Informatics Application Essay
Informatics Application Essay
Informatics Application Essay
Choose a health care technology utilized in patient care. Some examples include: Patient Portals, Personal Tracking – Lived Informatics, Barcoding, Robots, Radio-frequency Identification (RFID), Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), Tube system, Smart Bed, Smart Pump, Supply Kiosk, Pyxis, Laptop/tablet, Camera, data warehouse, Telehealth/Mobile Health, Geospatial Technologies (or any topic you choose).
Create a PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides that includes:
Introduction – Provide the name of the technology, a thorough description of how/where/why it is used, and a history of its development.
Vendors – Who are the various vendors (if there are more than 1) available for this technology?
Cost – What is the cost of implementation of this technology?
Resources and Training – What resources do they provide to help with implementation (website, onsite instruction, customer support)? What is the recommended training to learn the new technology?
Advantages/Benefit – How does this technology benefit patients, nurses/other members of the healthcare team, and the healthcare organization?
Disadvantages/Barriers – What are the disadvantages of utilizing this technology in the health care setting? Any barriers to adopting this technology?
Support your presentation of your technology with at least 2 scholarly resources published within the past five (5) years (remember that websites and blogs are not scholarly resources).
APA 7th edition format required.
Add Speaker Notes to PowerPoint slides if needed to adequately address each required area.