Assignment: An understanding of Management and Leadership
Assignment: An understanding of Management and Leadership
Assignment brief | ||
Qualification | Edexcel BTEC Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership | |
Unit Code, Number and Title | F/602/2058 – Unit 1: Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Skills | |
Credit Value | 10 | |
Start date | September 27, | |
End date | October 18, | |
Assessor name | Dr. E | |
Assignment Due Date November 18, | ||
Assignment title |
You are working as a manager for the last 7 years in a large scale company. Last month you are informed that you are chosen as one of the three candidates to be assigned as a “Regional Director” position in the same company. You are waiting for this position for 7 years. The decision will be made by strategic management till the end of the year (which means you have more than 6 months). In order to prepare yourself for the new position you made a plan which covers below issues/topics/applications:
Task 1 – Note: Write in report format [Format available: ] and cover the following topics:
Understand the relationship between strategic management and leadership
LO 1.1. Explain the link between strategic management and leadership
LO 1.2. Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions
LO 1.3. Evaluate how leadership styles can be adapted to different situations |
Task 2
Be able to apply management and leadership theory to support organisational direction
LO 2.1. Review the impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on organizational strategy
LO 2.2. Create a leadership strategy that supports organisational direction |
Task 3 – Note: Plan the recruitment and future development for a specific leadership role.
Be able to assess leadership requirements
LO 3.1. Use appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements
LO 3.2. Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership |
Task 4
Be able to plan the development of leadership skills
LO 4.1. Plan the development of leadership skills for a specific requirement
LO 4.2. Report on the usefulness of methods used to plan the development of leadership skills |
Assignment: An understanding of Management and Leadership
To gain a PASS grade, a student must satisfactorily cover the following topics according to the Learning Outcomes mentioned above:
LO1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3: Understand the relationship between strategic management and leadership
Strategic management and leadership: functions of strategic management eg reviewing strategic aims and objectives, improving organisational performance, creating, communicating and implementing change, developing and leading high performance teams, strategic decision making; definitions of leadership eg Mintzberg’s 10 Managerial Roles; followership; direct versus indirect leadership; link between strategic management and leadership eg the skills of the leader to achieve the strategic objectives
Management and leadership style: style eg autocratic, bureaucratic, charismatic, laissez-faire, persuasive, participative; influences on style eg culture of organisation, characteristics of the manager/leader; impact of styles on strategic decisions; adapting management and leadership styles in different situations
LO 2.1 / 2.2: Be able to apply management and leadership theory to support organisational direction
Theories: universal theories such as Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership (Bennis, Bass), charismatic leadership (Weber, Conger and Kanungo); contingency theory eg Fiedler; situational theories eg Hersey and Blanchard, Vroom and Yetton, tri-dimensional leadership theory (Yukl)
Emotional intelligence: influence on leadership effectiveness, drivers; constrainers and enablers; studies on Emotional Quotient (EQ) eg Goleman, Higgs and Dulewicz
Applicability to support organisational direction: factors eg efficiency, reliability, innovation, adaptation and human resources in sectors, organisations and subunits; size and stage of development of organisationeg business start-up versus established business; turnaround leadership, cultural issues
LO 3.1 / 3.2: Be able to assess leadership requirements
Assess leadership requirements: generic challenges eg virtual organisations, diversity, globalisation, economic climate, world threats, ethics and corporate social responsibility; e-leadership, mergers and takeovers, restructuring, integrity leadership, diverse teams, partnerships and alliances, regulatory compliance, changes in reporting and control, new technology, interim leadership
LO 4.1 / 4.2: Be able to plan the development of leadership skills
Development of leadership skills: different methods of developing leaders through formal learning, self-help and developmental activities eg training courses, job rotation, seminars, executive coaching, mentoring, companies’ own universities, developmental assessment centres, action learning, self-directed learning, reading articles, partnership with key academics; changing methodology in leadership development programmes; benefits of self-help activities eg learning from mistakes, viewing events from multiple perspectives; developing leaders versus recruiting as needed; creating a learning climate; model for assessing future leadership requirements eg Council for Excellence in Leadership and Management diagnostic tools; leadership competencies eg thinking and acting strategically, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, ability to learn, systems thinking
Guidelines for the Assignment:
ò Use standard Arial font size 11. ò Use 1.5-line spacing. ò Have a 2.5-centimeter margin on the left hand side of the page and a 2-centimeter margin on the right hand side. ò Include page number on the all the pages of the assignment. ò Headings: use 16-point Arial Bold for first level headings, and 14-point Arial Bold for second level headings. If a third level heading is required, use 12-point Arial Bold. ò Attach a completed Statement and Confirmation of Own Work to the front of the paper copy of your assignment. ò The first page of your assignment should be a title page, which should also state your Name, Edexcel BTEC ID number and the Name of the Centre where you are studying. ò The first page should also contain footer with page number, candidate’s name, unit number, and submission date. ò Include a table of contents. ò Start each task on a new page and include the question at the top of the page. ò Ensure any diagrams, screen shots, PowerPoint slides, etc. fit correctly on the page and are referenced, for example, Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. ò Check spelling, grammar and punctuation. ò You should also ensure that you proofread your document, because the above checks do not always pick up every mistake. ò Use accurate Harvard referencing and include a bibliography. ò Ensure you are aware of the word limit for the assignment (2500-3500 word limit) and any regulations that apply if you exceed the word limit. ò Include the total word count at the end of the assignment.
ò Mandatory submit to ‘Turnitin’ and in case the similarity percentage is more than 20% to revise till within the range of 20%.
Note: All work must be submitted to LMS via soft copy; all assignments should be properly referenced.
________________________________________________________________________________________________ Assignment: An understanding of Management and Leadership Essential resources There are no essential resources required for this unit.
Sources of information
Adair J – Effective Leadership: How to be a Successful Leader (Pan, 2009) ISBN 0330504193
Adair J – How to Grow Leaders: The Seven Key Principles of Effective Leadership Development (Kogan Page, 2009) 0749454806
Gold J, Thorpe R and Mumford A – Leadership and Management Development (CIPD, 2010) ISBN 1843982447.
Kouzes J M and Posner, B Z – The Leadership Challenge, 4th Edition (Jossey-Bass, 2008) ISBN 0787984922.
Mullins L J – Management and Organisational Behaviour, 9th Edition (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2010) ISBN 0273724088.
Journals Management Today (Haymarket Business Media) People Management (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) Professional Manager (Chartered Management Institute) Training Journal ()
Websites |
This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose | |||
Assessor | Dr. Iman | ||
Signature | Date | 31/July/ 2016 | |
Internal verifier | Mr. Khuram Amin | ||
Signature | Date |