NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies
Discussion – Week 1
My ambition to be employed in the medical field started at a young age. The initiation for caring for others started at the age of ten when my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I lived in a very rural area in Pennsylvania where public transportation was non-existent and she needed help after her radical mastectomy.  NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies. Both of my parents worked, so I was taught how to care for her. I was taught how to work with her drains and change her surgical dressings. In addition to this care, I assisted her with bathing and dressing.  I set up small meals and reheated food my mother would make for her.  She recovered and is a survivor.  This experience, even though simply understood by myself at this stage in life, opened my eyes and opened the door to the start of a long career in nursing.  In addition to caring for her, when I was sixteen, I assisted residents at the local nursing home.  This experience drew me closer for the love of caring for the older adult population. Once I graduated high school, I joined the Navy and explored the field of nursing as a Corpsman.  The Navy provided me with initial experience and provided the financial means for my ability to obtain a degree in nursing. Last, my most current experience in nursing, experience in home health, I have seen many of my clients’ inability to obtain primary care for vast reasons causing repeated re-hospitalizations further creating my ambition to continue my education in nursing. With this brief description of my adventures in nursing, I developed a mission and vision and set an end goal of becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. My vision and mission I have set for my ability to achieve this interconnect with Walden University’s vision and mission in a couple ways. NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

First, a mission and a vision compose two clearly different tasks.  A mission statement by meaning is an institute’s underlying objective, emphasis, and goal (Law, 2019). Defining this further, it is the institution’s intentions and how they assist for others to successfully achieve the objectives (Law, 2019).   The defining task of the vision of an institution is the desires and its ability to empower followers in achieving the same goal (Law, 2019).  Walden University’s mission is as follows:  “The mission of the Walden University Center for Social Change is to be a connectivehub that promotesfacilitates, and supports collaborative partnershipsaction research, and projects that lead to purposeful action for sustainable positive social change,” (Walden University, 2019).  Secondly, the vision of Walden University is: “Walden University envisions a distinctively different 21st-century learning community where knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges, thereby advancing the greater global good,” ( Walden University, 2019).   On the other hand, is my personal vision and mission for achieving my Nurse Practitioner degree from Walden University.  My vision is obtaining my degree to enable my ability to provide comprehensive primary care to clients who have the inability to obtain this care through traditional means.  I will provide primary care in the homes of clients who are unable to leave their home’s routinely and ultimately decrease their complications related to long term diseases decreasing hospitalizations and promoting a better quality of life. Walden’s mission and vision through academics will assist in my ability to reach my goal and promote improved societal challenges in health care.

Second, mission and vision generate a plan of enhancement.  A principle of a good academic plan is how students are able to succeed in their own vision and mission by enhancing students’ knowledge through the courses the institution has provided for them to achieve their academic goal leading to achieving their career goals (Su-Ting, Frohna, Bostwick).  This then promotes Walden’s student success and promotes Walden’s vision and mission it has for its students. Similarly, according to Su-Ting (2017), a crucial segment in a person’s professional growth in furthering knowledge in the medical career is mirroring personal aspirations and success in achieving these ambitions. In addition, individuals should write their mission and vision statements to assist in their ability to stay on track in achieving their goals and assist in remaining focused in their pursuit of their academic goal.

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In conclusion, personal visions and missions must interconnect with the institution’s missions and visions to assist in success of both the institution’s program and an individual’s ability to succeed in achieving their goal.  If a person’s mission and vision are not in line with the program they attend, can lower their chances in their own success.


Law, Thomas (2019, November 10). Oberlo15 Seriously Inspiring Mission and Vision Statement            Examples. Oberlo retrieved from:            statement-examples

Su-Ting, T., MD, MPH., Frohna, J., MD, MPH, Bostwick, S., MD, MBA. (2017). Using your      personal mission statement to inspire and achieve success. Academic Pediatrics 17(107),         107-109.

Retrieved from;

Walden University, 2020, Vision, mission, and goals. In 2019-2020 Walden University             catalog.

response 1

According to the Maryland Board of nursing a Nurse Practitioner   must work with another physician or Nurse Practitioner for eighteen months.  After this preliminary period is completed, the Nurse Practitioner can fully practice unsupervised.  In addition, Nurse Practitioners can prescribe medications to include Scheduled II-V controlled substances.  More-over, Nurse Practitioners in the state of Maryland are acknowledged as primary care providers.

In addition to the state allowing more individualized practice, Medicare and Medicaid services allow Nurse Practitioners to be the signing provider.  Second, this organization accepts face to face encounter to be signed by Nurse Practitioners who are PECOS certified or enrolled.  This is an exciting time for these providers in this state.  Furthermore, by enabling the practitioners the ability to practice in this fashion will lesson the Gap of inaccessible primary health care  for the most  vulnerable population.



