BIOL 304 6380 The Biology of Cancer Paper

BIOL 304 6380 The Biology of Cancer

BIOL 304 6380 The Biology of Cancer

BIOL 304 6380 The Biology of Cancer (2228)BIOL-304
Fall 2022 Section 6380 3 Credits 08/17/2022 to 10/11/2022
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Course Description
(For students majoring in both science and nonscience disciplines.) An overview of the biological basis of cancer. The goal is to apply knowledge of cancer biology to adopt appropriate lifestyle strategies and evaluate current treatments. The causes, development, and progression of cancer are considered at the level of cell structure and function. The roles of genes and proteins are also examined. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: BIOL 304 or GNSC 398C.

Course Introduction
Did you know that cancer is a leading cause of illness and death in the United States? Did you ever wonder how it develops and what you can do to reduce your risk of developing cancer? Understanding the difference between good and bad cellular growth is important, and knowing how to limit the growth of cancer cells is useful for maintaining good health.

In this course, we will discuss the different types of cancers; what factors (genetic, environmental, and behavioral) contribute to cancer development; and what are the most appropriate and useful treatments available in the fight against cancer.

Course Outcomes
After completing this course, you should be able to

• identify properties involved in maintaining homeostasis in order to recognize how certain factors contribute to cancer

• recognize the complexity of cancer and assess current approaches for screening, diagnosis, and treatment in order to adopt appropriate lifestyle strategies

• apply knowledge of causes, development, and progression of cancer to ask questions and make informed decisions about personal and public health

Course Materials
Click to access your course materials information

Class Guidelines
Contacting your Faculty Member

You can use the Instant Messages feature within the classroom to send a message to your faculty member, or you can use email. See the Overview section under Content to find the contact information for your faculty member.

Classroom Navigation

Are you new to UMGC and need help navigating the LEO classroom? Check out the Online Classroom Overview: For Undergraduate and Graduate Courses video on the Learning Experience Online website.

Helpful Resources

A. Orientation to Science Courses

Science Learning Center (SLC). You can enter this site from under Course Content. The SLC houses a set of instructional and support materials of use across the science curriculum. Currently, the SLC houses two items:

1. The Scientific Method Tutorial – This module provides an excellent description of the Scientific Method. This method is integral to all science, and is important for our course.

2. The Science Studies Tutorial – This piece is designed to provide students with some tips and strategies for taking a science course. Some of the strategies in this unit are generic and apply to students’ general study habits for all courses. Other segments of the unit are specific to taking a science course. This unit is short and should not take more than 30-40 minutes to complete. I recommend that you read the unit during the first couple of weeks of the semester. If you have difficulty with science, then the Science Study Skills Unit is a MUST READ.

B. Orientation to College Writing

i. College Writing Essentials

The majority of content is written in the student’s own words, and directly quoted content is limited to less than 10% of total content
Introduction previews the main points, and conclusion summarizes main points
Ideas are presented clearly, follow sound logic, and flow coherently and cohesively
Content is expressed using standard grammar, punctuation and spelling conventions
Paragraph content reflects reasonable transitions
Content reflects synthesis and critical analysis of referenced sources
Ideas are supported by referenced evidence, and full citations are provided for all reference sources
ii. Citing and Writing Page ( On this page you will find links to tutorials and resources to help you become a better researcher and writer, through proper attribution and citation of your sources, and the avoidance of academic dishonesty.

iii. Effective Writing Center (EWC). You can access helpful writing resources through UMGC’s Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC provides excellent information for improving your writing skills, writing a paper, incorporating citation formats, and many other writing skills.

iv. The Research Assignment Calculator for Time management of your research papers.

