Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

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NR 504 Week Five: Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper

Leading a Culture of Excellence NR 504 Assignment Purpose

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The purpose of this assignment is to consider the value of a culture of excellence and leadership strategies which support a culture of excellence within the student’s selected MSN track.  Students will identify organizational characteristics which support a culture of excellence.  In addition, students will identify an existing organizational mission, vision, and values and create an original concept map to portray the interrelationships between each element.  The extent to which the organizational mission, vision, and values reflect a culture of excellence will be examined.  Leadership strategies which promote a culture of excellence and support the Chamberlain Care Model® will be applied.

Course Outcomes: Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

Through this assignment, the student will address the following Course Outcomes:

  • CO #1 – Discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro-, meso-, and macro-level systems.
  • CO #2 – Appraise the role of the MSN-prepared nurse to lead safe, efficient, ethical, high-quality, person-centered health care across complex systems.
  • CO #3 – Integrate communication modalities which convey cultural humility, value the diverse nature of individuals, and cultivate healthful work environments.

Due Date:  Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week Five

Total Points Possible: 175 points


Criteria for Content

Part IConcept Map

  1. Identify the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization.
  2. Create a concept mapwhich portrays the relationships between the organizational mission, vision and core values, depicting how they do or do not support a culture of excellence.  The concept map must be your own, original work.

Part II: Written Paper

  1. In a three- to four- page paper, address the elements below. Use a minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work. See rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the paper:
    1. Provide an introduction to the paper.
    2. Discuss the characteristics of a culture of excellence.
    3. Present the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization, and explain the interrelationships between each element in the concept map. Describe how the mission, vision, and values do or do not support a culture of excellence.
    4. Discuss application of three specific leadership strategies which promote a culture of excellence, and how they support the Chamberlain Care Model®.
    5. Provide a conclusion to the paper.

Preparing the Assignment: Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
  2. Part I: Create and submit a concept map as a pdf or word document.
    1. Concept map may be neatly drawn by hand or created using software.
    2. Concept map must be clear and legible.
    3. Concept map must be the student’s original work.
  3. Part II: Using Microsoft Word 2013, create the written paper for this assignment. Include a title page with your name, date, and course information, as well as a reference page.
    1. The paper (excluding title and reference pages) should be three to four pages in length.
    2. A minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are required.
    3. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
    4. Only one short quote (15 words or less) may be used within the body of your writing.
    5. Title page, running head, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual.
    6. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual (6th edition).
    7. First person may only be used in the self-reflection portion of the assignment (see conclusion section for criteria).


Leading a Culture of Excellence

NR 504 Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development

Leading a Culture of Excellence


It is of utmost importance to pursue a culture of excellence within the health care industry in that this promotes the best outcomes for the patients and promotes good collaboration and respect among the medical professionals. Thus, it is realized that there truly is a need to place a concentrated focus in the areas of safety improvement and quality, as this is based on the premise that leadership, processes and the environment are all factors that contribute to such efforts and the ability to ensure that an organizational culture is striving for excellence at all fronts (Singer, Benzer, & Hamdan, 2015).

Thus, it is noted that it is imperative to have in place the mission, vision and values of the health care organization, as they serve as a foundation to guide the organizational culture. They keep the elements that are of prime importance in the mindset of the employees and leaders of the organization, so that there can be the pursuit of excellence at all levels. In essence, these elements function as guiding principles that allow for cohesion and motivation to ensure that excellence is achieved.

It is noted that there will be a section that will address the issue of the culture of excellence. Then there will ensue an overview of the concept map pertaining to the mission, vision, and values of the health care organization. Moreover, there will be a section regarding leading a culture of excellence, which will then be followed by a conclusion.

Culture of Excellence

Explanation of the concept of the culture of excellence

It is noted that a culture of excellence promotes an organization that is positive for nurses, patients and other medical professionals. The culture of excellence promotes safety practice and top-quality care to patients in order to ensure the best optimal health care outcomes for patients at all times (Arthur & et al., 2018).

