How to write a research paper fast

Writing an impressive research paper is easy if you know how to write a research paper. You can’t escape writing a research paper. Truth be told, writing research papers can be a smooth running if you go to the suitable sources for your research paper help or, better yet, if you come up with a fascinating research paper topic.

What is a research paper?

A research paper is an essay that voices your opinions and is backed up by other ideas and information. You build on your ideas while borrowing from the experts’ views during the writing process. The correct research paper methodology requires you to survey the field you are carrying out your research to get the best information.

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Once you are heavily loaded with the information, research writing will be easy. If you are stuck on,’ how to write a research paper,’ don’t worry. There are many online cheap research paper writing services that can ease the task for you. You can also read through this article to get a concrete idea of writing research papers.

How long is a research paper?

The length of a research paper might daunt you. Well, the size depends on your topic or assignment. Most research papers reach up to 4,000-6,000 words. There, however, are short research papers of around 2,000 words and very lengthy ones of over 10,000 words.

Apart from your topic determining how long a research paper is, the assignment you are given in school can also have a recommended length. If so, don’t slacken; once you have the information and facts to back up your data, the writing process will be smooth.

Types of research papers

There is a variety of different types of research papers. Therefore, it is crucial to know the required type of research paper for your assignment. This is so because each research paper requires different preparation.

Some of the most frequently used research papers include

  1. Analytical research paper

This is an exciting research paper where you pose a question, and collect the applicable data from other research paper writers to analyze your viewpoints. Your sole focus should be on the findings and conclusions to help you make a personal conclusion about your topic. Keep in mind to stay neutral by avoiding bias.

  1. Argumentative or persuasive research paper

This research paper delves into your persuasion skills. It presents two contrasting sides of an issue. If you are perplexed about ‘how to write a research paper,’ this is the paper for you. Your goal is to convince the masses into seeing something from your point of view.

If you want to move people to action, use logical facts and proven statistical findings. You can employ the use of emotions but don’t overdo it. The critical thing is to cover the two controversial issues while favoring one side and pulling the reader to your side.

  1. Definition paper

This paper is meant for you if you find it tricky to include your emotions or unbiased opinions in your writing. All that is required of you is to exclusively describe facts or objective arguments. This type of research paper includes facts from different sources but leaves them unanalyzed.

  1. Compare and contrast paper

This research paper is the perfect option if you desire to analyze two different outlooks, writers, topics, or stories. Ensure you describe the two sides first, then compare them and contrast and support one. Sounds very interesting, right?

  1. Cause and effect paper

These types of research papers are primarily meant for high schoolers and college students. Due to a lack of exposure or skills, these students are perplexed about how to write a research paper. Tracing likely or expected outcomes from a particular situation makes it easy for them to answer the major questions ‘why?’ and ‘what?’

  1. Interpretive paper

Have you ever carried out a case study on a person, a group, or an event? The knowledge obtained from your case study is what you put down in an interpretive research paper. For credibility, include valid facts and a conclusion.

  1. Experimental research paper

This type of research paper fundamentally describes your experiment in detail. Its popularly used in the categories of biology, chemistry, and physics. Your investigation is meant to explain a particular outcome with specific actions; hence you need to analyze it thoroughly with valid data.

  1. Survey research paper

If you have ever conducted a survey, your need to know how to write a research paper is halfway achieved. This type of research paper requires you to conduct a survey by asking respondents questions. During the survey, you gather information and then analyze it to write a survey research paper.

Tips when choosing research paper topics

Learning how to write a research paper is easy, duh! Writing the paper is tricky, but if the topic you have chosen is interesting, you will have a smooth running. However, coming up with suitable research paper topics is very challenging.

At times, an assignment will dictate the topic you have to research. If you have been allowed to choose your topic, here are some tips you should put into consideration

  • Your interest levels

Unless you reach out to an academic website for your research paper help, this paper can be tedious for you to spend incalculable hours researching your topic. It gets worse if the topic isn’t to your liking. The only way to simplify things is to choose a topic you are passionate about.

  • Your experience levels

Your topic gives you a thrill and gets you thinking, ‘finally, here is the chance to write my research paper,’ right? Just how well-versed are you with your chosen topic? Choosing a topic on which you have personal or prior knowledge is a bonus.

This is because the time you were to spend researching will be reduced greatly, thus, making the research paper writing process easier. Who doesn’t like simplified things?

  • Sufficient data on the topic

Your topic should not only be interesting but also one that has a wide range of sources available to help you compile the research. When you choose a researchable topic, you quickly access the level of information that you need to become an authority in your subject. You can only get credibility by quoting experts, and unexplored topics have no experts.

