ENG106 Regulating Human Organ Sale Essay

ENG106 Regulating Human Organ Sale Essay

ENG106 Regulating Human Organ Sale Essay

Regulating Human Organ Sale
The sale of human organs has become a contentious and morally troubling issue in modern society. Medical advances coupled with an increased aging population has resulted in an increased demand for organ transplants (Lewis et al., 2020). Unfortunately, the available organs do not match this increase in demand leading to organ shortage. Due to this shortage, vulnerable individuals are exploited while equity, fairness, and human dignity are disregarded (McLachlan, 2021). Therefore, the urgency to address organ shortage cannot be overstated. Many lives are lost daily due to organ transplant shortages. This problem has received significant public scrutiny due to news stories, documentaries, and scholarly articles that address the horrifying experiences of individuals who have fallen prey to organ trafficking. Without effective action to address this problem, this issue will continue resurfacing, further entrenching an unethical cycle and depriving individuals of a chance at healthy lives and fulfillment. An all-encompassing and regulated system for selling human organs must be created to address this complex issue. This proposal advocates for a range of actions to ease organ shortage and foster ethical practices. Implementing strict regulations and safeguards can address ethical concerns surrounding organ transplantation, creating an equitable system that upholds principles such as human dignity and ensures access to life-saving treatments.

