How To Write a Nursing Leadership Essay

A nursing organization requires nursing leaders. To effect change within the organization, they inspire, educate, persuade, and communicate its goals. Great nursing leadership necessitates the presence of outstanding nursing leaders. How To Write a Nursing Leadership Essay:

This article aims to give you essential tips on how to write a nursing leadership essay. It will also highlight the aspects of nursing while analyzing leadership in action. It is important for you to have a general clue on how to write a leadership essay as illustrated below.

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How to Write a Leadership Essay

Before you begin, define good leadership. Consider what attributes constitute an excellent leader before you start writing your essay. Ability to persuade others, moral dignity, and setting high relationship values with teammates exemplify leadership skills and qualifications.

What is the importance of leadership in a nursing essay?

Note that leadership in nursing serves the following purposes:

Provides insight into the hospital’s objectives

Exceptional leaders are aware of the hospital’s mission: providing the highest level of quality treatment and safety possible. Cooperation among team members makes it easy to accomplish organizational goals when its executives grasp the hospital’s shared purpose.

Managers must develop into good leaders to provide satisfactory health services. A leader should have attainable visions and develop communicative skills to implement tactics in the healthcare organization successfully.

Assists in recognizing an employee’s potential

When leaders discover a means to help employees reach their full potential, significant improvements in confidence can be seen. Employees intuitively create better relationships with their peers and ascend the success ladder under decisive leadership. In the end, they improve as team members, resulting in work satisfaction and lower turnover.

A good education can acquire such talents in the relevant sector. Obtaining a healthcare leadership degree is one of the most authentic learning methods.

Encourages a sense of connection

Leadership allows for diversity among healthcare personnel to be accepted. If nursing leaders demonstrate mutual support, it is easy to provide support and care within the healthcare environment. As leaders comprehend their diversity, employees from all backgrounds experience feelings of belonging.

It further enables innovative thinking and the creation of fresh ideas to improve hospital culture. Leaders must train workers to improve their abilities and bring about well-ordered change. This will help manage, set, coach, and make useful suggestions for the entire staff instead of inspiring a few people.

Increases self-assurance and job satisfaction

Practical leadership skills can significantly improve employees’ attitudes toward their jobs and care of patients. Patients can sense contentment in the employees’ attitudes when a company is running properly.

They will note that each worker is not faced with time constraints to fulfill their jobs since they are more assured, coordinated, and well-trained. There will be fewer disorders and management concerns because the team will be more self-sufficient.

An atmosphere of enthusiasm, dedication, and trust develops among healthcare personnel, allowing them to offer better services to the community.

Enhances competency in nursing

Your employees’ leadership training aids in creating an environment where they can attain their greatest potential. Employees who use their strengths achieve satisfaction and have higher self-esteem.

Patients benefit from the staff’s pleasant attitude as well.

 Managing and inspiring many unorganized beginners to realize their maximum capabilities might be tough. If their skillsets correspond with the job, employees may become disenchanted and weary with the standards and everyday activities. One can develop leadership abilities by learning about the value of leading and understanding the fundamentals.

Aids in the acceptance of change in the healthcare industry

Several executives of a company recognize the reason for the transformation. They are genuinely motivated to attempt new upgrades and innovations. A good and progressive implementation of change in the workplace can help employees realize that an adjustment isn’t always painful and can bring new opportunities.

A leader’s role is to push top employees to put their newly acquired talents to the test gained weekly or monthly. Leaders may put their talents to the test in settings relevant to the healthcare industry.

It is critical to expose employees to circumstances that they will confront in the real world due to the adjustments. Employees will be able to connect to and apply appropriate training with proper leadership. One can create significant distinctions and advances with leadership qualities, preparing the workers for unpredictable shifts and adjustments.

 Aids in describing the value of teamwork and carrying out the work regularly

The total environment is under the supervision and planning of the healthcare organization’s administration. However, practical training, communication, and good leadership are required for the staff to influence the healthcare culture effectively. 

Since the healthcare industry is continually expanding, it is critical to ensure that healthcare administration is rational and organized. The hospital’s purpose, ambition, and goals can be achieved with good teamwork if the correct attitude and understanding are taken.

Qualities of a nursing leader

Before going deeper into how to write a nursing leadership essay, it would be of the essence if you took a glimpse of the qualities of a good nursing leader. The function of a leader in a health agency is frequently aimed toward enhancing or maintaining the healthcare quality supplied by the members of the nursing unit or department. Your role is to ensure it meets the organization’s performance levels.