C. Library Guide for the Sciences

The UMGC library has developed resources to aid in the research of science-related databases, Websites, books, and e-books. The Library Services site also provides information on how to find articles, and 24-hour access to UMGC librarians. The link to the Library Guide can be found at

ii. Tips for Success

Get books and materials before the semester begins
Log in to online classroom before the semester begins
Complete orientation (if new online college student)
View and print the syllabus and mark calendar with important course dates
Read start-up/orientation materials posted by faculty member

Begin the course work on time and early (in the first 1-2 days of the semester)
Start weekly assignments early in the week (Do not wait until 1-2 days before they are due) Check the online classroom, classroom messages and announcements, and your email every 1-2 days for new information
iii. Student Participation Expectations

a. Time Commitment:

Now that you have read the Syllabus, you should recognize that this course requires active student participation. An online course requires you to put in at least the same amount of time as an in-classroom course. During this 8-week semester, you will be expected to work 15 -18 hours per week in order to keep up with the fast pace of the course. Some students will manage with less, while some may need more time. Active participation is required in all online courses, and you should expect to log in to your online course several times a week.

b. Study and Work Habits:

Summing Up a Successful Online Student. An online course places more responsibility on the student (and subsequently more independence) than a face-to-face course. Therefore, a successful online student must exercise more self-discipline than a face-to-face student. A successful online student is one who:

reads the Course Schedule’s assigned reading material thoroughly before responding in a conference
prepares personal study notes (like classroom notes) each week from the reading assignment addressing key points, key figures, and defines any bold-faced terms
considers outlining the course material for personal study
participates two-to-three times per week in discussions and avoids late-week discussion comments
engages the material and others with enthusiasm and courtesy
schedules adequate time to do the work
asks for help when needed
interacts with others in the class
is self-motivated
turns in well-drafted, proofed, and properly cited and referenced assignments prior to their due dates
keeps copies of all work and instructor responses in case of an emergency
Use of Turnitin in this Course

This course uses Turnitin, a software tool embedded in the online classroom to support the development and assessment of academic writing, including ensuring the authenticity of student work through a Similarity Report that highlights any matching areas in your paper found in another submitted paper in the Turnitin repository using a range from 0% to 100%. The use of Turnitin in this class is different than how it may have been used in your other classes in that there is no need to create a separate account. You only need to submit your assignment within the classroom. Shortly after you submit your assignment you will receive helpful feedback to improve your writing from within the Turnitin software tool.

You can submit your assignments to Turnitin multiple times before the assignment due date. Once you submit an assignment to the Assignment folder, your assignment will be submitted automatically to Turnitin generating a Similarity Report. When a Similarity Report is available for viewing, a similarity score percentage will be made available that can be accessed from the Assignment folder by selecting the Submitted link located under “Completion Status” or by clicking the View History button. Here are additional instructions for how to view the Turnitin report within the assignment folders if needed:

NOTE: It may take a few moments for the report to be available. If you have any questions about the use of Turnitin for your assignments, please reach out to your instructor directly via the in-class messenger or email. If you are experiencing any difficulty accessing the Similarity Report, please visit the Turnitin support site:

Remember that you will not use your account at for this course; the tool is already embedded in assignment folders.

Copyright Protected Course Materials

All UMGC course materials, including quiz and exam questions, discussion questions, lab and writing assignments are copyright protected and the property of UMGC. Do not share any course materials on the internet. Sharing, or submitting, any materials from this course is a direct violation of U.S. and International Copyright Law. Civil Penalties for Copyright Violation currently range from $750 to $30,000 per violation.

Additionally, posting of quiz or assignment questions to online “answer” or “homework” websites is academic fraud. This type of activity is a direct violation of

UMGC’s code of conduct, Policy 151.00 section III-A, and
UMGC’s Policy 150.25 – Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.
If you are caught engaging in this type of activity you risk sanction by the university. Possible sanctions include:

A grade of F on the work in question
A grade of F in the course
Suspension from the university for Academic Dishonesty
Expulsion for Academic Dishonesty
Please do your own work and don’t risk these consequences!


Grading Information
This course consists of the following graded items:

Weekly Discussions (7 x 3%)


Quizzes (3 x 8%)


Cancer Public Service Announcement Project

Step 1 (Week 2) Topic Selection (2%)

Step 2 (week 4) Finding Resources Discussion (3%)

Step 3 (week 5) Outline (2%)

Step 4 (week 7) Public Service Announcement (20%)

Step 5 (Week 8) Reflection Discussion (3%)


Final Exam




Weeks begin at 12:00 AM on Wednesdays and end at 11:59 PM the following Tuesday. You will have 7 days to complete all weekly coursework.