  • Your target audience

After learning how to write a research paper, don’t write for the sake of writing. Choose a fascinating topic with consideration to your target audience. You must prioritize the audience first because you need to have them on your side for your research paper to be a success.

Good research paper topics

Are you having trouble narrowing down topics or coming up with your research topic to embark on your writing process? Remember, your topic must be interesting to hook the audience, interesting to you, and relevant to your life. Here are some fantastic research paper topics

Research topics on termination of pregnancy

  1. What are the responsible limits?
  2. What are the realistic limits?
  3. Incomplete birth abortion
  4. Fetus victims of violence
  5. Protection of abortion clinics versus the right to protest
  6. Research topics on positive action
  7. Achieved relative equality versus continuing fatal inequities
  8. Achievement of racial balance in education, the military, and business without using policies that enhance affirmative action
  9. Inverted discrimination
  10. National Organization for Women

Research topics on education

  1. Placement by academic capability versus placement by age
  2. Mainstreaming students with disabilities versus special classrooms for their unique needs
  3. Standardized tests for advancement versus course requirements only
  4. Discrimination in learning
  5. Teacher competency tests versus degree requirements
  6. Policing in schools
  7. Teacher’s demands versus teaching as a service profession
  8. Drug abuse and alcohol abuse
  9. Pregnancy and suicide
  10. Permission to instill corporal punishment
  11. Zero tolerance towards violence versus toughness with the litheness
  12. Should exams be outlawed?
  13. Grade boosting
  14. Education and funding
  15. Homeschooling
  16. Research topics about the internet
  17. Are kids cleverer because of the internet?
  18. Should the federal government censor some of the information availed on the internet?
  19. How do search engines operate?
  20. Effects of the internet and digital downloading of songs on the music industry
  21. Research topics on health and treatment of diseases
  22. Effects of continuous steroid use on our bodies
  23. Is marijuana beneficial to the human body?
  24. Effects of tobacco on the user
  25. Treatment of common sleep disorders
  26. Benefits of vaccination versus the risks
  27. Risks of extended exposure to the scorching sun and artificial tanning
  28. Importance of weight training versus aerobics
  29. Psychological disorders
  30. Should we blame fast-food restaurants for the rising cases of obesity?
  31. Anorexia treatment
  32. Causes of eating disorders versus society’s portrayal of the female gender
  33. Birth control
  34. Treatment of dyslexia
  35. The authenticity of ADHD and ADD
  36. Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease
  37. Relationship between emotional balance and physical well-being
  38. Assisted suicide versus preservation of life
  39. Research topics on interpersonal communication
  40. Declined communication because of technology
  41. Impact of texting
  42. Influence of social networks
  43. Use of gestures by men and women in different contexts
  44. Importance of non-verbal communication in workplaces, dating, and social circles

Research topics on advertising

  1. Censorship of adverts in the interest of morality or vexation
  2. Marketing to young children
  3. Sexual innuendos in advertising
  4. Marketing trends globally
  5. Contentious political advertisements
  6. Media response after an uproar to advertisements
  7. Research topics on discrimination
  8. Strategies to enhance racial relations
  9. Profiling
  10. Protection of victims versus rights of the accused
  11. Gender inequality
  12. Gender discrimination
  13. Inter-racial unions

Research topics on schools

  1. What should be served to students in school cafeterias?
  2. One gender school versus a mixed school
  3. Students should not wear uniforms to school
  4. Research topics on Aids
  5. S duty to third world countries
  6. Individual rights versus community safety
  7. Generic drugs manufacturing versus pharmaceutical companies
  8. Effectiveness of the treatment of Aids
  9. Privacy of Aids patients

Research topics on alcohol

  1. Violence and crime implications
  2. The issue of binge drinking
  3. Lowering the drinking age in the US to 18years
  4. Age discrimination of violators

Research topics on animals

  1. Animal rights versus medical research
  2. Is it illegal to use animals for entertainment and sports?
  3. Animal welfare in slaughterhouses
  4. Treatment of animals
  5. Animal rights
  6. Protection of animals versus business interests

Research topics on athletics

  1. Should shoe companies give away free shoes and equipment to high school athletes?
  2. Should doping be allowed in sports?
  3. Should college athletes be paid?
  4. Should steroids be legalized?
  5. Team sports social effects
  6. Research topics on censorship
  7. Is it necessary in the curriculum?
  8. Are they needed in the entertainment industry?
  9. Does censorship increase curiosity?
  10. Does censorship increase or reduce the practice of pornography?
  11. Does the internet need censorship with the coming new generations?