A culture of excellence will recognize that nurses do exert a great amount of influence over the practice environment. Indeed, nurses must do what they can for the sake of enhancing the heath care outcomes of the patients (Arthur & et al., 2018).

When there is a culture of excellence, this will continue to draw many patients to seek the services of the health care organization. This, in turn, then promotes the profitability of the health care organization in the long term, which is vital for it to be successful (Arthur & et al., 2018).

Hence, it cannot be denied how vital the role is that leadership plays in formulating a strong culture of excellence and it is noted that it is definitely a growing process. Truly, the leadership of the health care organization does impact the mission, vision and values of the organization (Kabcenell & Luther, 2012).

Identification of three characteristic or practices in a culture of excellence

One characteristic that is implemented in a culture of excellence is management via top-quality transformational leadership. When there is transformational leadership, employees will notice and will follow that leadership to help to bring about the desired changes in order to establish a culture of excellence and to continue to pursue it at all levels within the boundaries of the health care organization (Arthur & et al., 2018).

Another key characteristic of the culture of excellence is high employee engagement. Naturally, this is propelled by the influence of the transformational leadership (Arthur & et al., 2018).

It is noted that when there is a high level of employee engagement, there will surely ensue a culture of excellence as a result. Highly engaged employees implement the standards of the organization with a spirit of commitment, quality and excellence. Moreover, highly engaged employees will demonstrate awareness of what needs to be done, they will display a desire to do their best and they will implement their knowledge and their expertise to achieve the goals of the health care organization (Arthur & et al., 2018).

Another characteristic of a culture of excellence is that the transformational leaders of the health care organization ensure that there are a strong vision and mission set forth for the health care organization. The employees should be made aware of these elements as they truly aid in defining what is to be included in the culture of excellence and motivate the employees to contribute their best efforts toward the realization of a real culture of excellence for the health care organization (Arthur & et al., 2018).

Significance of culture of excellence

All over the world, people are engaged in discussions about the significance of a culture of excellence. The significance of a culture of excellence is that it follows policies and allows for access of care to those who need it (Davies & Nutley, 2000).

Moreover, a culture of excellence is significant in that it will address concerns as they arise and will seek to implement the right solutions. Further, it is noted that a culture of excellence seeks to continue to improve the quality of care that is delivered to the patients (Davies & Nutley, 2000).









Directions and Assignment Criteria

Grading Criteria

Category Points % Description
Part I: 

Originally-constructed Concept Map

35 20% Submit an original concept map which portrays the following: 

·         Organizational mission, vision and values

·         Interrelationships between the mission, vision and values

·         How the organizational mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         The concept map must be the student’s original work

·         Follow submission guidelines


Part II: 


9  5% Introduction includes: 

·         Importance of pursuing a culture of excellence within the health care industry

·         Key role of mission, vision and values to guide organizational culture

·         Identify sections of the paper

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented


Provide support from current, peer reviewed scholarly sources

Part II: 

Culture of Excellence

26 15% This section includes: 

·         Explanation of the concept of a culture of excellence

·         Identification of at least three specific organizational characteristics or practices which reflect a culture of excellence

·         Discussion regarding how a culture of excellence is significant to the selected specialty track

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented



Provide support from current, peer-reviewed scholarly sources

Part II: 

Overview of Concept Map:

Mission, Vision, and Values

26 15% This section includes: 

·         Description of the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization, Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

·         Explanation regarding the interrelationships portrayed within the concept map

·         Discussion regarding how the mission, vision, and values do or to not reflect a culture of excellence

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented


Provide support from current, peer-reviewed scholarly sources

Part II: 

Leading a Culture of Excellence

35 20% This section includes: 

·         Identification and discussion of two specific leadership strategies which will promote a culture of excellence in the selected MSN specialty track role

·         Explanation of how the two identified leadership strategies reflect the Chamberlain Care Model®