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Problem Identification and Justification
The organ transplant shortage is an alarming reality affecting millions worldwide. Demand far outstrips supply for organs like hearts, kidneys, and livers, resulting in lengthy waiting lists for suitable matches as thousands hope they become available (Lewis et al., 2020). Patients have to endure worsening health conditions, greater pain and suffering, reduced quality of life during the waiting time for a transplant, and risk of complications and mortality increase with longer waiting times. Families and loved ones must deal with emotional distress over their loved one requiring life-saving organ transplantation; all exacerbated by limited donor organ availability. Unfortunately, most patients do not survive the long wait and succumb awaiting transplantation.
Organ scarcity has created an underground organ trade driven by profit-seeking individuals and criminal organizations looking for easy profits. Organ trafficking exploits vulnerable individuals in desperate financial straits or living under challenging conditions by coercion or duping them into selling their organs without full knowledge of its risks and consequences (Jones, 2020).The illegal organ trade is deeply disturbing as brokers and middle-men prey upon impoverished individuals from marginalized communities who feel forced to sell their organs as a survival measure, often under coercion, deception, and inadequate medical care that compromises donor health and well-being, resulting in compromised health outcomes for these vulnerable donors. Furthermore, organs obtained illegally can often be transplanted without screening or consideration for compatibility posing significant risks for recipients.
Furthermore, the illegal organ trade exacerbates injustice and inequality by perpetuating an unfair advantage for wealthy individuals who can pay exorbitant organ prices (Ambagtsheer, 2021). At the same time, those unable to afford such expenses remain at a substantial disadvantage in accessing life-saving treatments. Furthermore, social disparities increase significantly as individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds face limited transplant opportunities due to an unregulated and exploitative market. Overall, organ trafficking exploits vulnerable individuals while undermining principles of fairness, equity, and respect for human dignity that should guide transplantation procedures. Therefore, it is imperative to address this problem and implement a regulated system that protects both donor rights and those receiving organ transplants while guaranteeing equitable access to life-saving treatments.
Proposed actions
Government Oversight and Regulation
To effectively navigate the ethical minefield surrounding organ sales, government oversight, and regulation is of vital importance. This involves licensing organ procurement organizations, medical professionals, and transplant centers involved in organ transplantation and monitoring. By creating an extensive regulatory framework, authorities can ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and legal requirements (Ambagtsheer & Bugter, 2022). Regular inspections and audits will help mitigate unethical practices and protect the rights and well-being of all individuals involved.
Transparent Allocation System
A fair and transparent organ allocation system is critical to addressing fairness concerns and ensuring efficient distribution. Hospitals should prioritize patients based on medical need, urgency, and compatibility criteria in this organ allocation process. By setting clear criteria and employing transparent processes, it is possible to minimize financial capacity restrictions while creating equal opportunities for all those requiring organs (Sterri et al., 2022). Transparency will encourage trust between organ donors and recipients and improve the chances of organ donations going into successful recipients’ hands.
Ethical Organ Donation Compensation
Establishing a system for financial compensation to organ donors can help address shortages of organs. However, it must be provided ethically without exploiting vulnerable individuals or coercion and undue financial pressure (Sterri et al., 2022). Factoring lost wages, medical expenses, and potential risks into compensation calculations can encourage voluntary organ donation while protecting against exploitation striking a balance between fair compensation and safeguards is the key to promoting voluntary organ donation as well as safeguarding organ donor well-being.
Public Awareness and Education
Organ donation awareness campaigns play a critical role in dispelling misconceptions and building positive associations with organ donation, helping increase its acceptance by the general population (Sterri et al., 2022). Comprehensive public awareness initiatives provide education on organ donation’s importance as an ethical consideration and its effects in terms of organ shortage crisis impact and shortage crisis impact. By providing accurate information, addressing myths, and creating an organ donor culture, it is possible to inspire more individuals to join willing donor registers.
Justification and Benefits of the Proposed Solutions
Ethical Considerations and Protection of Rights
Establishing a regulated system for organ sale is justified on ethical grounds, protecting organ donors and recipients in terms of rights and well-being. By adopting stringent regulations and safeguards, we can defend organ donors’ and recipients’ rights while upholding informed consent, avoiding exploitation, and increasing transparency throughout organ transplantation procedures (Behan, 2020). An adequately regulated system would uphold autonomy, dignity, and fairness principles while respecting and protecting all involved individuals’ rights during transplantation procedures.
Reducing illegal organ trade
One of the main advantages of establishing a regulated organ sales system is reducing illicit organ trade. By providing legal avenues for transplantation, we can create viable alternatives to organ trafficking on the black market and disrupt criminal networks engaged in organ trafficking. Illicit organ trade thrives off desperation and lack of viable options, and by creating a regulated system, we undermine its profitability while shielding vulnerable individuals from being exploited by criminal networks involved in organ trafficking.
Improved Access to Transplantation
Organ shortage is one of the primary contributors to long waiting times and limited access to life-saving treatments and should therefore be managed accordingly. A regulated system for selling organs could significantly boost supply (Behan, 2020). Incentivizing donation through fair compensation could encourage more individuals to step forward as donors, alleviating organ shortage crisis quickly and providing timely transplants for those in need. Improved access ensures patients have equal chances at accessing life-changing therapies, thus relieving suffering while improving health outcomes.
Saving lives legally and ethically
The ultimate aim in creating a regulated system for selling human organs is to save lives legally and ethically. Organ transplantation is an established medical procedure that offers individuals suffering from organ failure a chance at survival and improved quality of life (Behan, 2020). It ensures a regulated and transparent process vital in maximizing successful transplantations outcomes and positively impacting numerous lives and their families. Adding ethical safeguards guarantees organ donations are conducted with dignity for everyone involved ensuring our goal of saving lives through legal means becomes a reality.
In summary, creating a regulated system for selling human organs presents a pragmatic and justifiable solution to address organ shortages for transplantation. Through stringent regulations, transparent allocation systems, ethical compensation plans, and public awareness campaigns, it is possible to effectively address ethical dilemmas associated with the transplantation of organs. Establishing stringent regulations makes it possible to ensure organ procurement organizations, medical professionals, and transplant centers adhere to ethical guidelines and legal requirements following organ donors’ and recipients’ rights, protecting organ donors against exploitation and unethical practices. As part of an equitable organ distribution strategy, adopting a transparent allocation system will address issues of fairness and equity in organ distribution. By prioritizing patients based on medical need and compatibility factors, we can ensure organs are allocated fairly, reducing any influence from financial capacity factors. Ethical compensation for organ donors is crucial to encouraging more individuals to donate organs voluntarily while safeguarding donors against exploitation. A regulated system that offers equitable compensation and protects donors’ well-being will encourage voluntary organ donation while simultaneously encouraging voluntary organ donation and protecting donors’ well-being. Public awareness campaigns and education initiatives will dispel misconceptions and promote organ donation. By cultivating a donation culture and increasing public understanding, more individuals can be inspired to consider organ donation, ultimately increasing organ supply.