All assignments will automatically be checked for originality by Turnitin after submission. Please review the Originality Report ( and when needed, submit a revised assignment before the deadline.

Discussion Participation

By registering for a Web-based course, you have made a commitment to participate in the weekly discussions as well as other online activities. Please plan to participate regularly. Participation in this course is defined as proactive discussion in weekly discussions. This requires you to actively reflect on weekly module and textbook readings and to develop original ideas in your responses. You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking and your understanding of the content in the assigned readings as they relate to the issues identified in the discussion. You are expected to make your own contribution in the main response, as well as respond with value-added comments to at least two of your classmates. You are encouraged to respond to other students as well as to your instructor. You will note in the grading policy that your online discussion participation counts significantly toward your final grade.

You are expected to adhere to the general rules of online etiquette. It’s important to follow the guidelines of proper online etiquette to ensure good communication between you, your classmates, and your instructors. Keep the five online etiquette tips below in mind during your online course:

Respect. Whether the class is online or on-site, respect is essential. It allows all involved parties to focus on the objective and prevents distracting disagreements. Be sure to use a polite tone, read before responding, and be constructive with your criticism. It’s important to treat all online interactions the same as face-to-face interactions.
Use Proper Formatting, Punctuation, and Grammar. The same rules of English apply in the online classroom setting. Capitalize letters when necessary, use appropriate punctuation, and avoid using slang and abbreviations. You’ll not only make your posts easier to read; you’ll demonstrate your professionalism and personal value.
Be Careful. Because tone is difficult to convey online, sarcasm or humor can easily be misinterpreted. Though you may be tempted to joke around with your classmates, something written for a laugh may offend others. If you are unsure whether your message will be misconstrued, consider using an emoticon to lighten the tone.
Go to Your Instructor First. If you have a disagreement or issue with a fellow classmate, go to your instructor before the situation escalates. It’s best to make your instructor aware of the situation before it affects the classroom dynamics or the way you engage with your peers.
Stay on Topic, and Keep it Brief. Online classes require a lot of reading, and when responding, it may be difficult to decide where to start. Focus your comments on short topics to keep the conversation flowing. Avoid being too wordy, and instead, say what you need to say without veering off-topic.
To receive full credit for weekly participation, you must:

Participate individually with meaningful and original comments in the discussion of posted questions in the conferences. (See Academic Policies for information about plagiarism.)
Make the minimum posts per week (See details in the Additional Information section (Content > Syllabus > Additional Course Information))
Ensure your posted content is written in your own words. Repetitive (redundant) answers, copied articles, or portions of articles from Web sites, books, magazines, and so on will not count toward participation
Cite properly and consistently and include all sources used for your responses
The due date for weekly discussion(s) is listed in the course schedule.

Do not put off your classwork until the last minute. The deadline for classroom participation is 11:59 pm ET on Tuesdays of each week. This includes your original posts, and replies to classmates. You must participate in the classroom discussions before the stated deadline to receive credit.

See the Discussion Grading Rubric for details on posting content to the Discussions.

What is “good” participation?

For discussion participation, what matters here is the quality of your responses, not quantity.

Here are some examples of good responses:

“Mary, you mentioned in your answer that human cloning is currently being investigated. In your research did you see any companies that were actually doing human cloning? I did not think that human cloning even a possibility in our lifetime. I think the government should regulate cloning practices of all animals to make sure that the science is not being used in a harmful or unethical way.”

Another example:

“Joe, I really enjoyed reading your paper. I like the way that you formatted it, using pictures and tables to support your facts. The table you included about the increase in Flu deaths was very interesting – I did not realize that so many people die in other countries from something as simple as the flu!”

Your responses may include an observation, a counterexample, a suggestion, a statement of respectful disagreement, a solution, a question about the material or the process, an insight, an admission, an assent, an example, an idea, a corroboration, or a speculation. Remember to include your sources of information (if applicable)!

