DNP-830 Data Analysis Assignment

DNP-830 Data Analysis Assignment

DNP-830 Data Analysis Assignment

Data Analysis
Course Description
This course focuses on the analysis of data that is grounded in clinical practice and designed to solve practice
problems or to inform practice directly. It emphasizes the use of analytic methods to critically appraise
gathered evidence to determine and implement the best evidence for practice. Learners also learn to
disseminate findings from evidence-based practice and research to improve health care outcomes. Learners
are expected to integrate and synthesize core program competencies and specialty practice requirements
necessary to demonstrate proficiency in advanced nursing practice. Practicum/field experience hours: 125.
Prerequisite: DNP-840A.
Instructor Contact Information
Jane Schlickau
David Mulkey
Class Resources
The Visual Learner: Statistics
Use “The Visual Learner: Statistics” resource to learn more about the statistical calculations you will be using in
this course.
Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP
Sylvia, M. L., & Terhaar, M. F. (2018). Clinical analytics and data management for the DNP. Springer. ISBN-13:

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Exempt Assignments
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Exempt assignments are included in the DNP program. Exempt assignments are worth 0.01 points each;
however, like all DNP assignments are required to be submitted, all exempt assignments are required
submissions that must be completed to pass the course.
Discussion Forum Philosophy
Review the “Discussion Forum Philosophy,” located in the DC Network DNP PI Workspace, and use it to guide
the completion of your participation in the course.
Downloading and Installing SPSS for Doctoral Students
The use of SPSS is required to complete the data analysis for assignments in this course. Follow the steps as
directed in the Technical Support Help Center for downloading and installing the most current SPSS to your
DC Network and DNP PI Workspace
The DNP Practice Immersion (PI) Workspace is a dynamic online learning community designated specifically
for scholars in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program as a forum in which to communicate, create,
collaborate, and share information with other DNP learners and faculty members at Grand Canyon University
throughout the program. It is located within the DC Network and is a page dedicated to the DNP program and
its learners.
The DNP PI Workspace is where you will find all the required programmatic resources for this and all courses
in the program. You will need to access this essential course component as soon as you are provided your
GCU email and password, as you will be using resources immediately on the course start date.
If you experience any problems in logging into the DNP PI Workspace, please contact the instructor and the
site administrator as soon as possible to gain or restore access.
Practicum Immersion Hours Information: Purpose of Practice Immersion Experience
Practice immersion is an essential component of the GCU Doctor of Nursing Practice educational program,
combining scholarly activities with practice immersion environment experiences designed to provide in-depth,
application-based learning. Practice immersion experiences are designed to help learners build and assimilate
knowledge for advanced specialty practice at a high level of complexity.
Refer to individual courses for required practice immersion hours. Courses have specific practice immersion
hour requirements.
Review the sections of the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiences, located in the Student Success Center,
that discuss practice immersion hours.
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Chapter 5: Take Your Data Visualizations to the Next Level
Salcedo, J., Peck, J., McCormick, K., Wheeler, A., & Verlen, J. (2017). Chapter 5: Take your data visualizations to
the next level. In SPSS statistics for data analysis and visualization (pp. 131-145). John Wiley & Sons. ProQuest
Ebook Central.
Optional: Grammarly
For additional information, the following is recommended:
Grammarly is an online writing assistance app that reviews written submissions and suggests context-specific
corrections for grammar, spelling, word usage, wordiness, style, punctuation, and plagiarism. The reasoning
for each suggested correction is provided, allowing users to make informed decisions about how to correct
writing issues.
Grammarly can be installed as free browser extension, but Grammarly Premium requires an annual
subscription. This subscription is not a GCU-required purchase, but it is strongly recommended to DNP
Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work
“Grand Canyon University prepares learners to become global citizens, critical thinkers, effective
communicators, and responsible leaders by providing an academically-challenging, values-based curriculum
from the context of our Christian heritage.” (GCU Mission Statement) Review the “Statement on the Integration
of Faith and Work” to become familiar with many fundamental Christian worldviews and consider how they
may apply in the context of this course.
GCU Library Doctor of Nursing Practice Research Guide
Refer to the resources in the GCU Library’s “Doctor of Nursing Practice” research guide. This guide is designed
to assist with the research portions of your doctoral classes and DPI Project.
To assist with the assignments in this course, refer to the resources located on the Data Collection/Analysis
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DNP Direct and Indirect Hours and Activities
Refer to the “DNP Direct and Indirect Hours and Activities” document, located in the DC Network, for the
maximum amount of direct and indirect hours that can be claimed in this course.
Refer to the LopesWrite webpage for guidance regarding assignments requiring submission to LopesWrite.
Library Walk Through Tutorial
If you have not already done so, view the “Library Walk Through Tutorial.”
Chapter 3: Presenting and Summarizing Data
Mackridge, A., & Rowe, P. (2018). Chapter 3: Presenting and summarizing data. In A practical approach to using
statistics in health research: From planning to reporting (pp. 17-25). John Wiley & Sons. ProQuest Ebook Central.
Optional: The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice
Zaccagnini, M. E., & White, K. W. (2017). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced
practice nursing (3rd ed.) Jones and Bartlett. ISBN-13: 9781449687137
Learner Dissertation Page
All DNP learners are required to set up their own Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) housed in the DC Network.
Throughout the program, learners will upload all completed assignments (including all practicum and practice
immersion materials/assignments/hours) to their LDP to ensure availability for future use. This responsibility is
in addition to the requirement of submitting assignments to dropbox in the LMS. This space will allow learners
