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Assignment: Vocational Guidelines for Clients across the Lifespan
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This is not a essay… I need this to study for quiz and up coming exam…

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Specific Theorists include: Anne Roe, Edward Bordin, Eli Ginzberg, Donald Super, Mark Savicka, Linda Gottfredson

Describe how vocational guidance and career counseling practices change between different developmental stages across the lifespan. – 150-200 words*

Describe how the career counseling needs of different developmental populations change. – 150 words*

—> The following is more in notes formation and I would like the notes primarily focused on the ones with astricks as Iv already done the others and feel confident in my work/study on those but to get to the astricks I feel the whole pic/reasoning would help with that piece.

The ethics comes from the ACA code of ethics to help.

This info is used for reference/study guide – so resources/references requested with info – hopefully better explained.

Imagine you have been asked to provide a training to new career counselors at your agency about the benefits of using technology in .

Describe different technologies that can be beneficial in career counseling.

Demonstrate approaches to integrating technology resources in career counseling with clients of different ages.

Explain strategies for overcoming possible obstacles with clients when using technology in career counseling.

Focus on the following please as it applies to the prev ref:
**Apply career counseling theory where applicable.
**Identify any ethical considerations.
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• Describe how vocational guidance and career counseling practices change between different developmental stages across the lifespan.

The research, based on the developmental perspective indicates that the primary regarding career counseling has to do with factor of uncertainty. For example, individuals are unable to making career decisions because he or she is uncertain about making a choice, or change regarding a career, or job change.

(1) Developmental changes based on Savickas (2005) Career counseling theory

Career counseling practice is noted in the theoretical framework of the “Career Construction theory” (CCT, Savickas, 2005 as cited in Galvin & Berger, 2012). The CCT enhances Hollands’s I1959) theory (1959 as cited in Nauta, 2010) development change necessary to on career choice. Holland also stressed the significance of a personality type (a person’s character makeup) in career choice.
According to Galvin and Berger (2012), the CCT focuses on important aspects of making a career choice such as persons with special needs, and those experiencing mental difficulties. From this CCT perspective, the difficulty with making a career choice is eased with the individual being able to make sense of his or her decision
Savickas (2005 as cited in Galvin & Berger. 2012) proposed three distinct viewpoints of vocational behavior: (a) psychology of individual differences, (b) psychology of development, and (c) the psychology of motivation. Based on these three factors related to vocational behavior an individual can be helped to reach a decision; For instance, these viewpoints can be applied to arrive at a decision for a career choice based no: (1) personality for the vocation, (2) how one adapts to the career and (3) life themes (stories or narratives in his or her life).

As explained further, a vocational personality reflects personal interests, defined by Savickas (cited in Galvin & Berger, 2012) as “an individual’s career- related abilities, needs, values, and interests”. Life themes explain why individuals make occupational choices). For instance, based on the CCT approach career exploration suggests than individual’s choice must have significance. For instance, the choice of one’s career must hold personal meaning for the individual. As Savickas (2005) notes, narratives based on a CCT orientation utilizes narratives that can be used to help individuals to construct their “future possible selves: (cited in Galvin & Berger, 2012, p. 187).

Savickas (2005) views on Career adaptability was borrowed from Super’s (1957) vocational theory focused on client maturity, how individuals interact with the environment and others (cited in Galvin & Berger, 2012).

  • Utilizing the facets of this theory, an individual … Assignment: Vocational Guidelines for Clients across the Lifespan