NR506NP-11157 Week 4: Kaltura Health Policy Analysis Paper
NR506NP-11157 Week 4: Kaltura Health Policy Analysis Paper
NR506NP-11157 Week 4: Kaltura Health Policy Analysis Paper
Immersive Reader
Week 4: Kaltura Health Policy Analysis
Start Assignment
Submitting a text entry box, a media recording, or a file upload
Week 4Kaltura Health Policy Analysis
This assignment will focus on developing a health policy analysis presentation that includes a problem statement, background, landscape, options, and recommendations from the week’s readings. The health policy analysis presentation is based on an identified healthcare issue in one’s local community.
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
Employ strategies to impact the development, implementation, and consequences of holistic healthcare policies using evidence-based practice principles (CO1)
Critically analyze how healthcare systems and APRN practice are organized and influenced by ethical, legal, economic, and political factors (CO2)
Analyze social, historical, ethical and political contexts of healthcare policies and advanced practice leadership (CO4)
Advocate for institutional, local, national and international policies that fosters person-centered healthcare and nursing practice (CO5)
Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.
Total Points Possible
This assignment is worth 200 points.
Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. You will then use the PowerPoint during your Kaltura recording. Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem:
Problem Statement
Next, record your Kaltura presentation showing your PowerPoint and yourself speaking. Upload your Kaltura presentation into the week 4 assignment. How to use Kaltura resources are in Home/Resources/Technology Resources.
Posting your recording:
Go to the week four assignment tab and hit Submit Assignment
Use the Text Entry Tab. You will have the option of selecting the Kaltura icon.
It will take you to your My Media Gallery and upload it from there.
Category Points % Description
Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem.
Problem Statement
150 75%
Research healthcare issues that are present in one’s local community.
Develop a ppt. offline that addresses the topics according to the criterion listed.
150 75%
Total CONTENT Points= 150 pts
Kaltura recording
50 25%
Uses Kaltura to record the presentation.
50 25%
Total FORMAT Points = 50 pts
200 100%
ASSIGNMENT TOTAL = [150] + [50] points
NR506NP_WK 4 Health Policy Analysis_SEPT19
NR506NP_WK 4 Health Policy Analysis_SEPT19
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHealth Problem Presentation
Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem.
• Problem Statement
• Background
• Landscape
• Options
• Recommendations
150 pts
The recorded presentation includes the following required components: • Problem Statement • Background • Landscape • Options • Recommendations • More than one evidence-based strategy is discussed regarding health policy analysis. Accurately and specifically addresses each component.
135 pts
V. Good
The recorded presentation is missing one required component and some topics are addressed in a general manner without specific examples.
125 pts
The recorded presentation is missing two required components and has limited perspective, insights and/or applicability to topic.
75 pts
Needs Improvement
The recorded presentation is missing three or more required components and has limited perspectives, insights and/or applicability to the topic.
0 pts
No presentation is posted
150 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKaltura Recording
50 pts
Required Components 1.The recorded presentation has clear audio/video. 2.Student professionally dressed. 3.The content flows in a logical, smooth manner. 4.Verbal pauses are limited or absent. 5.Transitions are used between topics. 6.Slides are clear and easy to read. 7.Student makes good eye contact and speaks in a clear cadence and speed. 8.Speaker notes are not included on the slide presentation but are used as a guide as students present.
45 pts
V. Good
The recorded presentation is lacking two components.
41 pts
The recorded presentation is lacking three to four components.
25 pts
Needs Improvement
The presentation presents findings are unclear to follow and are not relevant to topics and concepts and are difficult to follow. Missing greater that five components.
0 pts
No presentation is posted
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate penalty deductions
Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment.
0 pts
Manual Deductions
0 pts
Manual Deductions
0 pts
Total Points: 200