Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

Task 1: Social Media Campaign


Part of cultural competency is advocating for sensitive patient populations with regard to health issues or needed improvements in the community. A big part of advocacy is uncovering effective stories discovered in your community assessment. Equally important is understanding how to broadcast your discoveries to the larger community. In our society today, social media is a powerful leveraging tool to get a story out, build support, and demonstrate advocacy. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

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Requirements for Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay:

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality. 

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Part 1: Field Experience Project Submission
Note: Your timelog must be submitted with your assessment. If both are not submitted at the same time, your task may be returned to you without evaluation. Community Health Field Experience. Topic Obesity in Adults Essay
A.  Submit a completed “Community Health Field Experience Timelog” by doing the following:

1.  Include the date of each activity.

2.  Include a brief description of each activity.

3.  Include the name of the contact person, a working phone number, and a full physical address.
Note: If an email address is available for the contact person, you may choose to include it.
4.  Include the number of hours spent on each activity (not including preparation time).

5.  Describe how each activity relates to your selected Field Experience topic.

6.  Record a total of 90 hours that meet each of the following requirements:

●  65 student planned activity hours based on the attached “Field Experience Activities List”

●  a maximum of five individual interview hours (i.e., no more than five interviews, no more than one hour per interview)

●  no prep time hours (i.e., prep time is not to be included in reported hours)

Note: If your timelog is returned from evaluation, you are required to do an addendum.  Please use the link below to access the DocuSign addendum document.  Both the original timelog and the addendum timelog must be submitted with the task. Community Health Field Experience. Topic Obesity in Adults Essay

Note: Random audits and verification of time log activities do occur. Violation of the WGU Code of Student Conduct or the Academic Authenticity Policy could result in disciplinary action. 

Part 2: Social Media Campaign

Note: The “CDCynergy” web link provided in the web links section below may be useful in completing your social media campaign. The use of this web link is optional, i.e., not required.
B.  Write your community health nursing diagnosis statement.

1.  Explain how the health concern from your community health nursing diagnostic statement is linked to a health inequity or health disparity within the target population.

a.  Discuss the primary community resources and primary prevention resources currently in place to address the health concern.

b.  Discuss the underlying causes of the health concern.
2.  Discuss the evidence-based practice associated with the Field Experience topic.

a.  Identify data about the selected Field Experience topic from the local (e.g., county), state- Florida, and/or national level.
Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

C.  Develop a community health nursing social media campaign strategy that will convey your health message and address the Field Experience topic by doing the following:

1.  Describe your social media campaign objective.

2.  Recommend two population-focused social marketing interventions and justify how each would improve the health message related to your selected Field Experience topic.

3.  Describe a social media platform you would use that is appropriate for communicating with the target population-Adults

a.  Discuss the benefits of the selected social media platform in supporting preventative healthcare.
4.  Discuss how the target population will benefit from your health message.
D.  Describe best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing.
Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

E.  Create a social media campaign implementation plan by doing the following:

1.  Describe stakeholder roles and responsibilities in implementing the plan.

2.  Discuss potential public and private partnerships that could be formed to aid in the implementation of your campaign.

3.  Create a specific timeline for implementing your campaign.

4.  Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign.

5.  Discuss the costs of implementing your campaign.
F.  Reflect on how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

1.  Reflect on how your social media campaign could apply to your future nursing practice.
G.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
H.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

UNREG Task 1 (0118)


