Course Syllabus
Credit Hours: 5
Prerequisites: MN 566; course may also be taken as a corequisite

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This course will focus on primary health care specific to female clients. Focus will be on
reproductive health maintenance, pregnancy prevention and management, care of the
menopausal woman, and the assessment, diagnosis, and management of conditions specific to
the female. Contemporary trends and issues that impact women’s health status will be
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
MN576-1: Demonstrate a consistent approach to the evaluation and management of
illnesses and conditions for female patients presenting in the primary care
MN576-2: Interpret diagnostic testing based on the history and physical assessment form
female patients presenting with acute, episodic, and chronic illness in the primary
care setting.
MN576-3: Formulate an evidence-based management plan for female patients in the
primary care setting with acute, episodic, and chronic illnesses, taking
consideration of gender, culture and ethnicity.
MN576-4: Design age appropriate health maintenance and screening plans for female
patients across the lifespan.
MN576-5: Form a collaborative relationship with the female patient, family, and other health
care providers.
MN576-6: Apply principles of informatics to primary care setting.
Page 2
For courses with Digital Books, click on the module titled Digital Book in the Table of
Contents. For more information on how to access your book, select the VitalSource
Bookshelf Video Tutorial Site from within the Digital Book area.
For Graduate courses — if your course has materials that need to be purchased and
you have not done so, please order the necessary materials. MN576 NP I—PRIMARY CARE OF WOMEN’S HEALTH
Title: I-Human
Book ISBN:
Ebook ISBN:
Title: Red Book 2015: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases
Edition: 30th (2015)
Author: Brady, Michael/ Jackson, Mary Anne/ Kimberlin, David/ Long, Sarah
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
Book ISBN: 978-1-58110-926-9
Ebook ISBN:
Title: Primary Care – With Access
Edition: 4th (2015)
Author: Dunphy
Publisher: Elsevier
Book ISBN: 9780803638013
Ebook ISBN:
Title: Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2019: 5 Books in 1
Edition: 1st (2018)
Author: Ferri, Fred
Publisher: Elsevier
Book ISBN: 978-0-323-53042-2
Ebook ISBN:
Page 3
Title: Physical Examination and Health Assessment
Edition: 7th (2015)
Author: Carolyn Jarvis PhD APN CNP
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Book ISBN: 978-0-323-39491-8
Ebook ISBN:
Title: Bakerman’s ABCs of Interpretive Laboratory Data
Edition: 5th (2014)
Author: Bakerman, Paul / Strausbauch, Paul / Bakerman, Seymour
Publisher: Interpretive Laboratory Data
Book ISBN: 9780945577034
Ebook ISBN:
Title: Clinical Guidelines for Advanced Practice Nursing
Edition: 3rd (2017)
Author: Saxe, JoAnne M.
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett
Book ISBN: 9781284093131
Ebook ISBN:
Title: Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology
Edition: 8th (2017)
Author: Wolff
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Book ISBN: 978-1259642197
Ebook ISBN:
Title: Women’s Health
Edition: 4th (2012)
Author: Youngkin
Publisher: Pearson
Book ISBN: 978-0-13-257673-4
Ebook ISBN:
Page 4
Title: Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Edition: 13th (2015)
Author: CDC
Publisher: Public Health Foundation
Book ISBN: 978-0990449119
Ebook ISBN:
The following software requirements are required in this course beyond the ones listed in the
No additional technology requirements beyond those in the Purdue Global Catalog.
Gradebook Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Total
Discussion 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250
Assignments 50 100 100 100 90 440
Seminar 20 20 20 60
Midterm 100 100
Final 150 150
Total 45 75 125 25 125 125 45 125 135 175 1000
Grade Points Percent Grade Point
A 900-1000 90-100% 4.0
B 800-899 80-89% 3.0
C 700-799 70-79% 2.0
F 0-699 0-69% 0.0
Page 5
All course assignments submitted on time will be graded within 5 days of their due date (the
Sunday of the following unit). Late work will be graded within 5 days of the submission date.
Discussion Board grades will be updated each week no later than Sunday of the week following
the unit’s completion.
Students who wish to review current policies (academic appeals, attendance/tardiness,
plagiarism, etc.) should refer to the current Purdue University Global Catalog.
