Assignment: Professional Writing – Postpartum hemorrhage
Assignment: Professional Writing – Postpartum hemorrhage
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is responsible for around 25% of maternal mortality worldwide (WHO, 2017) reaching as high as 60% in some countries. In resource-poor settings, many uterotonics known to be effective in reducing PPH in tertiary care settings may not be useful in community settings because they require refrigeration and/or skilled administration () .
I will like to investigate the applicability and effectiveness of simple maneuver as midwives in decreasing the rate of PPH and the amount of postpartum blood loss in such settings
Instruction for the paper
Your introduction (2 paragraphs) will focus on a reason the woman presents for care and what this may signify. In the judgmental, disease-focused vernacular of healthcare, this is commonly called the “chief complaint”, “history of present illness”, and “differential diagnoses”. Your writing will consider all the differential diagnoses that this woman may have when she presents to the office with your selected sign. Then, select one for the focus of your paper and briefly discuss (2 paragraphs) the researched background on this diagnosis.
Next, you will transition to the second section, where you will discuss (2 paragraphs) the researched cultural or genetic aspects you have chosen. Ideally, these (condition and culture or genetics) should be commonly associated; however, new associations are acceptable.
Then, flow into your midwifery plan of care–how you plan to provide service to the woman and how your midwifery approach would be different from the medical approach (4 paragraphs). Be sure to address at least one of the Hallmarks of Midwifery in this discussion.
Finally, synthesize the 3 parts into a 2 paragraph summary of the gynecological problem that is associated with the cultural or genetic aspect and how the midwifery hallmarks of care address it in a manner that reflects quality, value, and satisfaction.