Not Evident Approaching Competence Competent
A1. Activity Date A date of each activity is not provided. Not applicable. A date of each activity is provided.
A2. Activity Description A description of the activity is not provided. Community Health Field Experience. Topic Obesity in Adults Essay The description of the activity is not from the approved list or is not relevant. The description of the activity is from the approved list and is relevant.
A3. Contact Person Information The contact person’s information is not provided. The contact person’s information provided is missing one or more of the given points. Community Health Field Experience. Topic Obesity in Adults Essay The contact person’s information provided is complete with all given points.
A4. Number of Activity Hours Spent The number of hours spent on each activity is not provided. The number of hours spent on each activity is missing key details or includes preparation time. The number of hours spent on each activity provided is complete and does not include any preparation time.
A5. Field Project Activity Topic A description of relevance to the Field Project Activity topic is not provided. The description provided is missing key details or does not address the relevance to the Field Experience topic. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The description provided is complete and logically addresses the relevance to the Field Experience topic
A6. Record of Activity Hours A recording of the 90 total hours is not provided. The recording of the 90 total hours does not meet one or more of the given requirements. The recording of the 90 total hours is complete and meets each of the given requirements.
B. Community Health Nursing Diagnostic Statement A community health nursing diagnosis statement is not provided. The community health nursing diagnostic statement does not identify a health concern or risk, does not identify the affected group or community, does not suggest a cause, or does not logically discuss the evidence and/or support for the diagnosis. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The community health nursing diagnostic statement identifies a health concern or risk, identifies the affected group or community, suggests a cause, and logically discusses the evidence and/or support for the diagnosis.
B1. Health Inequity or Disparity An explanation of how a health concern is linked to a health inequity or health disparity is not provided. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The explanation does not accurately identify a health inequity or health disparity within the target population, or the explanation does not logically discuss how the identified health inequity or disparity is linked to the health concern identified in part B. The explanation accurately identifies a health inequity or health disparity within the target population and logically discusses how the identified health inequity or disparity is linked to the health concern identified in part B.
B1a. Primary Community and Prevention Resources A discussion of the primary community and prevention resources is not provided. The discussion is missing key details about the primary community resources and the primary prevention resources, or the discussion is not appropriately related to the identified health concern. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The discussion appropriately details the primary community resources and the primary prevention resources relevant to the identified health concern.
B1b. Underlying Causes A discussion of the underlying causes of the health concern is not provided. The discussion does not accurately identify potential contributing factors for the health concern, or the discussion does not logically propose the underlying causes for the health concern based on potential contributing factors for the health concern. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The discussion accurately identifies potential contributing factors for the health concern and logically proposes the underlying causes for the health concern based on the identified potential contributing factors.
B2. Evidence-Based Practice A discussion of evidence-based practice associated with the selected Field Experience topic is not provided. The discussion is not well supported with evidence-based practice associated with the selected Field Experience topic. Or the discussion is missing key details relevant to the selected Field Experience topic. The discussion is logical and appropriately includes the evidence-based practice relevant to the selected Field Experience topic.
B2a. Identification of Data Data about the selected Field Experience topic is not identified. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The submission does not logically identify data that relates to the selected Field Experience topic from the local, state, and/or national level. The submission logically identifies data that relates to the selected Field Experience topic from the local, state, and/or national level.
C1. Social Media Campaign Objective A description of a social media campaign objective is not provided. The description presents an objective for the social media campaign that would not feasibly convey the health message or address the Field Experience topic. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The description presents an objective for the social media campaign that can feasibly convey the health message and address the Field Experience topic.
C2. Social Marketing Interventions A recommendation and justification of 2 social marketing interventions are not provided. The justification of 2 recommended social marketing interventions does not describe how each social marketing intervention is population focused, or the justification of 2 recommended social marketing interventions does not logically explain how each social marketing intervention would improve the health message related to the selected Field Experience topic. Community Health Field Experience. Topic Obesity in Adults Essay The justification of 2 recommended social marketing interventions describes how each social marketing intervention is population focused and logically explains how each social marketing intervention would improve the health message related to the selected Field Experience topic.
C3. Social Media Platforms A description of the social media platform that would be used is not provided. The description of the social media platform that would be used does not include logical rationale for why the selected social media platform is appropriate for communicating with the target population. The description identifies a social media platform that would be used and includes logical rationale for why the selected social media platform is appropriate for communicating with the target population.
C3a. Benefits of Social Media Platform