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay


Provide support from current, peer-reviewed scholarly sources

Part II: 


18 10% Conclusion includes: 

·         Summary which addresses the following:

o   Importance of a culture of excellence

o   Leadership strategies that support a culture of excellence

·         Synopsis of the selected mission, vision, and values and how they do or do not support a culture of excellence

·         Self-reflection of learning regarding new insights gained by completing this assignment

·         Self-reflection regarding implications for future advanced nursing practice in the selected MSN specialty track



Graduate-level Writing Style 26 15% Graduate-level writing style is included, evidenced by integrating the following standards: 

·         Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure

·         Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing; accurate use of APA levels of headings

·         APA format for citing and referencing sources

·         No more than one short quote (15 words or less) is used within the assignment

·         APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and size

·         APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, reference page

·         Congruence with APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)

·         Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion


Quality of Literature Support It is an expectation that a minimum of four current, peer-reviewed scholarly sources are integrated within the assignment. 

If the above expectation is not met, 9 points shall be deducted.


Paper Length It is an expectation that the paper is a minimum of three full pages in length, and no more than four full pages in length.  

If the above expectation is not met, 9 points shall be deducted. Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

Total 175 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed all the above requirements.







Part I – Concept Map Grading Rubric




Assignment Criteria













Marginally Acceptable











Possible Points = 35 Points

Part I:


Concept Map

35  Points 32 Points 29  Points 26 Points 0         Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.




All of the following are included in the concept map:


·         Organizational mission, vision, and values

·         Interrelationships between the mission, vision and values

·         How the organizational mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         The concept map must be the student’s personal, original work

·         Submission guidelines are followed


Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial.


All of the following are included in the concept map:

·         Organizational mission, vision, and values

·         Interrelationships between the mission, vision and values

·         How the organizational mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

·         The concept map must be the student’s personal, original work

·         Submission guidelines are followed Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay


Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas.


All of the following are included in the concept map:

·         Organizational mission, vision, and values

·         Interrelationships between the mission, vision and values

·         How the organizational mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         The concept map must be the student’s personal, original work

·         Submission guidelines are followed


Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following:


·         Organizational mission, vision, and values

·         Interrelationships between the mission, vision and values

·         How the organizational mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         The concept map must be the student’s personal, original work

·         Submission guidelines are followed


Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following:


·         Organizational mission, vision, and values

·         Interrelationships between the mission, vision and values

·         How the organizational mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         The concept map must be the student’s personal, original work

·         Submission guidelines are followed



Part I – Concept Map Total ________ of 35 Points







Part II – Written Paper Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria













Marginally Acceptable









Part II Written Paper Content


Possible Points = 114 Points

Part II:



9  Points 8 Points 7  Points 6  Points 0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.




All of the following are included:

·         Importance of pursuing a culture of excellence within the health care industry

·         Key role of mission, vision and values to guide organizational culture

·         Identify sections of the paper

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented







Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay


All of the following are included:

·         Importance of pursuing a culture of excellence within the health care industry

·         Key role of mission, vision and values to guide organizational culture

·         Identify sections of the paper

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented


Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas.


All of the following are included:

·         Importance of pursuing a culture of excellence within the health care industry

·         Key role of mission, vision and values to guide organizational culture

·         Identify sections of the paper

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented

Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following:


·         Importance of pursuing a culture of excellence within the health care industry

·         Key role of mission, vision and values to guide organizational culture

·         Identify sections of the paper

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented




Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following:


·         Importance of pursuing a culture of excellence within the health care industry

·         Key role of mission, vision and values to guide organizational culture

·         Identify sections of the paper

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented



Part II:


Culture of Excellence

26  Points 23  Points 21  Points 19  Points 0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.





All of the following are included:

·         Explanation of the concept of a culture of excellence

·         Identification of at least three specific organizational characteristics or practices which reflect a culture of excellence

·         Discussion regarding how a culture of excellence is significant to the selected specialty track

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented




Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay


All of the following are included:

·         Explanation of the concept of a culture of excellence

·         Identification of at least three specific organizational characteristics or practices which reflect a culture of excellence

·         Discussion regarding how a culture of excellence is significant to the selected specialty track

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented


Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas.


