Assignment: Quality of Care Improvement through Accountable Care Organizations
Assignment: Quality of Care Improvement through Accountable Care Organizations
There are 2 discussions: Topic 1 & Topic 2 (They both require references please)
Discussion Topic 1: Accountable Care Organizations Improve Quality of Care
How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for cost of care? Give an example of a study that has addressed coordination of care and has had documented success. Describe the study and its implications for care.
Discussion Board: Minimum 200 words, APA Style, Time New Roman, Font 12,
(3 references- in text citations) not older than (2012-2017). No Plagiarism please.
Discussion Topic 2: The Nurse’s Role in the Accountable Care Act
Discuss the advanced practice nurse’s role in the Affordable Care Act. How will health care improve, using advance practice nurses under the Affordable Care Act?
Discussion Board: Minimum 200 words, APA Style, Time New Roman, Font 12,
Health Policies and Organizational Structures and the Effects of Quality Improvement within Healthcare Environments
Hospitals play critical roles in the provision of health care. They have historically been viewed as the hub of the healthcare system. Few consumers can actually cover the cost of hospital care. Hospitals that serve financially vulnerable populations who cannot afford to pay for care have to rely on insurance: Medicaid, Medicare, Workers’ Compensation or No-Fault. This puts the hospitals in the position of vulnerability, because they cannot rely on other sources of funding. There has been a movement to make the delivery of healthcare in the hospital more competitive by improving the effectiveness and the efficiency of the healthcare system. One way to do this is for hospitals to reorganize and work together, versus standalone competitors. The Affordable Care Act will impact the way hospitals function. Increasing cost is driving the need for change.
The Affordable Care Act has incentives to organize Accountable Care Organizations (ACO’s). These ACO’s are groups of providers and hospitals that develop an integrated model of healthcare delivery. Providers who previously operated independently can develop mechanisms so the patients can receive comprehensive care.
Topic1: Accountable Care Organizations Improve Quality of Care
How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for cost of care? Give an example of a study that has addressed coordination of care and has had documented success. Describe the study and its implications for care.
Health Care Accountability
[Student’s Name]
[Institutional Affiliation]
[Date of Submission]
Health Care Accountability
Topic1: Accountable Care Organizations Improve Quality of Care
How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for the cost of care?
Quality is crucial to the healthcare system. Recently, there have been policy changes in the health care system because of the agency that is pertinently attached to. To begin with, individuals need to apply and change modes of payment in the health system (Seabury et al., 2014). This could aid in making sure that the payments for salaries and the purchase of equipment in the hospitals are made quickly. Secondly, it is prudent to motivate health workers while on duty. This would help in meeting goals that could drive change. In the same development, change is inevitable in any organization in order to get improved services in the healthcare system.
Coordinatization of care has also helped in making success in the healthcare sector. The Accountable Care Organization (ACO) method has widely been used in many organizations in the U. S. to implement the health care industry (Bath & Wakerman, 2015). The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care is the perfect institution that has successfully applied the coordination of care in the health system.
Describe the study and its implications for care.
The study is critical because the health care system needs to have a constant review. Reviews for ACO are pertinent and necessary as this could help in meeting the health standards of the millennium goals (O’Brien, Edge, & Clark, 2016). Further, the study will help in reducing costs that individuals incur in the health system that is unnecessary. It is upon the mandated agencies to ensure that proper, …