Ambagtsheer, F. (2021). Understanding the challenges to investigating and prosecuting organ trafficking: a comparative analysis of two cases. Trends in Organized Crime. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12117-021-09421-2
Ambagtsheer, F., & Bugter, R. (2022). The organization of the human organ trade: a comparative crime script analysis. Crime, Law and Social Change. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-022-10068-5
Behan, J. (2020, January 10). The Case for Legal Organ Sales. Adam Smith Institute. https://www.adamsmith.org/blog/the-case-for-legal-organ-sales#:~:text=By%20legalising%20organ%20sales%2C%20you%20can%20help%20to
Jones, S.-A. (2020, December 16). A Legal Organ Market: Should it Exist? – UAB Institute for Human Rights Blog. Sites.uab.edu. https://sites.uab.edu/humanrights/2020/12/16/a-legal-organ-market-should-it-exist/
Lewis, A., Koukoura, A., Tsianos, G.-I., Gargavanis, A. A., Nielsen, A. A., & Vassiliadis, E. (2020). Organ donation in the US and Europe: The supply vs demand imbalance. Transplantation Reviews, 35(2), 100585. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trre.2020.100585
McLachlan, H. V. (2021). Exploitation, Criminalization, and Pecuniary Trade in the Organs of Living People. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11673-021-10091-6
Sterri, A. B., Regmi, S., & Harris, J. (2022). Ethical Solutions to the Problem of Organ Shortage. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 31(3), 297–309. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0963180121000955


Proposal Argument Essay Assignment

Write a 1,500-1,750-word proposal using five to seven academic resources. Follow your instructor’s guidance as to whether it should be a policy or a practical proposal and as to the range of topics allowed.

The voice and style of your argument should be aimed at your target audience. Remember to not use first person pronouns (I, me, us, we, our, my, mine) or second person pronouns (you, your, yours), unless given permission by your instructor.

Your proposal should have the following features:

Identify the problem.

Persuade the audience that you have selected that this is a problem that needs solving; give it presence.

Propose action offering specific details to show how the actions will help alleviate the problem.

Justify your solution by providing the reasons why your audience should accept your proposal and act on it.

This essay is NOT simply a persuasive essay. It is an argumentative proposal that offers a practical and justifiable solution to a problem.

Proposal Argument Essay Assignment

Write a 1,500-1,750-word proposal using five to seven academic resources. Follow your instructor’s guidance as to whether it should be a policy or a practical proposal and as to the range of topics allowed.

The voice and style of your argument should be aimed at your target audience. Remember to not use first person pronouns (I, me, us, we, our, my, mine) or second person pronouns (you, your, yours), unless given permission by your instructor.

Your proposal should have the following features:

Identify the problem.

Persuade the audience that you have selected that this is a problem that needs solving; give it presence.

Propose action offering specific details to show how the actions will help alleviate the problem.

Justify your solution by providing the reasons why your audience should accept your proposal and act on it.

This essay is NOT simply a persuasive essay. It is an argumentative proposal that offers a practical and justifiable solution to a problem.


ENG-106 Rubric: Proposal Essay

Criteria % Value 1: Unsatisfactory 2: Less Than Satisfactory 3: Satisfactory 4: Good 5: Excellent
% Scaling 0% 65% 75% 85% 100%
Content & Ideas – 40%

Content and Ideas Should:

Include an effective title.

Use a thesis that centers on a proposal argument.

Give a problem presence.

Develop the proposal argument by using claim-type strategies that support proposals (categorical, ethical, and/or cause and effect claims).

Present specific evidence to supplement supporting arguments.

40% Does not have title, and has missing or indiscernible thesis statement and minimal evidence to support main ideas. The writer gives the problem no presence. Argument includes elements of a proposal, but the argument does not center on the proposal. The writer does not use strategies that support proposal arguments. Title may not suggest subject and does not spark interest. Thesis statement and/or the controlling idea are not clearly stated. The writer gives the problem little presence. Argument includes elements of proposals, but the argument does not center on a proposal and/or the writer does not use strategies that support proposal arguments very well. Ideas are underdeveloped and clichéd. They do not support the thesis. Evidence from outside sources can be irrelevant. Title suggests subject but does not spark interest. Thesis statement identifies the main point the author is trying to make. The writer gives the problem some presence, though the problem could be explained more forcefully. Most of content relates to thesis statement, but lacks sufficient support through appropriate strategies for making proposal arguments (categorical, ethical, and/or cause and effect claims). Argument may not center specifically on a proposal. Cited evidence sometimes does not justify ideas. Title suggests subject but does not necessarily spark interest. Thesis statement clearly identifies the main point the author is trying to make. The writer gives the problem presence. Argument centers specifically on a proposal and uses strategies that support it (categorical, ethical, and/or cause and effect claims). Most of the content supports thesis, and cited evidence usually justifies ideas. Title suggests subject and sparks interest. With a clear, controlling idea, thesis statement effectively identifies the main proposal the student is trying to make. The student gives the problem full presence. Content supports thesis well by effectively using strategies that support proposals as necessary (categorical, ethical, and/or cause and effect claims). Specific, cited evidence justifies ideas and enriches the essay.
Organization – 12%