Here are some examples of inadequate responses/participation:

“Good job, I liked your answers!” or,
“Joe – I liked your paper very much!” or,
“I agree!”
Any response that is intimidating, disrespectful, belittling, and/or demeaning will not be tolerated, and will be deleted.

Rubric for Asynchronous Discussion Participation

Asynchronous discussion enhances learning as you share your ideas, perspectives, and experiences with the class. You develop and refine your thoughts through the writing process, plus broaden your classmates’ understanding of the course content. Use the following feedback to improve the quality of your discussion contributions.



0 Points


1 Point


2 Points


3 Points

Initial Assignment Posting

Posts no assignment.

Posts adequate assignment with superficial thought and preparation; doesn’t address all aspects of the task.

Posts well developed assignment that addresses all aspects of the task; lacks full development of concepts.

Posts well developed assignment that fully addresses and develops all aspects of the task.

Follow-Up Postings (as applicable)

Posts no follow-up responses to others.

Posts shallow contribution to discussion (e.g., agrees or disagrees); does not enrich discussion.

Elaborates on an existing posting with further comment or observation.

Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts.



Posts information that is off-topic, incorrect, or irrelevant to discussion.

Repeats but does not add substantive information to the discussion.

Posts information that is factually correct; lacks full development of concept or thought.

Posts factually correct, reflective and substantive contribution; advances discussion.

References & Support

Includes no references or supporting experience.

Uses personal experience, but no references to readings or research.

Incorporates some references from literature and personal experience.

Uses references to literature, readings, or personal experience to support comments.

Clarity & Mechanics

Posts long, unorganized or rude content that may contain multiple errors or may be inappropriate.

Communicates in friendly, courteous and helpful manner with some errors in clarity or mechanics.

Contributes valuable information to discussion with minor clarity or mechanics errors.

Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical or spelling errors.


Late Policy

Illness, death, family emergency situations, and TDYs (for military members) are part of life. It is your responsibility when you think things are in danger of getting out of hand, to keep your instructor informed about what is going on, what the problem is, and how long it will interfere with your ability to concentrate and participate in the course. Do your best to inform your instructor of potential disruptive situations before deadlines are reached. You can always contact your instructor according to the contact information provided by your instructor. You may need to provide appropriate documentation that confirms an emergency or other disruption. Your instructor will use discretion in determining whether a late assignment may be accepted.



Project Descriptions
Weekly Discussions

Addresses Course Outcomes 1-3:

1. identify properties involved in maintaining homeostasis in order to recognize how certain factors contribute to cancer

2. recognize the complexity of cancer and assess current approaches for screening, diagnosis, and treatment in order to adopt appropriate lifestyle strategies

3. apply knowledge of causes, development, and progression of cancer to ask questions and make informed decisions about personal and public health

The purpose of the discussions is to continue the conversation introduced in the class reading assignments. You will be given an opportunity to ask questions, and you will respond to questions or scenarios that will enhance the level of your understanding of the course material. It is expected that you will provide responses to the questions posed and provide constructive comments to other posts.

All the information you share in your discussion posts should be fully paraphrased in your own words, your own writing style, and structure. Changing a few words in a sentence copied from an information source is not fully paraphrasing. Content from the course materials or outside sources either needs to be fully paraphrased or quotation marks need to be added before and after the copied text, followed by an in-text citation. A general rule of thumb is no more than 10% direct quotes in a discussion post, or in an assignment.

Discussion participation will account for 21 % of your final course grade.


Addresses Course Outcomes 1-3:

1. identify properties involved in maintaining homeostasis in order to recognize how certain factors contribute to cancer

2. recognize the complexity of cancer and assess current approaches for screening, diagnosis, and treatment in order to adopt appropriate lifestyle strategies

3. apply knowledge of causes, development, and progression of cancer to ask questions and make informed decisions about personal and public health

There will be 3 quizzes. These quizzes are intended to determine the level of understanding of course concepts and prepare you for the final exam. Questions will include multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, and essay formats. Make-up exams will be given only if prior arrangements are made.

