Assignment: Parse’s human perspective
Assignment: Parse’s human perspective
Parse’s perspective identifies that human beings are intentional beings and the characteristic influences their meaningful and open stance towards the universe, ideas, people and projects. However, they are drawn from life experiences that further make human beings intentional beings that do not engage in random and unthoughtful people, projects. People choose how to behave towards different situations and people thus forming an attitude, which is defined by choosing direction and a purpose to identify with. The assumption made by Parse is that humans influence what happens around them and the choices they make without realizing that emergencies call for unintentional decision making (Smith, & Parker, 2015). Nurses face different challenges in their place of work and the management of patients who face different kind of ailments that escalate from manageable to life threatening in a very short period of time. The tenet of intentionality and human subjectivity is challenged by the constrained working environment within which they expected to manage patients without disappointments. Therefore, Parse’s perspective made the assumption that all human actions and decisions are intentional and chosen for known reasons.
Parse further challenges the traditional views held by nursing profession and defines the profession as a science focused on human life experiences. She also supports that nurses must acquire unique knowledge required to inform their practice and research. Parse research method study on hope and insights from living the art of humanbecoming. However, she restricts the knowledge to human-universe processes that she identifies are essential in fulfilling the profession’s commitment to humankind (Smith, & Parker, 2015). The assumption made underscores the need to understand the linkage between humans and other people, predecessors, culture, history, projects and ideas. However, it influences current and future nurses’ actions because they are at times random and not chosen by establishing any linkage between human-universe processes, but depending on the needs of the presented case.
Smith, I., & Parker, M. (2015). Nursing Practice. Hoboken: Wiley.
Parse, R. R. (2012). New Humanbecoming Conceptualizations and the Humanbecoming Community Model: Expansions with Sciencing and Living the Art. Nursing Science Quarterly, 25(1), 44–52.
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