Seminar Quiz
This course has a Seminar Quiz in lieu of the Alternative Assignment. After attending the live
Seminar or listening to the transcript, you must complete the Seminar Quiz to earn points for the
Seminar. The quiz must be completed by the last day of the Unit. The Seminar Quiz will consist
of questions based on the topics that were covered in the Live Seminar. You will have 30
minutes to take the Quiz and one attempt. Access the Seminar Quiz in the left navigation bar.
Note: Even if you attend the live Seminar or listen to the transcript you MUST complete the
Seminar Quiz to earn points.
i-Human Late Policy
i-Human assignments are not subject to the late policy and must be completed by the end of the
unit in which they are assigned.
Page 6
You are expected to submit all assignments and projects by the end of the Unit.
Students may turn in late work up to two weeks after the due date. After that, a zero will
be assigned for each assignment. Ten percent of the assignment value will be deducted
after the assignment is graded for each week that an assignment is late. For example, if
your assignment worth 100 points is due on Tuesday and you submit it on Wednesday,
10 points will be deducted after it is graded. If you submit it two weeks late, there will be
a reduction of 20% of the original assignment value after the assignment is graded.
All late work must be submitted by Sunday of the last unit. No late work will be accepted
after this without an Incomplete Grade approval.n MN576 NP I—PRIMARY CARE OF WOMEN’S HEALTH
Certain course activities may not be eligible for late submission. These include, but are
not limited to discussions, seminars, quizzes, labs, exams, and clinical activities.
We know that extenuating circumstances can interfere with timely submission of your
work. Be sure to tell your professor and your Education Advisor right away if you are
going to be late with a submission.
Your professor will determine whether an exception to the Purdue Global Late Policy is
appropriate. S/he may also require you to provide documentation of the reason. If your
professor determines that an extension is warranted, s/he will provide you with the
expectations for your submission or assignment in writing.
Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, personal/family member
hospitalization, family member death, a severe weather event, a natural disaster, and
an active military assignment that prevents internet connectivity. Computer-related
issues, Internet connectivity, and account blocks are generally not considered
extenuating circumstances.
Page 7
Tutoring and many other resources are available in the Academic Support Center
section of the My Studies tab on the Purdue Global Campus home page.
For writing help and APA resources, visit the Writing Center.
For math help and resources, visit the Math Center.
For help in business courses, visit the Business Center.
For science help and resources, visit the Science Center.
For technology help, webinars, and resources, visit the Technology Center.
For disability help and resources, visit the Center for Disability Services.
Assignments typically require you to submit coursework via the Dropbox. Coursework
will be graded according to rubrics found in the Grading Rubrics content item under
Course Resources. Assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. ET of Tuesday of the unit for
which they are assigned, with the exception of Unit 10 dropbox submitted work and
discussion boards. If a dropbox submission or discussion board assignment is due in
Unit 10 it will be due at 11:59 ET on Sunday. All Assignments must be submitted via the
Dropbox to ensure credit.
Many courses require Quizzes and/or Exams. In some cases, a course may also
include a Midterm and/or Final Exam. Exams/Quizzes are due EOD Tuesday of their
assigned unit. All Exams/Quizzes must be submitted via the exam tool to ensure credit.
Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is
highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts
presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts,
ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your
Page 8
fellow classmates. If Seminar is graded, you must either attend the live Seminar or you
must complete the Seminar alternative assignment (Option 2) in order to earn points for
this part of the class. If Seminars is not graded, you are still encouraged to attend in
order to ask questions, learn about upcoming Assignments, and to interact with your
instructor and classmates.
A description of all Seminars to be held can be found under each of the units in the
Option 1: Attend Live Seminar
Live Seminar lasts for one hour. Seminars will be held using the Seminar tool. You will
be provided with instructions on how to access a recording of the Seminar if you are not
able to attend live. If Seminar is graded, your attendance and participation during live
Seminar will be assessed using the rubric found in the Course Home.
Option 2: Seminar Alternative Assignment
If Seminar is graded and you are unable to attend the live Seminar, then be sure to
complete the Seminar Alternative Assignment for each unit. Your responses will be
assessed using the rubric found in the Course Home.
Discussion topics provide a forum for students to seek clarification and answer important
questions about the course material. The Discussion also allows students to receive feedback
from the instructor and other students in the class. A Discussion Board grade will be posted to
the Gradebook for each unit using the following grading criteria.
The Discussion Board Requirement:
• Post a minimum of three posts per Discussion topic. One initial response and two replies
to your classmates. MN576 NP I—PRIMARY CARE OF WOMEN’S HEALTH
• Posting on a minimum of 3 different days, for example: Wednesday, Friday, and Monday
• The first post must be made by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. EST.
