NUR 665E: Learning Needs Assessment Essay
NUR 665E: Learning Needs Assessment Essay
NUR 665E: Learning Needs Assessment Essay
Learning Needs Assessment sample paper
Nurses should be adequately skilled to provide optimal patient care. As a result, nursing education programs are organized to make nurses more competent and prepared to deliver excellence in patient care. To achieve the desired outcomes, nurse educators should ensure that education sessions are student-centered. A learning needs assessment helps educators to determine the gap between the current and desired skills (Al-Ismail et al., 2023). Consequently, they can develop lessons to optimize learning. The purpose of this paper is to develop a needs assessment for the topic and a data collection plan.
Needs Assessment Questions
i. How can you define critical thinking and judgment in nursing?
ii. Do you think critical thinking and judgment are crucial in patient care?
iii. Is there any relationship between critical thinking, judgment, and patient care?
iv. Does critical thinking and judgment help nurses to implement evidence-based practice?
v. Do you have adequate critical thinking and judgment skills?
vi. What would outcomes be if nurses don’t apply critical thinking and judgment in direct care?
vii. Should critical thinking and judgment education sessions be conducted regularly?
viii. Which area is most impacted when nurses apply critical thinking and judgment in direct care?
• Patient evaluation
• Treatment plan development
• Patient-provider relationship
• Others (specify)………………………
ix. Do nurses become better problem-solvers if they apply critical thinking and judgment in direct care?
x. Should all nurses apply critical thinking and judgment in patient care?
Data Collection Techniques
The effectiveness of a lesson plan depends on how educators address learners’ needs. Therefore, it is crucial to adequately assess the learners in terms of awareness, understanding, preparation, and attitudes, among other critical factors. Questioning and observations will be used interchangeably in the proposed topic to determine students’ learning needs. Combining these strategies is crucial for a holistic view of the skills gap. On questioning, open-ended questions will be used to evaluate students’ interest and curiosity in the topic. Since these questions cannot be answered using a simple yes or no response, they allow students to share more information about a topic of interest (Hayden, 2021). A suitable example of such questions is asking learners to describe how they understand critical thinking and judgment in direct care. Another example is asking students to explain the importance of these concepts in patient care and evidence-based practice.
Close-ended questions will also be applied to administer the learning needs assessment. Such questions allow students to pick an answer from a set of predetermined responses (Hayden, 2021). For instance, yes/no questions are close-ended since there is no other response. A suitable example of such questions is asking the learners whether they think critical thinking and judgment are valuable in patient care. Observations are another reliable data collection strategy. Here, educators observe learners’ interest in learning in terms of curiosity, preparedness with learning materials, and keenness. Concentration during the beginning of the lesson shows determination to learn.
How to Use Learning Needs Assessment Data
A lesson plan contains various parts such as topic, objectives, time, and learning activities. Instructors use a lesson plan to guide and manage learning (Yonkaitis, 2020). The best way to use the data from the learning needs assessment is to determine the scope of learning. Here, the instructor determines the depth of learning according to the three critical domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The data could also be used to determine the most appropriate learning activities to allow learners to understand the topic. It could be further used to determine the evaluation strategies to assess whether knowledge was delivered as expected. Overall, data-based instruction will ensure that learning is optimal and student-centered.
Learning involves delivering knowledge to students. It should be student-centered and enjoyable as much as possible. A learning needs assessment is crucial for evaluating skills gaps before the lesson begins. It enables educators to develop a lesson whose goals and learning activities address students’ specific needs. Such an approach will be needed to teach nurses the importance of critical thinking and judgment in direct care.
Al-Ismail, M. S., Naseralallah, L. M., Hussain, T. A., Stewart, D., Alkhiyami, D., Abu Rasheed, H. M., … & Nazar, Z. (2023). Learning needs assessments in continuing professional development: a scoping review. Medical Teacher, 45(2), 203-211.
Hayden, J. (2021). Introduction to public health program planning. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Yonkaitis, C. F. (2020). Lesson plan basics: Teaching in the classroom with confidence. NASN School Nurse (Print), 35(3), 136–139.
The effective nurse educator is able to use student learning needs to create specific and measurable learning outcomes for a lesson or curriculum.
The purpose of this assignment is to create a learning needs assessment in order to determine learning outcomes for the topic identified in the learner’s practicum setting.
Part 1
Develop a short needs assessment of 10-20 open-ended or closed-ended questions for a learning needs assessment related to your education focus to administer to your practicum audience. Administer this learning needs assessment in your practicum setting. assignment.
Part 2
To accompany your assessment, write a 350-500-word data collection plan with the following information:
Explanation of data collection techniques (such as the format and how you will administer the learning needs assessment to your students).
Description of how you will use the data collected from this learning needs assessment when developing the lesson plan.
General Requirements
Cite one or two peer reviewed/scholarly resources in your paper.