Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care Essay
Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care Essay
Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care Essay
Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care
Learning theories are ideas about how students learn and retain information. They provide different frameworks that instructors can implement to adapt to learners’ diverse learning styles and academic needs (Dolan et al., 2021). Learning theories can help instructors manage learners’ behavior. This empowers the instructor to create an inclusive and conducive atmosphere for learning.
The learning theories that I find most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high-quality healthcare to clients are Cognitive Constructivism, Behaviorism, and Social Constructivism. Cognitive Constructivism asserts that knowledge systems of cognitive structures are actively constructed by learners depending on pre-existing cognitive structures. The theory perceives learning as the active assimilation and accommodation of new information to existing cognitive structures (Mukhalalati & Taylor, 2019). Besides, it emphasizes discovery by learners is emphasized.
Cognitive Constructivism theory is based on intrinsic motivation whereby learners set goals and motivate themselves to learn. The APN can apply the theory in providing patient education to empower patients to modify their behavior which helps attain better health outcomes (Mukhalalati & Taylor, 2019). Therefore, the APN can facilitate patient learning by providing an environment that fosters the discovery, assimilation, and accommodation of new health information to the patient’s cognitive structures.
The behaviorism learning theory views knowledge as a range of behavioral responses to environmental stimuli. It perceives learning as the passive absorption of a pre-defined body of knowledge by the learner. According to behaviorism theory, learning is fostered by repetition and positive reinforcement. Besides, the theory views motivation as extrinsic, comprising positive and negative reinforcement (Dolan et al., 2021). The behaviorism theory is helpful to the APN’s practice since the desired or appropriate behavioral responses will be transmitted by the educator (APN) and absorbed by the learner (patient or client). The APN can apply the theory to modify a patient’s environmental stimuli, fostering behavior change. Furthermore, the APN can promote the learning and adoption of certain behavior by a patient by repetitively teaching the patient (Dolan et al., 2021). The APN can also use positive reinforcement to encourage patients to learn, which will I cease their knowledge score on certain health topics and foster behavior change, thus improving health outcomes.
Social Constructivism theory hypothesizes that knowledge is created within social contexts through interactions with a knowledge community. It views learning as the integration of learners into a knowledge community. Learning is also perceived as collaborative assimilation and accommodation of new information. The theory views motivation as intrinsic and extrinsic (Mukhalalati & Taylor, 2019). It proposes that learning goals and motives are determined by learners and extrinsic rewards offered by the knowledge community. In the Social Constructivism theory, the instructor facilitates and guides collaborative learning. Besides, the theory encourages group work.
The APN can apply the Social Constructivism theory to foster collaborative learning among patients. Individuals learn through interactions with a knowledge community. Thus, the APN can introduce patients to individuals with diverse knowledge for patients to learn from them (Mukhalalati & Taylor, 2019). Instead of the APN being the sole educator, a healthcare team comprising different professionals can be used to provide health education.
Dolan, H., Amidon, B. J., & Gephart, S. M. (2021). Evidentiary and theoretical foundations for virtual simulation in nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(5), 810-815. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2021.06.001
Mukhalalati, B. A., & Taylor, A. (2019). Adult learning theories in context: a quick guide for healthcare professional educators. Journal of medical education and curricular development, 6, 2382120519840332. DOI: 10.1177/2382120519840332
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icon Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care
Which learning theories and principles do you think are most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high quality health care to clients, and why?
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Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.