All of the following are included:

·         Explanation of the concept of a culture of excellence

·         Identification of at least three specific organizational characteristics or practices which reflect a culture of excellence

·         Discussion regarding how a culture of excellence is significant to the selected specialty track

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented




Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following:


·         Explanation of the concept of a culture of excellence

·         Identification of at least three specific organizational characteristics or practices which reflect a culture of excellence

·         Discussion regarding how a culture of excellence is significant to the selected specialty track

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented


Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following:


·         Explanation of the concept of a culture of excellence

·         Identification of at least three specific organizational characteristics or practices which reflect a culture of excellence

·         Discussion regarding how a culture of excellence is significant to the selected specialty track

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented




Part II:


Overview of Concept Map: Mission, Vision, Values

26  Points 23  Points 21  Points 19  Points 0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.




All of the following are included:

·         Description of the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization

·         Explanation regarding the inter-relationships portrayed within the concept map

·         Discussion regarding how the mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented



Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial.


All of the following are included:

·         Description of the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization

·         Explanation regarding the inter-relationships portrayed within the concept map Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

·         Discussion regarding how the mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented



Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas.


All of the following are included:

·         Description of the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization

·         Explanation regarding the inter-relationships portrayed within the concept map

·         Discussion regarding how the mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented



Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following:


·         Description of the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization

·         Explanation regarding the interrelationships portrayed within the concept map

·         Discussion regarding how the mission, vision, and values  do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented


Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following:


·         Description of the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization

·         Explanation regarding the interrelationships portrayed within the concept map

·         Discussion regarding how the mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented


Part II:


Leading a Culture of Excellence

35 Points 32 Points 29 Points 26  Points 0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.




All of the following are included:

·         Identification and discussion of two specific leadership strategies which will promote a culture of excellence in the selected MSN specialty track role

·         Explanation of how the two chosen leadership strategies support the Chamberlain Care Model®

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay


Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial.


All of the following are included:

·         Identification and discussion of two specific leadership strategies which will promote a culture of excellence in the selected MSN specialty track role

·         Explanation of how the two chosen leadership strategies support the Chamberlain Care Model®

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented



Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas.


All of the following are included:

·         Identification and discussion of two specific leadership strategies which will promote a culture of excellence in the selected MSN specialty track role

·         Explanation of how the two chosen leadership strategies support the Chamberlain Care Model®

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented



Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following:


·         Identification and discussion of two specific leadership strategies which will promote a culture of excellence in the selected MSN specialty track role

·         Explanation of how the two chosen leadership strategies support the Chamberlain Care Model®

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented



Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following:


·         Identification and discussion of two specific leadership strategies which will promote a culture of excellence in the selected MSN specialty track role

·         Explanation of how the two chosen leadership strategies support the Chamberlain Care Model®

·         Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented

Part II:




Self-reflections may be in first person

18  Points 16  Points 15  Points 13 Points 0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.




All of the following are included:


·         Summary which addresses the following: (1) the importance of a culture of excellence; and   (2) leadership strategies that support a culture of excellence

·         Synopsis of the selected mission, vision, and values and how they do or do not support a culture of excellence

·         Self-reflection of learning regarding new insights gained by completing this assignment

·         Self-reflection regarding implications for future advanced nursing practice in the selected MSN specialty track




Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial.


All of the following are included:

·         Summary which addresses the following: (1) the importance of a culture of excellence; and   (2) leadership strategies that support a culture of excellence

·         Synopsis of the selected mission, vision, and values and how they do or do not support a culture of excellence

·         Self-reflection of learning regarding new insights gained by completing this assignment

·         Self-reflection regarding implications for future advanced nursing practice in the selected MSN specialty track Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay




Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas.