Other objectives you may engage in as a nursing leader may include improving the availability and affordability of health and patient care. Resilience, initiative, loyalty, grit, and stress management ability are just a few of the personal attributes that must demonstrate as a great leader to assist you in overcoming the obstacles involved in attaining the organizational objective.

You should effectively communicate with other team members. Work collaboratively with others in the nursing tasks. Do not discriminate against the subordinates or those in higher positions. The organization’s mission and vision will be achieved depending on your capacity to form opinions, develop targets, and carry out the required actions to achieve those goals.

Methods of writing a nursing leadership essay

There are several methods of writing a nursing leadership essay. How do you describe your leadership abilities without appearing boastful? How can you make your essay stand out among the hundreds or even thousands of others that an individual or a committee will read? 

Creating a nursing leadership essay that inspires is the key. Before plunging into the deeper knowledge of writing a nursing leadership essay, you have to know what leadership is in a nursing essay and the importance of leadership in a nursing essay.

What is leadership in a nursing essay?

‘Leadership’ is an alternative term for ‘management’ in healthcare. It plays a vital role in planning, implementation, budgeting, control, and analysis. Leadership and management in a nursing essay create a way of elaborating organizational goals professionally. In the healthcare business, effective leadership entails excellent stakeholder engagement, managers, and staff to ensure an institute’s success and goals.

It makes no difference how strict or professional the company’s leaders are. The organization can inspire and motivate employees to perform at the highest level that matters. The success of healthcare businesses is dependent on executives who can propel the company forward. 

What outstanding leadership traits do you possess?

Before writing your nursing leadership essay, enlist everything you want to include. Go over your list again and pick either one or a couple of these attributes to emphasize. Since it pertains to the trait you selected, give your definition of what makes someone a great leader. Make it two sentences maximum. This statement will serve as the foundation for the rest of your paper.

Make a rough outline.

It all relies on having a plan for writing an excellent essay of any kind.

Your layout is that plan. One of the most crucial advantages of a decent outline is that your article will be precisely ordered and easy to understand. You can use the traditional five-paragraph format for your nursing leadership essay or make additional paraphrasing of the body if you want. This is what your outline might look like:


 Spark the interest of your audience by defining good leadership in terms of the attribute you’ve selected.

Body paragraphs 

Provide some context for tales and explain the importance of leadership characteristics. Describe how this value impacts your life. In the second paragraph, provide some background information. Give some information regarding your work as a nurse if you began your essay by discussing being forced to reveal your patient’s HIV status. What method did you use to obtain the job? What did you consider to be the most significant aspect of this role?

In your third paragraph, return to leadership. Bring your readers’ attention to leadership again in your third paragraph. Ensure you’re concentrating on the leadership attribute you already have. You must select a quality that is directly relevant to your story. In your fourth paragraph, personalize it. Why is this attribute of leadership essential to you? Have you made a personal statement and set a personal milestone about the quality?

 Emphasize the leadership traits you possess throughout your essay’s body. Explain how they connect to your introduction tale. You are at liberty to organize the essay the way you want, although there is one way that has been proven to work, as described below:

 Conclusion  to  a  captivating leadership essay

Finally, make a powerful statement regarding your leadership talents. Understand how to begin a leadership essay. The first paragraph of your leadership essay must be excellent. That’s where you grab your reader’s interest and distinguish your essay from the rest. Your anecdotal story is the greatest method to do this.

Consider the leadership quality you’ve chosen.

When was the last time you displayed this trait? You may consider a period when your integrity was pushed to the limit in a leadership position. Provide the example and describe it in detail, highlighting what you did in that situation.

Finish with a powerful sentence. To make your words much more powerful, use a parallel framework. What will you do differently in the future due to what you’ve acquired in yourself and your leadership? These words will leave the most lasting impression on your reader about your nursing leadership and writing ability. Discuss what you gained.

Make the most of this section of your nursing leadership essay. Stick to your leadership principles while personalizing them. Describe your leadership alignment with your principles. Go ahead and illustrating how you exhibited responsibility in a specific circumstance in at most two sentences.