Final Exam

Addresses Course Outcomes 1-3:

1. identify properties involved in maintaining homeostasis in order to recognize how certain factors contribute to cancer

2. recognize the complexity of cancer and assess current approaches for screening, diagnosis, and treatment in order to adopt appropriate lifestyle strategies

3. apply knowledge of causes, development, and progression of cancer to ask questions and make informed decisions about personal and public health

Questions may include multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, and essay formats. Your instructor will provide additional information about the final exam.

Cancer Public Service Announcement Project

The local chapter of the American Cancer Society has learned that you are taking a Cancer Biology college course and have asked you to help them develop a public service announcement. The goal of the announcement is to educate the general public on the biology of one specific type of cancer and to encourage people to get screened, look for signs themselves, or implement lifestyle changes that will reduce their chance of developing that specific type of cancer.

In this multi-step assignment, you will throughout the semester create a public service announcement brochure, article, poster, video, podcast, or narrated presentation.

If you choose a video, podcast, or narrated presentation, you must also include a written script as part of your presentation. If a presentation or video is uploaded to YouTube (unlisted); you can download an automatically generated transcript – see more information below.

This assignment addresses the following course outcomes:

identify properties involved in maintaining homeostasis in order to recognize how certain factors contribute to cancer
recognize the complexity of cancer and assess current approaches for screening, diagnosis, and treatment in order to adopt appropriate lifestyle strategies
apply knowledge of causes, development, and progression of cancer to ask questions and make informed decisions about personal and public health
Step 1 – Topic Selection (2%) – Week 2

Choose one type of cancer (breast, skin, lung, prostate, pancreatic, ovarian etc.)

Write a brief summary (suggested length: 150-300 words) that identifies the type of cancer you have chosen, describes a few statistics about the prevalence and mortality rates of this type of cancer, and your reason for choosing this type of cancer.

Use this site from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to find and describe statistics about the number of cases and number of deaths of your chosen type of cancer, and this site from the National Cancer Institute to find and describe information about the mortality rate.

Submit to the assignment folder by the due date listed in the syllabus.

Step 2 – Finding Information Sources Discussion (3%) – Week 4

1. Review the Is My Source Credible? site from the UMGC library:

2. Locate three (3) reliable information sources that you may use for your project that provides information about your chosen type of cancer as it relates to carcinogens, genetics factors, screening, and/or treatment options.

One of the three sources must be a peer-reviewed scholarly article. If you need help identifying and finding peer-reviewed scholarly articles, see this site:
Choose a few keywords (suggestions: name of cancer and one of the following: carcinogens, genes, genetics, screening, treatment) and enter them into the UMGC’s Library One Search:
Consider using the “Ask a Librarian” option if you need help locating a relevant article.
You may also use other search engines like Google. Two of your sources could be websites, YouTube videos, textbook chapters, or non-scholarly articles.
3. Write a 100–200-word summary about why you believe these three sources are reliable, and why you believe they will be useful for your project.

Include references to the three information sources you describe in APA format:
Submit your main response to the designated discussion topic by the due date listed in the syllabus.
4. Reply to at least two other students’ posts. Your comments should include at least one reason why one or more of their resources may or may not be reliable, and at least one correction of an APA citation error.

Note: You will likely need additional information sources for your project, and you are not required to use the three resources you found and described this week.

Step 3: Submit an Outline Week 5 (2%) – Week 5

Submit an outline for your project in the Outline Assignment folder and also identify the format you will be using. The outline should be in bullet list format, not a draft with full sentences and paragraphs. The more detail you include in the outline, the more you will likely benefit from the feedback.