Participating in Discussion Boards
You will communicate with your professor and classmates using the Discussion Board areas.
This is where you post your responses to Discussion topics and share your experiences in
Page 9
completing exercises and applying the content of the course.
Participation in Discussions is required and will help determine your grade. You are expected to
contribute to each of the Discussion topics in each unit. You should read all responses of other
students and add your own.
During Discussions Boards, you must demonstrate not only that you understand the subject
matter but also that you can apply what you have learned, analyze it, integrate it with knowledge
you already have, and evaluate it critically. Your postings should be appropriate and timely
contributions that add value to the Discussion.
Your instructor will provide you more detailed information about requirements and grading
related to participation in Discussions.
Discussion Guidelines
To ensure your success as a contributor to Discussions and as a student in this class, we
suggest the following guidelines for posting:
• Be clear about which message you are responding to. Refer to specific passages or
ideas in the course or text that have sparked your interest.
• Make sure your contribution adds something new to the Discussion. A simple “I agree”
may be your initial response, but think about how you can take the conversation to the
next level.
• Make your posting clear and easy to follow by dividing longer messages into
• Address classmates by name or user name, and sign your own messages.
• Feel free to pose new questions to your classmates within your own message.
• Use correct spelling, capitalization, grammar, syntax, and punctuation.
• If you plan to post a lengthy response, it is a good idea to type your response in Word or
Notepad™, then copy and paste it into the Discussion area. This way you will always
have a record of your communication if for some reason you lose your connection to the
• If you have any questions on these procedures, please contact Student Services.
Sample Question and Answers
The following are some examples of acceptable and unacceptable responses to Discussion
Page 10
Unacceptable: “I agree.”
Unacceptable: “I think the author is off her rocker on this point. I can’t stand it when techies try
to write about education.”
Acceptable: “I agree with Becky W’s basic point — that is, I think she’s right that the advent of
the Internet means dramatic changes in how we teach. But I think she’s so concerned with
whether technology is going to replace teachers that she misses an essential point. Teachers
must change themselves to use the Internet effectively. The Internet will never replace teachers
and it will never be a successful tool unless teachers make it one.”
Acceptable: “I disagree with Becky W. The Internet has not changed teaching any more than
the printing press changed teaching, or modern instructional design has changed teaching. New
ideas about teaching and new technologies help us deliver good teaching more effectively. They
may help us understand more fully what we’re delivering. They may help us reach more
students. But the essence of good teaching remains the same.”
A rubric is a tool used by your instructor to determine your performance on assessments
(Assignments, Discussions, Seminars, etc.) throughout your course. The rubric lists the criteria
for the assessment on which you will be graded. You should follow the rubric so you understand
exactly what is expected of you in each assignment. Following the rubric will help make sure
you do not lose points unnecessarily on any graded item. The rubrics for this course are
contained in the Grading Rubrics content item on the left navigation menu in the course.
Interactions in an online classroom are in written form. Your comfort level with
expressing ideas and feelings in writing will add to your success in an online course.
The ability to write is necessary, but you also need to understand what is considered
appropriate when communicating online. MN576 NP I—PRIMARY CARE OF WOMEN’S HEALTH
The word “netiquette” is short for “Internet etiquette.” Rules of netiquette have grown
organically with the growth of the Internet to help users act responsibly when they
access or transmit information online. As a student, you should be aware of the
Page 11
common rules of netiquette for the Web and employ a communication style that follows
these guidelines.
• Wait to respond to a message that upsets you and be careful of what you say and how
you say it.
• Be considerate. Rude or threatening language, inflammatory assertions (often referred
to as “flaming”), personal attacks, and other inappropriate communication will not be
• Never post a message that is in all capital letters — it comes across to the reader as
SHOUTING! Use boldface and italics sparingly, as they can denote sarcasm.
• Keep messages short and to the point.
• Always practice good grammar, punctuation, and composition. This shows that you have
taken the time to craft your response and that you respect your classmates’ work.
• Keep in mind that Discussion Boards are meant to be constructive exchanges.
• Be respectful and treat everyone as you would want to be treated yourself.
• Use spell check!
You should also review and refer to the Electronic Communications Policy contained in
the most recent Purdue Global Catalog.
Not applicable
Note: This syllabus is subject to change during this term or in future terms. This syllabus was
published for course content as of 1901A.



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