Review and modify your nursing leadership essay 

  • Improve your essay before submitting it to a review panel and other audiences.
  • These pointers may be useful:
  • Think of your writing as a rough draft.
  • Do not commit to anything; it’ll probably alter a great deal before it’s finished.
  • Allow a trustworthy friend, a parent, or a teacher to read and provide criticism on your essay.
  • To begin, read the nursing leadership essay aloud to yourself. Include the opinion you’ve selected.
  • You should revise any instances wherein you stutter or stammer over words.
  • Give the essay one more proofreading before submitting it.
  • Correct any grammatical mistakes.

Leadership styles in nursing essay 

As a nursing student, you must complete a rigorous program. The nursing profession’s theoretical and practical components are given equal weight in medical colleges. For example, management and leadership are important nursing elements requiring extensive research. 

In most cases, you will be assigned publications and essays in nursing detailing numerous leadership ideas. These projects demonstrate how leadership theories are put into practice in real-life circumstances to provide successful patient care. If you’re a student trying to figure out how to connect nursing and leadership when writing your next nursing essay, consider the following leadership theories.

Autocratic leadership

As the term implies, autocratic leadership is characterized by a high level of authority. Within the hospital, a boss is an authoritarian nurse. They rely on the employees who work for them to be completely obedient. An authoritarian nurse would issue explicit orders and directives to those who worked for them. They also make significant hospital decisions, assigning assignments to individuals they believe qualified for the position.

 Questioning or any dissent to a dictator’s authority is frowned upon by autocratic rulers. In emergency cases where the leader must make quick decisions, an authoritarian leader works the best. The contingency is kept under control by their authority and dominance. This leadership style, however, is unsuitable for a day–to–day activities.

Democratic leadership in nursing

The leader of a democratically run organization is chosen from among the employees. This approach directly opposes older leadership theories such as trait theory. Regardless of hierarchy, anyone can be a leader here.

In this case, the democratic nurse encourages team members to participate in decision-making. This structure strives to engage and enlist the participation of every team member. When it comes to making emergency decisions, republican leadership fails miserably.

This approach is based on quick responses and effective channels of communication. The leaders accept responsibility for creating a welcoming and safe environment where everyone can voice their views. This leadership approach can be justified in a clinic’s day-to-day operations.

Laissez-faire nursing leadership

This leadership approach in nursing is opposed to autocratic leadership. When directing her crew, the head nurse takes an impetuous and offhand approach. Compared to other leadership styles, this one’s leader is far more adaptable and accommodating.

The Lizzie-faire technique requires a head nurse to be relaxed and spontaneous in their leadership. That isn’t to argue that a leader like this would be ineffective in their position. On the other hand, this leadership approach works brilliantly with established members of the team.

The disadvantage of this leadership style is that an amateur crew cannot use it.

The laissez-faire leader thrives in a recognizable work atmosphere where they are well-versed in the team’s ins and outs.

 Transformational leadership in nursing

Most institutions choose transformational leadership, also known as visionary leadership, probably one of the best strategies. A leader in this leadership style always considers the bigger picture when making decisions.

In that scenario, a nurse might consider ways to enhance patient care, customer service, and some other processes. It’s a comprehensive and inclusive approach to completing tasks in the workplace. As the term implies, transformational leadership is good for making ground-level adjustments inside the clinic. In most cases, a transformational leader is ranked higher.

Servant leadership

Servant leadership in nursing is about providing the best possible service to the team. A nurse, a servant leader, focuses on the entire workstation rather than individual members. Despite its modest appearance, servant leadership has recently become a popular staff management style. Servant leadership guarantees that every team member can access the tools and resources required to complete their tasks. 

The leaders hold workshops and group meetings to educate the nurses on medication, patient care, and other topics. This leadership approach is effective in various work situations, including those with varied cultural and ethnic origins. However, this technique is ineffective whenever you wish to act swiftly within the organization.

Nursing leadership and evidence-based practice essay

While writing a nursing essay on leadership, you might also be required to write a nursing leadership and evidence-based practice essay. Within nursing leadership healthcare, evidence-based nursing practice is employed. It aims to redesign effective and efficient patient care. 

Using an evidence-based method approach stimulates the review of evidence from various sources, which leads to better results. You can use the evidence available to strengthen nurse leaders’ work and enhance nurses’ decisions. There are various steps that you should follow when writing this essay. Use these three components if you are writing an evidence-based nursing leadership essay:

  • Evaluate and implement the most recent, clinically significant, and scientifically solid research.
  • The clinical expertise of individuals.
  • Rely on your own clinical experience to find out what has succeeded and what hasn’t in your Practice.
  • Patient demands and values: Pay attention to and cherish your patients’ preferences.

