Assignment: Heart Disease and Obesity in African American Adults
Assignment: Heart Disease and Obesity in African American Adults
Higher Rate of Heart Disease and Obesity in African Americans
I. Obesity and heart disease unproportionally affect African Americans.
A. African Americans suffer from health problems that many times can go unrecognized.
1. Handling these problems takes a lot of work and increased knowledge on health.
a. Patients that go untreated can suffer from a number of health problems.
b. The long term problems with Obesity and Heart disease may go unnoticed for months or longer.
2. Health concerns often lead to financial concerns.
a. Even with the Affordable Health Act many individuals are still uninsured.
b. African Americans statistically have lower incomes.
B. The purpose of this review is to look at the occurrence of Heart Disease and Heart Disease in the African American population and the possible interventions that could help assist them.
1. Nurses and Primary Care Physicians need to have the proper tools for assessing and educating patients.
a. Several scales exist to help us gage healthy diets and appropriate body mass, including the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Heart Healthy diets.
b. Many individuals feel uncomfortable addressing weight loss and monitoring.
2. National Center for Biotechnology Information (2014) Obesity is a very serious health issue, it is also associated with a host of adverse health outcomes, including depression, type ll diabetes and heart disease.
3. Interventions can be set up to help patients with Heart Disease and Obesity.
a. A low sodium diet or Heart Healthy diet will prove to be beneficial in management of both conditions.
b. Daily weights to show weight loss as well as weight gain in patients suffering from heart disease.
c. Dailey Activity has also proven to be very beneficial in combating these diseases.
d. Education on why individuals are at risk due to heart disease being known as the silent killer and effecting nearly 50% of individuals.
II To examine why the health differences are so great between Caucasian Americans and African Americans I have turned to scholarly journals and articles.
A. The articles I have found paint a clear picture as to who the most affected group is and has given some insight as to why.
1. Poverty amongst African Americans is larger than that of Caucasian Americans
2. College education of African Americans is less.
3. Unemployment of African Americans is higher.
4. African Americans are more likely to live in food deserts.
5. African Americans are far less likely to have trust in their healthcare providers.
a. I have taken this information and compared it to that of Caucasian Americans.
III Providers are in a unique position to help curve this problem. Even though genetically we are unable to modify someone’s risk, we are able to educate and help modifiable risk factors. And focus on disease prevention.
A. Taking advantage of the Health Belief Model would be a great way to help curve this problem.
B. We should use education to help with prevention as well as management as evidence by the fact African Americans are more likely to be re admitted to the hospital after a cardiac event.
C. Protocols should be put into place for primary care providers to increase education with African American clients in regards to Heart Disease and Obesity.
D. I would also like to focus on the Health Belief Model in this section.
IV. The question needs to be asked about what changes this community can make, to help decrease the prevalence of Heart Disease and Obesity in African Americans. The studies that I have reviewed mainly look at comparing the differences between Caucasian Americans and African Americans across the health spectrum. Many of the studies do not make suggestions on how to improve this.
V. In this section I will some different suggestions on where to start education, practice and where I believe more research should be conducted.
VI. In summary, there is a vast array of research regarding how African Americans are more likely to suffer from obesity and heart disease.
A. It is a well recognized problem which can have detrimental effects on the community and healthcare system.
B. Further research is needed in regards to implementing practice to help close this health gap.
Working References
You are here MDE Health & Safety Alternatives to Suspensions and Expulsions Toolkit Schools’ Strategies. (2014, June 2). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from,4615,7-140-74638_72831_72836-362901–,00.html#eight
Office of Minority Health. (2019, January 8). Retrieved March 1, 2019, from
Current Health Guidelines. (2018, January 5). Retrieved February 28, 2019, from
African Americans and Heart Disease, Stroke. (2015, July 31). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from
African Americans and Heart Disease. (2018, September 7). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from
Assignment: Heart Disease and Obesity in African American Adults
NURS 6120: Population Health and Inter-professional Collaboration
Population Health Paper Guidelines
This assignment addresses the following course outcomes:
Program outcomes | Course outcomes |
Demonstrate scholarly activity in research, evidence based practice and adapting theoretical frameworks to clinical practice. (TAE, CCE) | Employ collaborative strategies in the design, coordination, and evaluation of patient-centered care. |
Synthesize broad ecological, global and social determinants of health; principles of genetics and genomics; and epidemiologic data to design and deliver evidence-based, culturally relevant clinical prevention intervention s and strategies. | |
Assume clinical and/or educational leadership in diverse healthcare settings (CCE, TCC). | Advocate for the value and role of the professional nurse as member and leader of inter-professional healthcare teams. |
Understand other health professions’ scopes of practice to maximize contributions within the healthcare team. | |
Advocate for diverse populations and demonstrate social responsibility in healthcare delivery. (CCE, SSR) | Evaluate the effectiveness of clinical prevention interventions affecting individual and population-based health outcomes using health information technology and data sources. |
Students model ethical behavior; demonstrate integrity and honesty in the role of leader and educator. (TCC) | Understand other health professions’ scopes of practice to maximize contributions within the healthcare team. |
Understand the foundations of care and the art and science of the nursing profession and practice as it relates to self, individuals, families and clinical populations across the lifespan. (TCC, SSR) | Synthesize broad ecological, global and social determinants of health; principles of genetics and genomics; and epidemiologic data to design and deliver evidence-based, culturally relevant clinical prevention interventions and strategies.
In this paper, you will develop a plan addressing a problem experienced by your population. At minimum, you will
- Identify the problem – using research literature as evidence the problem exists
- Describe the issues relevant to the problem
- Description of the population
- Social determinants of health
- Social justice
- Epidemiological perspectives
- Collaborative partnerships that could help to manage the problem
- Use examples from the literature that could apply to your population/issue
- Theory or model that could support a population-focused health intervention
- Be sure to check back with Theory at a Glance for theory/model ideas
- Significance to Nursing
- Why is it important for nursing to address these issues for this population?
- What outcomes will this new knowledge provide?
- Justify the need for future research in this area
- How will future research add to nursing’s body of knowledge in this area?
Use of references:
- use a variety of resources as appropriate to the issue
- the majority of resources must be from peer reviewed scholarly journals
- web sites can be used provided you demonstrate the credibility (e.g. S. census, the ADA, AHA)
- Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable resource
- you must include some research studies as evidence to support your discussion
- only 20% of the resources can be from class materials.
- For this length of paper – you will need to use 10-15 resources to adequately cover the content.
Your paper must include an, introduction, and conclusion, significance to nursing/future research, references. Evidence of synthesis and logical presentation of ideas should be evident.
Appropriate length: 9-12 pages (excluding title page and references). Papers under or over the stated length will receive deductions. You will need at least 9 pages to adequately cover the topic.
Due Date: Refer to NURS6120 Course Calendar
See Population Evaluation Rubric for grading criteria
Submit your assignment via CANVAS Assignment Link