Research topics on computer crimes and security

  1. Online pornography versus freedom of speech
  2. Stalking versus reasonable access
  3. Ways of stealing identity and money
  4. Origin of spam email
  5. Cyber security

Research topics on cosmetic surgery

  1. Addiction to plastic surgery
  2. Plastic surgery versus age limitations
  3. Beauty demand by society
  4. Risks of breast implants on young adults
  5. Cost of cosmetic surgery
  6. Gastro-bypass surgery
  7. Body image
  8. Plastic surgery versus self-esteem
  9. Body shaming

Research topics on bullying

  1. Cyberbullying versus face-to-face bullying
  2. Forms of punishment for cyberbullying
  3. Media response to cyberbullying
  4. Reinforcing laws against bullying by the federal government
  5. Controversial research topics
  6. Is homosexuality innate or a choice?
  7. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege
  8. Bathroom policies for transgenders
  9. Legalization of spanking of children
  10. Capitalism versus socialism
  11. Merits and demerits of gun control
  12. Pros and cons of animal testing

Research topics on rape date

  1. Violence versus rape
  2. Drug-related rapes
  3. Mutual consent versus exploitation

Research topics on drugs and drug abuse

  1. Punishment of drug abusers versus treatment
  2. Legalization of marijuana use by the federal government
  3. Social acceptance

Research topics on family violence

  1. Marital rape
  2. The killing of abusive husbands by wives versus punishment for murder
  3. Punishment for children who kill abusive parents
  4. Domestic abuse

Fun research topics

  1. Which makes the best pet: cat versus dogs
  2. My life is perfect as per my social media profile
  3. What does your pet think of you?
  4. Why do we end up with so many mismatched socks?
  5. The key to true happiness is?

How to include pictures in a research paper

Do you need to break the monotony of reading lengthy paragraphs? Here is a guide on how to include pictures in a research paper. The conventional qualitative research paper format doesn’t have room for pictorials but, Hey! Who isn’t attracted to colorful work?

Including non-textual elements such as pictures, charts, and graphs in your research paper makes the research paper eye-catching and descriptive. Just remember the non-textual elements should be relevant to your research question.

It is unnecessary to include non-textual elements in your research paper, but your instructor won’t penalize you if you do so. This is because

  • The use of pictures helps your audience understand a problematic process
  • The use of charts and graphs helps in the visualization of statistics
  • Images can serve the purpose of supporting evidence
  • Using the right pictures helps attract more attention

Types of images to include in your research paper

If you have read in-depth how to write a research paper, before embarking on the writing process, here are some of the images to use in your research paper

  1. standard images

There are no rules stipulating the image type to include in your research, but that doesn’t mean you can use any available image. Ensure that the picture you use fits into your research paper perfectly. The chosen picture should

  • Have clarity
  • Be self-explanatory
  • Related to your research topic
  • Be legalized
  1. Graphs and charts

These non-textual elements describe complex issues in a few words; hence, they are quite handy in solving your tribulations at a go. Their usefulness is evident in

  • Giving a graphic illustration of statistics
  • Giving a thorough comparison of two or more things or objects
  • Showing the relationship between two variables
  • Demonstration of size, influence level, and meaning of a specific phenomenon.

Rules to observe when including non-textual elements in your research paper

Too much of everything is poisonous. This is so because the internet has a variety of images, some shocking and others very touching. Have you ever been in a dilemma between two or more things? To avoid this nail-biting dilemma, be aware that

  • You can add the picture towards the end of your paper, inside but separate from your text or in the text
  • The included picture must have a number, name, and description
  • To avoid violation of the right to own one’s content by the owner of the photograph, kindly include their name

Tips for using non-textual elements on your research paper

The use of non-textual features is exciting, and you can’t wait to try it out on your research paper. Don’t perfect how to write a research paper and then exercise excessive use of non-textual elements. Skim through these tips to be well versed with the appropriate use of these elements.

  • Get authorization from your instructor if you are carrying out a school assignment
  • Compared to pictures, graphs and charts are more pertinent in illustrating your math or economics assignment
  • Don’t overdo the use of images in your assignment research paper.
  • Don’t include adorable photos to decorate your research paper. The image used should be relatable to your research question

what is a qualitative research paper format?

You are puzzled about what a qualitative research paper is and what a qualitative research paper format is, huh? This paper guides social and education scientists in exploring and describing various topics or things.