Which methods of research are used in evidence-based nursing practice?

Remember that the types of research used should be among the key elements when writing an evidence-based nursing leadership essay. In evidence-based practice, what types of research are used? Evidence in nursing research can be classified into four different categories based on how reliable the data is. The following are the four categories, from most plausible to the least credible:

  1. Expert opinions supported studies, reports, or experience.
  2. Personal experiences
  3. Randomized controlled trials
  4. Evidence from  case-control, cohort, or observational studies

Any of these sorts of healthcare research can provide important information. While writing your nursing leadership essay, you must endeavor to make judgments from the most reputable knowledge available. It would be prudent for you to know the five steps below involved in writing the evidence-based nursing essay:

 Evidence-Based Practice’s essay 5 Steps

You should incorporate the five steps below in your nursing leadership evidence-based practice essay. These processes are often referred to as the “five A’s of evidence-based practice” in health science.

  • Ask: Create a list of questions in the clinical field that can be answered. Your questions should concern a patient, a condition, an intervention, or a result.
  • Acquire: Look for evidence that can help you respond to your questions.
  • Appraise: Evaluate whether the evidence is of excellent quality and worth.
  • Apply: Use the best research information to make healthcare choices.
  • Assess: Analyze how the evidence was applied to the patient’s condition.
  • Some healthcare providers choose to have an additional sixth phase to the cycle, called “disseminate.”

Sharing your study and evidence with others contributes to the widespread adoption of the nursing practice study. You can distribute knowledge by sharing it with colleagues, publishing it in peer-reviewed journals, and giving a presentation at a conference and in newsletters.

Advantages of evidence-based practice essay to nursing leadership

Evidence-based approaches improve client, caregiver, and organizational achievements, like the consistency of service and cost savings. The following are some of the advantages of working in the nursing field: 

Putting patients’ needs first.

While an evidence-based practice essay is based on research, it considers the preferences of patient needs. The Practice enables you to continue improving healthcare satisfaction while considering the choices and perceptions of every patient, which is one of the basic foundations of nursing.

Nurses save time by making improved patient care decisions. Evidence-based leadership in nursing saves time by allowing you to cease doing things that aren’t known to benefit patients. Nurses, for example, used to bathe each patient for up to a maximum of 20 minutes every day.

 Ideas for your evidence-based nursing essay

In your evidence-based nursing essay, some ideas about evidence-based practice Nurses have optimized the services they provide to patients by using evidence-based practice. The following are some instances of evidence-based healthcare ideas you can include in your essay:

Providing oxygen to patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD)

Using evidence to understand better how to administer oxygen to individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Noninvasive blood pressure measurement in children: Evidence suggests using an auscultatory technique and correlating the measurement to data collected using the oscillometric method.

Using the right size intravenous catheter

 Recognizing the advantages of utilizing narrower catheters to help patients feel more comfortable.

Appreciating the role of the family

 Knowing that family involvement can yield more efficient and comprehensive care is important because family members can greatly impact how a patient expresses symptoms to the healthcare practitioners.

Enhancing infection prevention and control practices

Recognize that wearing protective gear and washing hands are essential for infection prevention.

Addressing alarm fatigue

 Nurses can build effective protocols by meditating on current practices to ensure that staff who have been numbed to sound due to alarm fatigue are properly monitoring patients. Using examples of evidence-based nursing practice in your essay enables you to show your expertise in delivering the best-quality safe care. 

This further implies that you can improve patient outcomes, your place of work, and your nursing career. As a nursing student or practitioner, it demonstrates your ability to conduct research evaluation, deliver high-quality patient care and make sound decisions.

The bottom line

It is reasonable to believe that leadership is crucial in all parts of a company’s management, including the healthcare sector. When applying for nursing leadership, you need to demonstrate your skills by writing a nursing leadership essay. A company without an efficient manager would not thrive in a hostile corporate environment.

An excellent nursing leadership essay should feel genuine and relevant. You should make it well-organized and focused. Work on your essay with the above tips on writing a nursing leadership essay until you’re satisfied with the outcome. You’ll eventually wind up with an excellent job,

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