All of the following are included:

·         Summary which addresses the following: (1) the importance of a culture of excellence; and   (2) leadership strategies that support a culture of excellence

·         Synopsis of the selected mission, vision, and values and how they do or do not support a culture of excellence

·         Self-reflection of learning regarding new insights gained by completing this assignment

·         Self-reflection regarding implications for future advanced nursing practice in the selected MSN specialty track


Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following:




·         Summary which addresses the following: (1) the importance of a culture of excellence; and   (2) leadership strategies that support a culture of excellence

·         Synopsis of the selected mission, vision, and values and how they do or do not support a culture of excellence

·         Self-reflection of learning regarding new insights gained by completing this assignment

·         Self-reflection regarding implications for future advanced nursing practice in the selected MSN specialty track




Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited, missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following:


·         Summary which addresses the following: (1) the importance of a culture of excellence; and   (2) leadership strategies that support a culture of excellence

·         Synopsis of the selected mission, vision, and values and how they do or do not support a culture of excellence

·         Self-reflection of learning regarding new insights gained by completing this assignment

·         Self-reflection regarding implications for future advanced nursing practice in the selected MSN specialty track



Part II Written Paper Content Subtotal ________of 114  points
Part II Written Paper Format


Possible Points = 26 Points

Graduate level writing style 26  Points 23  Points 21 Points 19  Points 0 Points
Exemplary graduate level writing style is evident, which meets all of the criteria below:


·         Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure

·         Exceptional writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings

·         APA format for citing and referencing sources

·         APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and size

·         APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, reference page

·         Congruence with APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)

·         No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) is used within the assignment

·         Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion




Accomplished graduate-level writing style is evident which meets at least 6  of the criteria below:


·         No more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure

·         No more than 2 errors in  writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings

·         No more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources

·         No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size

·         No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, and reference page

·         No more than 2 errors in  APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable) Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

·         No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) is used within the assignment

·         Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion



Average graduate-level writing style is evident which meets  at least 4 of the criteria below:


·         No more than 2 errors in  spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure

·         No more than 2 errors in  writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings

·         No more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources

·         No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size

·         No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, and reference page

·         No more than 2 errors in  APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)

·         No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) is used within the assignment

·         Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion



Marginally acceptable graduate-level writing is evident  which meets at least 2 of the criteria below:


·         No more than 2 errors in  spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure

·         No more than 2 errors in  writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings

·         No more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources

·         No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size

·         No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, and reference page

·         No more than 2 errors in  APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)

·         No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) is used within the assignment

·         Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion




Insufficient graduate-level writing style is evident which  meets 1 or less of the criteria below:


·         No more than 2 errors in  spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure

·         No more than 2 errors in  writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headings

·         No more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources

·         No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size

·         No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including running head, pagination, title page, and reference page

·         No more than 2 errors in  APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)

·         No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) is used within the assignment

·         Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion




Quality of literature support 0 Points Deducted
9 Points Deducted
A minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the assignment. The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for quality of literature support.
Assignment length 0 Points Deducted 9  Points Deducted
The length of the paper portion of the assignment is a minimum of three full pages in length and is no more than four full pages in length.


Total page count does not include title or reference pages. Leading a Culture of Excellence Nursing 504 Essay

The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for total length.
Part II Written Paper Format Subtotal _____of  26 points
Assignment Total Points Earned _____of  175 Points

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This was done very well. Thank you!
Customer 452441, November 11th, 2022
Very fond of the paper written. The topic chosen is defiantly trending at this time
Customer 452495, July 27th, 2023
Great work, Thank you, will come back with more work
Customer 452441, November 11th, 2022
Good work. Will be placing another order tomorrow
Customer 452441, November 11th, 2022
The absolute best ! Thanks for great communication, quality papers, and amazing time delivery!
Customer 452467, November 14th, 2022
Well researched paper. Excellent work
Customer 452441, November 11th, 2022
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