A discussion of the benefits of the selected social media platform is not provided. The discussion does not logically outline the benefits of the selected social media platform for supporting preventative healthcare, or the discussion does not logically describe how each benefit applies to supporting preventative healthcare. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The discussion logically outlines the benefits of the selected social media platform for supporting preventative healthcare and logically describes how each benefit applies to supporting preventative healthcare.
C4. Benefit to Target Population A discussion of how the target population will benefit from the health message is not provided. The discussion does not logically outline the benefit(s) of the health message for the target population, or the discussion does not logically describe how the benefit(s) of the health message apply to the target population. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The discussion logically outlines the benefit(s) of the health message for the target population and logically describes how the benefit(s) of the health message apply to the target population.
D. Best Practices for Social Media A description of best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing is not provided. The description of best practices includes one or more practices that are inappropriate for or not specific to the implementation of social media tools for health marketing. Community Health Field Experience. Topic Obesity in Adults Essay The description identifies best practices that are appropriate and specific for implementing social media tools for health marketing.
E1. Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities A description of stakeholder roles and responsibilities is not provided. The description of stakeholder roles and responsibilities includes one or more roles or responsibilities that are nonspecific or inappropriate for the implementation of the social media campaign plan. The description identifies specific stakeholder roles and responsibilities that are appropriate for the implementation of the social media campaign plan.
E2. Potential Partnerships A discussion of potential public and private partnerships is not provided. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The discussion does not identify both public and private partnership that could be formed, or the discussion does not logically describe how each potential partnership identified would aid the implementation of the social media campaign plan. The discussion identifies potential public and private partnerships that could be formed and logically describes how each potential partnership would aid the implementation of the social media campaign plan.
E3. Implementation Timeline A timeline for implementing the campaign is not provided. The timeline for implementing the campaign is unrealistic or is missing key details related to the implementation of the campaign. Community Health Field Experience. Topic Obesity in Adults Essay The timeline for implementing the campaign is realistic and includes specific details related to the implementation of the campaign.
E4. How to Evaluate Effectiveness An explanation of how the effectiveness of the campaign will be evaluated is not provided. The explanation does not identify the tools that are necessary for the evaluation of the campaign, does not logically describe the criteria for campaign effectiveness, or does not logically discuss how evaluation tools will be used in the determination of campaign effectiveness. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The explanation identifies the tools that are necessary for the evaluation of the campaign, logically describes the criteria for campaign effectiveness, and logically discusses how evaluation tools will be used in the determination of campaign effectiveness.
E5. Cost of Implementation A discussion of the costs to implement the social media campaign is not provided. The discussion does not identify specific elements of the social media campaign that would require financial support to implement, or the discussion does not logically describe the potential cost of implementing each of these elements. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The discussion identifies the specific elements of the social media campaign that would require financial support to implement and logically describes the potential cost of implementing each of these elements.
F. Reflection on Social Media Marketing A reflection of how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts is not provided. The reflection does not logically discuss the benefit(s) of using social media marketing for the community health nurse, or the discussion includes one or more nonspecific or illogical examples of how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The reflection logically discusses the benefit(s) of using social media marketing for the community health nurse and logically describes one or more specific examples of how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations.
F1. Reflection on Future Nursing Practice A reflection of how the provided social media campaign can apply to the candidate’s future nursing practice is not provided. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay The reflection includes one or more nonspecific or illogical examples of how the social media campaign could apply to the candidate’s future nursing practice. The reflection logically discusses one or more examples of how the social media campaign could apply to the candidate’s future nursing practice.
G. The submission does not include both in-text citations and a reference list for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, and a reference list; however, the citations and/or reference list is incomplete or inaccurate. The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accurately identifies the author, date, title, and source location as available. Community Health Field Experience. Topic Obesity in Adults Essay
H. Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic. Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective. Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or selected by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding. Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

Community Health Field Experience: Adult Obesity Essay

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