of advanced practice nurses and the emerging role of your specialty area, and discuss what contributions you plan to make to advance the nursing profession
Assignment 3: Practicum Journal
“A vital part of the reflective process is to plan for changes in your behavior.”
— Somerville & Keeling, 2004.
Being a reflective practitioner enables NPs to identify weaknesses and target professional development in order to address these weaknesses. In turn, this increases the NPs’ ability to provide the best care to patients and their families. Reflection also affords the NP time to consider communication and their efforts toward creating a culture of mutual support with colleagues, a characteristic that is essential to successful NP practice (Somerville & Keeling, 2004).
Each week you will complete a Journal Entry and Time Log that prompts you to reflect on your Practicum Experiences and how they relate to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills. This week you will begin documenting your Practicum Experiences in your Practicum Journal.
Somerville, D., Keeling, J. (2004). A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing. Nursing Times, 100(12), 42–45. Retrieved from
To prepare
For this course’s Practicum Experience, address the following in your Practicum Journal:
• From your perspective, explain the role of nurse practitioners in clinical settings
• Develop goals and objectives for the Practicum Experience in this course
• Create a proposed timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.
• The Practicum Journal and Time Log Assignment for Weeks 1 – 4 are due by Day 7 of Week 4.
NURS 6565 Assignment 1: Professional Goals
Week 2: Consequences of Ethical Issues in Advanced Nursing Practice
Assignment 1: Analyzing an Ethical Decision
In your role, as an advanced practice nurse, you will encounter several situations that will require your ability to make sound judgments and practice decisions for the safety and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. There may not be a clear cut answer of how to address the issue, but your ethical decision making must be based on evidenced based practice, and what is good, right, and beneficial for patients. You will encounter patients who do not hold your values, but you must remain professional and unbiased in the care you provide to all patients regardless of their sociodemographic and ethnic/racial background. You must be prepared to critically analyze ethical situations, and develop an appropriate plan of action. For this Assignment, you will review the literature and discover the various ethical dilemmas advanced practice nurses encounter and how these issues are typically addressed in your state.
To prepare:
• Review literature for moral/ethical issues encountered by advanced practice nurses in clinical practice.
• Select an article that was published within the last five years.
By Day 7
Write a two page paper that answers the following questions:
• Summarize the moral/ethical issue in the article (no more than 1 paragraph)
• Describe the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the issue
• Analyze the ethical issue and compare them to the State Health Laws and Regulations in your state
• Outline the process of ethical decision making you would use to address
Assignment 2: Practicum Journal
Each week you will complete a Practicum Journal entry and Time Log that prompts you to reflect on and document your Practicum Experiences.
Practicum Journal
Continue documenting your Practicum Experiences in your Practicum Journal. Reflect on your practicum experiences and relate them to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills that you identified in Week 1.