Although there is no strict adherence to statistical rules and mathematical rules for qualitative data, this study category requires a specified methodology. If you think this is not very clear, wait until you are called upon to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research methods.

The following is a qualitative research paper format

  1. Introduction
  2. Aim for the study
  3. Literature review
  4. Samples
  5. Methods of collecting data
  6. Methods of analyzing data
  7. Your findings
  8. Discussion
  9. Summary
  10. An abstract

Ever heard of the APA research paper format?

Knowing how to write a research paper is worthwhile if only you can apply the correct type of formatting. The most approved formatting style is the APA research paper format. This type of formatting has the following crucial guidelines

  • Use the new Times Roman font 12 in your research paper
  • Use the 1-inch page margin
  • Use the double space between paragraphs
  • Insert a running head on your paper, i.e., on every page, in case you want your research to be published
  • Your paragraphs should be half an inch indented that is at the beginning of each

Tips for writing a good research paper

How to write a research paper

Not to dampen your spirit, but writing requires meticulous planning if you are learning how to write a research paper. This is the only strategy for writing a good research paper. Here are the tips for writing an impeccable research paper

  • Being organizational

During the writing process, being organized is the key. This means that you must:

  1. Carefully select your topic
  2. Choose reliable sources for your data
  3. Jot down essential points to guide you in the process of writing your research paper
  4. Base your notes on your topic
  5. Have a well-thought outline
  6. Have a rough draft of all your ideas
  7. Read, re-read, and edit your draft
  • Carrying out thorough research

Do you have a variety of sources to get your data? Online libraries, books, previously published research papers, and journals can provide a good start for your work.

  • Careful topic selection

If you are free to choose your topic, go wild. Choose a topic that interests you or arouses your curiosity. Ensure your topic is not too general or too shallow. Good research paper topics are guaranteed to garner more audience.

  • Write down good notes

When it comes down to the writing of notes, apply your organizational skills. Being organizational means color-code your research notes by topic and using highlighters on essential details.

  • Come up with an outline

After extensive research, write a good outline for your research paper. Through brainstorming your outline, your research paper begins to take shape.

  • Jot down your first draft

From your outline, get the ideas and use them to form sentences plus paragraphs. During this process, add more details and life to your research paper to make it readable and understandable.

Proof-read and finalize your paper

Read and re-read your first draft while making the much-needed changes. Finally, ensure that your research paper has a coherent and natural order of ideas and is free of grammatical errors.

What is a research paper rubric?

If you need to know the instructor’s expectations for your assignment and the scoring points, a research paper rubric is all that you need. It will help you in evaluating your research paper before submission.

Using a research paper rubric aid, you in

  • Clarifying imprecise goals
  • Comprehending your expectations
  • Self-improvement
  • Improving your performance
  • Easing and rapid scoring
  • Accurate and unbiased scoring
  • Giving better feedback to fellow students
  • Reduced arguments with your fellow students
  • Giving improved feedback to your faculty

Can you write a good research paper introduction example?

Learning how to write a research paper is easy but writing the research paper introduction example isn’t a trivial thing. Your introduction determines whether you will get the reader hooked or not. Hence, your introduction being good enough is an understatement; it must be brief but summative and very catchy.

An introduction to your research paper is crucial because it informs your audience of the reason why you are writing this research. Knowledge of the scientific research paper format template is key to you also. If you find it cumbersome to write a good research paper introduction example, here is an introductory outline to follow

  • Mention your topic

If you want your readers to be intrigued, announce your topic in your introduction. This is a fundamental thing when it comes to writing research papers. Don’t forget to put across briefly your opinion on the issue.

  • Review your literature

Literature sources are necessary for your referencing and thus gaining credibility. Your introduction should briefly hint at what your literature will be about.

  • Emphasize on rationale

This is the key element of your introduction. It is where you prove the significance of your topic and leave the readers with food for their thoughts. Your rationale should be specific enough to communicate with ease your attitude towards your topic of choice.

  • Stating your thesis

A thesis statement has and is still a source of confusion for many students and researchers. It signifies the conclusive part of your research introduction example. Not to worry you, but your thesis statement sets the tone of your entire research paper and should not be taken lightly.

Ensure your thesis

  1. Gives general information on your topic
  2. Is engaging and to the point
  • Reflects the importance of the issue at hand


If you are stuck and need to know how to write a research paper, this article ensures that you are thoroughly equipped with the necessary knowledge. If you find it tricky to write a good research paper, reaching out to skilled research paper writers should be a priority.

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