Here are some resources that you may find helpful when writing your outline:

UMGC Effective Writing Center (2021) Online Guide to Writing.
UMGC Effective Writing Center (2021) Prewriting and Outlining. Links to additional resources at the bottom of this site.
Step 4: Submit Public Service Announcement (20%) – Week 7

Regardless of chosen format, your public service announcement should contain the following information:

Introduction: Share a few statistics about the chosen type of cancer and introduce what will be covered (5 points).
Describe the known genetic and environmental factors that cause this type of cancer. Include details about genes, inherited and spontaneous mutations, proteins, hormones, and known carcinogens that are involved with the development of this type of cancer (20 points).
Using your knowledge of cancer cell and tissue biology, describe the development and progression of this type of cancer (10 points).
Discuss the current approach for screening, diagnosis, and treatment for this type of cancer. Include either an explanation of how one type of treatment works at the cellular level or discuss an emerging innovative approach to treatment (15 points).
Discuss what can be done from a public health perspective, and from an individual perspective, to reduce the risks associated with the development of this type of cancer (20 points).
Conclusion (5 points)
References in APA format (10 points) If you are using images include the source below the image (url to website).
Length Requirement: 1200-1800 words (5 points)
Mechanics and organization of content will account for 10 points.
Your announcement should be fully paraphrased in your own words, your own writing style, and structure. Changing just a few words in a sentence is not fully paraphrasing.

Use in-text citations within your assignment and a reference list at the end. Text from outside sources either needs to be fully paraphrased in your own writing style (in-text citation is still needed), or needs quotation marks around the copied text, plus an in-text citation after. There should be a minimal need for direct quotes in this assignment (less than 10%).

Remember that your audience is the general public. Although you may be using some technical information resources you should explain everything so that people who have not completed BIOL 304 can understand it.

Submit your public service announcement to the assignment folder by the due date listed in the syllabus.

Submission formats:

Submit a video or narrated presentation as an unlisted YouTube link (see instructions below), and a written transcript in a Word document.
Submit a podcast as an audio file, or url, and as a written transcript in Word document.
Submit brochure, poster, or article as a Word document, PowerPoint, or PDF file.
Turnitin: The originality of your assignment will be checked with Turnitin. Please review the originality report (, and if needed, submit a revised assignment before the submission deadline.

Step 5: Reflection Discussion (3%) – Week 8

Write a brief summary of what you learned from the public service announcement assignment, highlighting the top 3 most interesting things you learned. Also, do you feel that this project, along with the course readings, quizzes and weekly discussions helped you achieve the 3 course outcomes?

You are welcome to share your assignment, or parts of it, with the class in your response, but you are not required to do so.

Comment on at least two other students’ posts.

How to Create a Narrated PowerPoint Presentation and Upload to YouTube (if you choose this format) :

Download the desktop version of PowerPoint on your computer if you have not already. This is needed to add narration. All UMGC students can download Office 365, including PowerPoint, for free:
Create the slides in PowerPoint. The first slide should have a title, your name, UMGC, course/section, and professor’s name. List all references to information sources used in APA format on the last slide of the presentation. Your presentation should have 15-20 slides total. Use a limited amount of text on each slide. Add images that contribute to the information that you are sharing verbally. Add a brief caption and the URL to the website where you found the image, below each image you use.
Write a script for your narration for each slide in a Word document. It is OK if you do not strictly follow the script when you narrate. Your narration should be 8-12 minutes. An alternative to writing the script prior to the narration is to follow this approach to download an automatically generated transcript from YouTube (Note: you need to allow extra time for the close captioning/transcript to be generated, remember to choose the language as “English”), see this video for more detail if you want to use this approach:
Record your narration in PowerPoint. Go to Insert and click the Audio icon (to the right in the editing bar), choose Record Audio… from the drop-down menu. Click the red button to start your narration, then the blue button to stop. Check that your recording is OK. You can delete a recording and start over, and you can also do some minor editing by cutting off the start and/or end of the recording. Repeat for all the slides in your presentation. You may want to move the narration icon that appears in the middle of the slide to a corner.
Save as MPEG4 File. Once your narrated PowerPoint presentation is completed, save it on your computer as an MPG4 file video by clicking File > Save > Choose MPEG4 format from the drop-down menu. Creating the video will take a few minutes. You can see a progress bar at the bottom.
Upload to YouTube. Go to: If you already have a YouTube account, log in. If you do not have a YouTube account, create a free account. Then go to . You can “Drag and drop” or click “Select Files” to locate your narrated PowerPoint MPG4 file. The processing will take a few minutes. You will need to click through a few pages of options. Most default settings are OK but choose the Unlisted option for visibility (not public, not private). That way only people that you provide the URL to will be able to find and view your video.
Submit the YouTube link and the Word document with your narration in the assignment folder by the due date listed in the syllabus.



Your Public Service Announcement will be graded according to this rubric:




Needs Improvement

Introduction (5 points)

Type of cancer is identified, accurate and relevant statistics and concise overview are provided.


5 points

A few issues with clarity and accuracy.


3-4 points

Several issues with clarity and accuracy, or statistics missing.

1-2 points

or introduction missing.

0 points

Description of genetic and environmental factors (20 points)

Accurate description of known genetic and environmental factors that cause this type of cancer. Supportive detail about genes, inherited and spontaneous mutations, proteins, hormones, and known carcinogens that are involved with the development of this type of cancer are included.

19-20 points


Mostly accurate description of known genetic and environmental factors that cause this type of cancer, but a few issues.

May be missing some supportive detail about one or more of the following: genes, inherited and spontaneous mutations, proteins, hormones, and known carcinogens that are involved with the development of this type of cancer are included.

11-18 points

Several issues with accuracy and completeness in the description of known genetic and environmental factors that cause this type of cancer.

Missing supportive detail about several of the following: genes, inherited and spontaneous mutations, proteins, hormones, and known carcinogens that are involved with the development of this type of cancer are included.

1-10 points

or missing description of environmental and genetic causes

0 points


Description of development and progression of cancer (10 points)

Accurate description of the development and progression of chosen type of cancer that demonstrates good understanding of cancer cell and tissue biology.

10 points

Mostly accurate, detailed, and well-written description of the development and progression of the chosen type of cancer that mostly demonstrates a good understanding of cancer cell and tissue biology, but with a few issues regarding accuracy, some supportive detail may be missing.

6-9 points


Several issues with accuracy and completeness in the description of the development and progression of chosen type of cancer, and/or does not demonstrate good understanding of cancer cell and tissue biology, and/or missing supportive detail.

1-5 points

or missing description of the development and progression of case.

0 points

Discussion of screening, diagnosis, and treatment (15 points)

Accurate description of screening, diagnosis, and treatment of the chosen cancer type, that includes either an explanation of how one type of treatment works at the cellular level or discusses an emerging innovative approach to treatment.



14-15 points

Mostly accurate description of screening, diagnosis, and treatment of the chosen cancer type, but with a few issues regarding accuracy, some supportive detail may be missing. May be missing either an explanation of how one type of treatment works at the cellular level or discusses an emerging innovative approach to treatment.

7-13 points



Several issues with accuracy and completeness in the description of screening, diagnosis, and treatment of the chosen cancer type.

1-6 points

or missing description of screening, diagnosis, and treatment of the chosen cancer type.

0 points

Discussion of prevention strategies (20 points)

Accurate, detailed, and well-written discussion of what can be done from a public health perspective, and from an individual perspective, to reduce the risks associated with the development of the chosen type of cancer.

19-20 points


Mostly accurate, detailed, and well-written discussion of what can be done from a public health perspective, and from an individual perspective, to reduce the risks associated with the development of the chosen type of cancer, but with a few issues regarding accuracy, some supportive detail may be missing.

9-18 points


Several issues with accuracy and completeness in the discussion of what can be done from a public health perspective, and from an individual perspective, to reduce

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Great work, Thank you, will come back with more work
Customer 452441, November 11th, 2022
This was done very well. Thank you!
Customer 452441, November 11th, 2022
Very fond of the paper written. The topic chosen is defiantly trending at this time
Customer 452495, July 27th, 2023
Well researched paper. Excellent work
Customer 452441, November 11th, 2022
Good work. Will be placing another order tomorrow
Customer 452441, November 11th, 2022
The absolute best ! Thanks for great communication, quality papers, and amazing time delivery!
Customer 452467, November 14th, 2022
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