Maryland Scope of Practice Policy: State Profile. (2020). Retrieved from:



response 2

My name is Danielle, it is nice to meet you virtually. Your post was very moving. From a young age, you took on a great responsibility when you nursed your grandmother back to health; that was very honorable. I would also like to thank you for your service in the Navy.  I agree with you when you say that students must have their own personal vision, mission, and goals. For me, my goal is to become an acute care nurse practitioner, I thrive in face-paced areas. I also like the challenge of higher acuity patients. Another point that I agree with is that both the university’s and student’s goals should be similar, in order to be successful.

Professional networking is needed in order to have effective social change. Positive social change happens when scholar practitioners come together and improve social and human conditions (Walden, 2020).  Melinda, you have already taken steps to implement social change. You have recognized a need for healthcare to reach underserved areas to prevent re-hospitalization, and you have enrolled in a school that you identify with so that you can complete your personal goal. A mentor and professional networking would be hugely beneficial as well. By networking, you will be able to provide resources for your patients and yourself (Schmidt, n.d). Mentors are great for gaining knowledge about your goals, encouragement, and emotional support (Walden, 2019).

Melinda, when you become an FNP do you plan on practicing in underserved areas, since you have witnessed patients who have difficulties in obtaining healthcare? If so, how will you get more resources to these patients as well? Have you made any networking relationships? If so, do you think they will be beneficial to your academic career? NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies



Schmidt, K. (n.d). 5 reasons nurses should engage in professional networking. Bluepipes.



Walden University. (2019, September 27). 5 Benefits of Mentorship in Nursing | Walden University. Waldenu.Edu; Walden University.

Walden University. (2020b). Social Change. 2019-2020 University Catalog.


NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies sample 2

Discussion – Week 1- Main Post
My Goals VS Walden University’s Mission, Vision, and Goals

My name is xxx; I am originally from Long Island, New York. I have been in the healthcare field for 12 years. My love for nursing began when I was a child; I would always listen to my mom talk about her various shifts as an ICU nurse. Her stories always sounded intriguing to me. When my father and I would pick her up from work, sometimes I would go into the hospital to meet her. Each time I went inside, I would always get a feeling that I was meant to be there.  My first job in the healthcare field was as a CNA, in a nursing home and then in a hospital. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University, I worked as a psychiatric tech in a hospital, which was a very interesting experience. After this, I went to nursing school at Jefferson College of Health Sciences and continued to work as a CNA on an oncology/palliative unit. I have been an RN for five years; I currently work on a surgical oncology unit in DC. One of the most satisfying aspects about nursing are the vast amount of choices that this career offers (Schmidt, n.d.) NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies.

Nursing provides many avenues for career advancement. After being a nurse for five years, I decided to expand my knowledge base and take the next step in gaining my master’s degree.  Choosing a school was not as difficult as I initially expected. I knew I wanted to find an online program due to my schedule. A few of my co-workers gave me positive reviews about Walden University; after doing some research, I decided to apply.

I chose Walden University because they allow learning flexibility and are supportive of their students.  Walden provides a clear vision, mission, and goal statement that I agree with as well. Walden’s vision and mission statement emphasizes any knowledge learned while attending the university should be used to enact change in a positive way (Walden University, 2020b). With the knowledge gained from Walden University, I will be able to confidently advocate for my patient and help to manage their symptoms. As a nurse, you always want the best for your patient, especially when they are being discharged home. For example, I make sure patients are comfortable and can take care of themselves (Gerber, 2018). To ensure this happens, I work with the discharge planner and review their discharge instructions with them and their family. I also allow them to ask questions/ voice concerns. NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

Walden has five main goals, one of their goals states, “…education that fosters research, discovery, and critical thinking…results in professional excellence”(Walden University, 2020b).  I aspire to be a nursing professional that exudes excellence throughout my practice by applying my knowledge that I have gained through research and discovery. Research, discovery, and critical thinking must take place daily in order to be well informed (Walden University, 2020b). Nursing, and nursing practice are continuously changing (Schmidt, n.d.). A prime example of nursing care practices changing would be the response to COVID-19. When COVID-19 first started, there were a lot of unknowns, now with more information and research; nursing, social, and health practices as a whole have changed. Now you cannot enter any public place without a face covering, and most health care providers have virtual appointments. NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies


Social Change and MSN Program Outcomes

Social change is an integral part of shaping a positive society. In order to achieve social change, several components must exist. According to Walden University, social change happens when ideas are created and applied to promote the worth and development of individuals, communities, and organizations (Walden University, 2020a).  I plan to always keep this idea and use it as a driving force in my practice. According to Kyle Schmidt, (n.d) article titled “Five Reasons Nurses Should Engage in Professional Networking” he states that nurses are involved in every aspect of the health care system. With this knowledge and insight, nurses can make an impactful change that leads to more positive patient outcomes (Schmidt, n.d.). Positive patient outcomes lead to a healthier community and in turn a healthier population. This brings me to one of the goals for the Master of Nursing program, which states “evaluate health needs of diverse populations for necessary teaching/coaching functions based on specialist nursing knowledge to restore/promote health and prevent illness/injury” (Walden University, 2020b).  When I begin to practice as a nurse practitioner, I want to always encourage and exude positive change. I want to help my patients become more informed about their health, by providing them with factual information. NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies I want my coworkers to continue to advocate for their patients, and for my community to be informed of all resources that are available to them.


