Assignment: Fever of Unknown Origin Case Study
Assignment: Fever of Unknown Origin Case Study
Assignment: Fever of Unknown Origin Case Study
Patient Information
Name: P.A.
Age: 45 years.
Gender: Male
Presenting Complaint: New rash over the past 4 hours.
Medical History: No known allergies or pre-existing skin or medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus or any other autoimmune disorders like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Occupation: Office worker
Clinical Presentation
P.A. is a 35-year-old male who presents with a sudden new onset rash over the past 4 hours. The rash is characterized by redness, raised bumps, and is located primarily on his trunk and extremities. The lesions are approximately 1-2 centimeters in diameter and appear to be confluent in some areas, forming larger patches. The rash is non-pruritic (non-itchy) and non-painful. The patient denies any recent travel, insect bites, or exposure to irritants or new medications (Santana et al., 2019).
Physical Examination: P.A. appears healthy and does not seem to be in acute distress, his vital signs are within normal limits, except his temperature which is 38.5 degrees Celsius.
Clinical Examination
Upon examination, the rash appears to be maculopapular, consisting of flat red spots (macules) and raised red bumps (papules). The lesions are not vesicular or pustular, and there is no evidence of scaling or crusting. The rash is symmetrical and does not blanch upon pressure, and there are no other significant findings on physical examination (David & Quinlan,2022). There is no evidence of lymphadenopathy or systemic involvement.
Additional Information
The patient has not experienced any fever, joint pain, malaise or systemic symptoms, no pain associated with the lesion. The patient does not have a past history of similar rashes.
There are no known recent infectious outbreaks in the patient’s community. The patient does not have a recent travel history.
Santana, L. F. E., Rodrigues, M. S., Silva, M. P. A., Brito, R. J. V. C., Nicacio, J. M., Duarte, R. M. S. C., & Gomes, O. V. (2019). Fever of unknown origin – a literature review. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992), 65(8), 1109–1115.
David, A., & Quinlan, J. D. (2022). Fever of Unknown Origin in Adults. American family physician, 105(2), 137–143.
“Fever of unknown origin” is a diagnosis known well to acute care providers. “Rash of unknown origin” is not an official diagnosis, but it is one that you will often encounter.
Imagine that during a shift a nurse calls you to the bedside to look at a “new rash” that a patient has developed over the past 4 hours.
Conduct research and locate a picture of a rash. Design a brief case study to describe the rash. Provide basic information that your classmates will need to problem-solve, diagnose, and treat the rash. Post the case study and associated picture for your classmates.
Select one of the case studies created by your classmates and explain how you will diagnose and treat the rash. Include discussion of additional referrals or consultations that might be necessary. Support your summary and recommendations plan with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources.