Assignment:Article Summary Essay
Assignment:Article Summary Essay
Assignment:Article Summary Essay
Article Summary
Article critique is essential in nursing to enhance application of evidence in appropriate setting. The application of informatics is increasing and nurses as well as other healthcare providers should endeavor to review and critically analyze research articles to meet patient needs in their diverse settings.
Reference Information for the article
Kaplan, B. (2020). Revisiting health information technology ethical, legal, and social issues and
evaluation: telehealth/telemedicine and COVID-19. International journal of medical informatics, 143, 104239.
Search Tool
The search tool that I used is Google Scholar. Google Scholar is a search engine that gives one research articles on different topics from different journal. The database is comprehensive and offers both full text and abstracts. One can find millions of article and does not have to pay, except where the database will direct you to articles that one should pay for to access them.
Using the First Engine
The first search engine that I wanted was CINAHL but could not use it because of I was directed to EBSCO Host where I require a subscription. This implies that one must pay to access the articles from the database.
Time to Find an appropriate article
I did not take over fifteen minutes to get an appropriate article. In fact, it took me about five minutes to get the article that I considered appropriate for this summary.
Summary of the Article
In this article, the author focuses on the role of health information technology against the need for legal, ethical, and social aspects emerging due to the pandemic and the increased use of virtual care. Imperatively, the article advances that the pandemic had significant effects on the utilization of health information technology by different players in the healthcare sector. The article would be useful for the paper since it gives an overview of the effects of COVID-19 on healthcare access and utilization among different health populations. The article is essential as it illustrates the importance of compiling with legal, ethical, and social expectations of using telehealth and other types of health technology to improve care delivery.
Read textbook chapters 9-10
Review the requirements for the Informatics Research Paper due in JULY.
Informatics reasearch paper: You will evaluate an informatics application by describing the application, analyzing/evaluating, critiquing, and making any recommendations to make the informatics application, program, or process better. Due to the design of the paper assignment, you may use first person perspective and ‘I’ in this paper.
The informatics application may be related to any nursing informatics such as electronic health records, telehealth, e-learning and/or distance education, electronic charting programs within nursing programs for clinical, virtual simulations for nursing students, searching e-resourses in the library, or anything related to informatics that impacts nurses, thinking most about your degree focus. This should be something you are interested in, had a good or bad experience with as a nurse, student or maybe even a clinical instructor.
Consider your chosen topic for the paper and perform research utilizing either CINAHL, OVID, or Google Scholar to locate an Evidence Based Practice article related to your topic that you can use for your paper.
Provide the reference information for the article.
Describe which search tool you used and why.
Did you ultimately utilize the first search engine you tried?
Did it take you more than 15 minutes to find an appropriate article?
Do a brief summary of the article and describe in a just a few sentences why this article will be useful for your paper.
Your summary should be approximately one page, double spaced. You do not need a title page or a reference page. You will provide your topic reference article at the top of the page.