Gerber, L. (2018). Understanding the nurse’s role as a patient advocate. Nursing202048(4), 55–58.

Schmidt, K. (n.d.). 5 reasons nurses should engage in professional networking. Bluepipes.


Walden University. (2020a). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).2019-2020 University Catalog.

Walden University. (2020b). Vision, Mission, and Goals. 2019-2020 University Catalog.


sample 3

Discussion – Week 1


            The journey of lifelong learning is one that I have enjoyed. Through this experience, my nursing skills have, and continue to, become more and more polished. The beginning was only six short years ago, when I decided that slinging drinks was not a good retirement plan. That was the main motivation. I needed a career. One that was sustainable and that would be a little more family friendly. I had a background in Biology, I like to be on my feet, and I like interacting with people. Nursing just fit. NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies.

Three years later, I walked onto an Acute unit to care for patients. I loved every minute of it and the pedal has been down ever since. In the three years since that day, I have moved to a Step-down unit, become critical care certified, obtained my BSN, and made strong moves to obtain a position in the ICU. Although that position has yet to officially become available, the current pandemic has allowed me to work in the ICU setting non the less and I’ve learned a great deal from my future peers. 

In doing so I’ve also had the opportunity to network in order to improve the likely hood that I will obtain this position when the opportunity arises. This is important because “[p]rofessional networking is imperative to nursing career advancement” (5 reasons nurses should engage in professional networking, n.d.).

That brings me to my current situation, finding myself back in school once again. Being a higher level of nurse has always been the goal. Nursing allows me to use my skills on a daily basis, to interact and form relationships with those that I set out to help, and there is always a feast of knowledge available for those that are hungry. I’ve yet to be an RN for one single day that I didn’t learn something new and I hope that day never comes NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies. 


            Success is something that is hard to measure. This is true in part because one person’s definition of success may vary greatly from someone else’s. Some may base their measurement of success on monetary items while other may view success as something less tangible. I believe that success is measured in happiness. In obtaining happiness, one has succeeded in life. According to Weimann et al (2015) “it would never be feasible to compare the happiness of two different people. NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies This [is] clear because happiness is quintessentially something personal, subjective, and private that simply doesn’t lend itself to being measured by a standard” Whether that happiness is obtained from having a nice car, achieving scholarly excellence, or having a family depends entirely on the individual. 


As an example, a person may earn his or her doctorate in Biology and obtain great debt in doing so. After graduating with their degree, this person may decide to become a park ranger in the Sonoran Desert. They may live mostly in solitaire, helping to preserve the wildlife while aiding the occasional traveler to find shelter or water. This person, who has achieved academic excellence, may live in debt for the rest of their lives and never experience the joy of falling in love or having a family. They are in fact successful, however, if they have achieved their goals and if these goals have brought them happiness.

NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies. For me personally, success means that I have a beautiful family, which I do, and that I am happy with the career that I have chosen, which I am. Monetary items do play a role of course, but their value to me is less than the value that others may place on them. Success also means that I will continue to work towards and achieve my goals. At present, those goals include expanding my scope of practice in nursing so that I may play a more direct role in helping other. It also means that I will continue on this lifelong path of learning, that will not and cannot end for any of us that aspire to be health care professionals. 

Relating Walden University to My Professional and Academic Goals

            Walden Universities vision and mission focus heavily on educating those that may bring about “positive social change” (Walden University, 2020). The goals it has set to achieve this vision include providing all the necessary education tools to its students in order to “produce graduates who are scholarly, reflective practitioners and agents of positive social change” (Walden University, 2020). Their vision, mission, and goals relate directly to my professional and academic goals. NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies. 

 Through continued education, I aspire to advance my career in nursing. In doing so, I hope to affect society in a positive manner by minimizing health disparities and by providing much needed help to those that may otherwise go unnoticed. This, I believe, is the “positive social change” that is long overdue in our current society, and I believe that Nurse Practitioners are the people who will bring about this change. In order to do so in an effective manner, we must be educated in a way that “fosters research, discovery, and critical thinking and that results in professional excellence” (Walden University, 2020).



5 reasons nurses should engage in professional networking. (n.d.). BluePipes Blog.

Walden University. (2020). Vision, mission, and goals. Walden University – Acalog ACMS™.   NURS 6003 Week 1 Discussion: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies



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