12% No apparent organization present. The piece does not explain that a problem exists, provide a solution, and/or justify the solution. Ineffective introduction does not invite readers or explain the subject. The reader cannot find the thesis statement. Underdeveloped paragraphs lack focus and topic sentences. No conclusion present. No apparent organization present. The piece might explain that a problem exists, offer a solution, and justify the solution, but may do so only minimally. Introduction explains subject, but does not engage readers. Thesis is difficult to find. Underdeveloped paragraphs lack focus and topic sentences. Weak conclusion offered. Organization is clear, but with minor errors. The piece might explain that a problem exists, offer a solution, and justify the solution without doing all three convincingly. Introduction explains subject, but does not adequately engage readers. Thesis may be misplaced. Paragraphs are not developed around topic sentences, and may not always advance essay’s ideas. Conclusion summarizes but does not conclude. Organization aids readers in understanding content. The writing somewhat persuades readers that a problem exists and is important, provide details about the solution, and justify the solution. Introduction explains subject, but may not engage readers. Thesis statement is placed appropriately, according to the genre of writing set forth in the assignment description in the syllabus. Well-ordered paragraphs are developed around topic sentences, and advance essay’s ideas. Conclusion may be more of a summary. Logically organized to help readers understand content. The writing persuades readers that a problem exists and is important, provide appropriately specific details about the solution, and justify the solution. Introduction explains subject and engages readers. Thesis statement is placed appropriately, according to the genre set forth in the assignment description in the syllabus. Well-ordered paragraphs are developed around topic sentences, and advance essay’s ideas. Conclusion provides strong, satisfying ending, not a mere summary of the essay.
Format – 16%
Paper Format


16% Layout: Essay lacks more than THREE of the following: double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. Not all information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited on the page they appear; little or no in-text citations and/or entries on reference page used; major documentation oversights noted; major format errors and omissions noted; inappropriate number of required sources used. Layout: Essay lacks THREE of the following: double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. Not all information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited on the page they appear; missing more than one citation and/or reference entry; significant documentation oversights noted; significant format errors or omissions noted; inappropriate number of required sources used. Layout: Essay lacks TWO of the following: double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. Not all information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited on the page they appear; missing one in-text citation and/or reference entry; minor documentation oversights noted; minor formatting errors or omissions noted; appropriate number of required sources are used. Essay lacks ONE of the following: double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. All information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited on the page that they appear and are listed on the references page (APA format); some minor errors or omissions in format noted; appropriate number of required sources is used. Layout: Essay is double-spaced with 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. All information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited in parenthetical APA format; all sources are listed on the references page (APA format); all citations and reference entries are complete and in alphabetical order; appropriate number of required sources is used.
                                                                     Language & Style – 16%
Language & Style


16% Voice & tone are inappropriate and ineffective in creating appropriate mood. Inappropriate word choice used. Sentence structure includes ungrammatical structures and no variety. Writing is wordy. Voice & tone are inappropriate and ineffective in creating appropriate mood. Word choice fails in use of appropriate, precise language and strong verbs. Includes too many “to be” verbs. No attempt to vary sentence structure noted. Writing is wordy. Voice & tone usually do not characterize ideas appropriately or effectively create appropriate mood. Word choice includes nonstandard outdated usage, too many “to be” verbs, is not precise, and is occasionally incorrect. Some slang or jargon exists in the paper. Inadequate variety in sentence structure noted. Writing is wordy. Voice & tone usually characterize ideas effectively create appropriate mood. Word choice usually includes current standard usage, active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words. Some slang or jargon exists in the paper. Some variety of sentence structures strengthens the ideas, creates vitality, and avoids choppiness in the writing. Writing is mostly concisely written. Voice & tone characterize ideas and effectively create appropriate mood. Word choice includes current standard usage, active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words. Sentence structures strengthen the ideas, create vitality, and avoid choppiness in the writing. Writing is concise.
Grammar & Mechanics – 16%
Grammar & Mechanics 16% Demonstrates no control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions.

Many errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

Demonstrates minimal control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions. Several errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

Demonstrates reasonable control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions.

Some errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

Demonstrates high control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions. Few errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

Demonstrates outstanding control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions.

No errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts


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