NUR 3126 Week 1 Discussions latest
NUR 3126 Week 1 Discussions latest
DQ1 A 26-year-old female who has a history of obesity wants to begin an exercise program and is seeking information about how to improve her general health.
a. How would you approach the concept of the physiology metabolism as an energy source?
b. What is the best way to explain the body’s physiologic energy needs as it relates to exercise
The Course Objective the guides your learning outcome is Course Objective 1 (CO1): Define cell/tissue function and general mechanisms of disease.
DQ2 A 12-year-old adolescent boy has hemophilia A. His father and mother have requested a meeting, as they really do not understand how their son could have this disorder as neither one of them have the disease.
a. What concepts of gene disorders should be discussed?
b. What teaching would be necessary for the long term and short term?
The Course Objective the guides your learning outcome is CO 2: Differentiate pathophysiology of genetic disorders.
about how to improve her general health.
a. How would you approach the concept of the physiology metabolism as an energy source?
b. What is the best way to explain the body’s physiologic energy needs as it relates to exercise
The Course Objective the guides your learning outcome is Course Objective 1 (CO1): Define cell/tissue function and general mechanisms of disease.
DQ2 A 12-year-old adolescent boy has hemophilia A. His father and mother have requested a meeting, as they really do not understand how their son could have this disorder as neither one of them have the disease.
a. What concepts of gene disorders should be discussed?
b. What teaching would be necessary for the long term and short term?
The Course Objective the guides your learning outcome is CO 2: Differentiate pathophysiology of genetic disorders.