and the DPI committee, including faculty members, chair (assigned in DNP-955A), and the mentor/content
expert, to communicate regarding the DPI Project privately. Learners are required to keep the following in
their LDP under the “Portfolio” folder for submission in subsequent courses.
Graded assignments by course (e.g., papers, charts, forms, posters, PPTs), excluding discussion posts.
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Approved PICOT-D sign-off (815A, 820A).
Completed ISP forms for each course.
Screenshot of approved Lopes Activity Tracker (LAT) hours at the end of each course that has practice
immersion hours.
Evaluations from your mentor/content expert or faculty.
Graded reflection journals.
Current updated resume.
Copies of the course syllabi (recommended).
Lopes Activity Tracker
The Lopes Activity Tracker is used to track all direct practice immersion hours. All direct practice immersion
hours are entered into the Lopes Activity Tracker by the learner and submitted within 48 hours of the practice
immersion experience. After the practice immersion hours have been submitted, the preceptor/mentor will
verify the practice immersion hours. To submit practice immersion hours, the learner will download an
electronic summary of practice immersion hours and upload it to the assignment dropbox. The practice
immersion hours will be reviewed and given final approval by the faculty through the submission.
Document your practice immersion hours using the Lopes Activity Tracker app, located in your student portal.
Once you have opened the app, click on the link for your class.
Optional: ThinkingStorm
For additional information, the following is recommended:
ThinkingStorm is an online tutoring resource that provides flexible support to supplement traditional
educational environments. The tutoring center is remotely accessible to GCU learners with a computer and an
internet connection and offers convenient hours for learners with busy schedules. ThinkingStorm tutoring
includes a writing center that offers 24/7 submission-based writing support, as well as live writing support
across the curriculum.
If you are interested in utilizing ThinkingStorm’s writing support, submit your documents chapter by chapter,
rather than as a full manuscript.
To assist learners with their success at the university, GCU will pay for the first 10 hours of a learner’s annual
ThinkingStorm activity. Learners are responsible for usage charges after the first 10 hours.
To access ThinkingStorm, click on the link provided and select the yellow “Go to ThinkingStorm” button. Do not
attempt to access the Learning Lounge, which will not work for DNP learners.
Requirements for Successful Course Completion
A letter grade is only awarded upon successful completion of all required deliverables, including those
submissions designed to facilitate, evaluate, and document the project-related practicum hours and
experiences. This includes both graded and exempt assignments. Learners who fail to complete and submit all
deliverables may receive a failing grade.
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All DNP learners are required to have and are responsible for maintaining a mentor from DNP-815A until
graduation. The mentor is expected to work with the learner on the Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.
The collaboration is necessary for the learner to build the Individual Success Plan (ISP), work on assignments
that build the foundation for the DPI Project, and maintain frequent communications with faculty. Because this
requirement must be adhered to, if a learner loses the mentor, the learner must immediately contact the
Office of Field Experience to resolve the issue before the course ends. If there is no mentor, there is no mentor
evaluation, and therefore practice immersion hours will be forfeited and no longer be valid for submission.
Learners should plan to meet the commitments of the practice immersion hours required.
The minimum required number of logged practice immersion hours is located in the Guidelines for Graduate
Field Experiences (Graduate Field Experience Manual), located in the Student Success Center. Due to the
variability in the types of immersion sites learners may choose, it is imperative to plan appropriately. Sites
(e.g., outpatient clinics, urgent care centers, retail pharmacies, medical provider offices) may have limitations
to their open hours, so it may be necessary to adjust one’s schedule accordingly. Learners are expected to
discuss and agree upon their practice immersion hours with their mentor, content expert, or preceptor during
the Topic 1 preconference and outline how the practice immersion hours will be attained on the Topic 1
Individual Success Plan (ISP). It is vital for learners to confer with the mentor, content expert, or preceptor on
what was completed during the postconference during Topic 8 and on the ISP. It is important to note that
failure to complete the required minimum practice immersion hours within the course timeframe or failing to
document completed practice immersion hours properly will result in failure of the course. For more
information, access “DNP Direct and Indirect Hours and Activities,” located in the DNP Practice Immersion (PI)
DNP Virtual Nurse Residency
Enrollment and successful completion of the DNP Virtual Nurse Residency (VNR) is required for learners prior
to enrollment in DNP-995A, or another project course.
The DNP Virtual Nurse Residency (VNR) is set up as an immersive webinar style interaction. Learners are
preparing to enter the DNP project courses which constitute the most difficult educational part of the
program. The dynamic nature of the VNR experience creates an environment of support and guidance as well
as the advantage of scholarly dialogue with their fellow cohort and faculty. It connects learners directly with
resources to help them ensure they have the required documents and have met the requirements to enter the
project courses. The VNR takes up to 7 hours, depending on the number of learners registered, including lunch
and breaks. Learners will have the opportunity to receive immediate feedback from experts in this process,
while presenting ideas and working collaboratively with others on the same journey. The VNR is essential to
learner success in project courses with the desired outcome of ensuring that learners are prepared when
beginning the project courses. Progression to the project courses is dependent upon successful completion of
Advanced Statistical Methods
Wienclaw, R. A. (2021). Advanced statistical methods. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
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Topic 1: Project Methodology and Design
1. Compare different research methods and designs.
2. Discuss reliability and validity issues associated with methodology and design.
3. Justify the use of a quantitative method for a direct practice improvement (DPI) project driven by quality
Aug 25, 2022 – Aug 31, 2022 Max Points: 145
Factors Influencing Hand Hygiene Practice of Nursing Students: A Descriptive, Mixed-Methods
Zimmerman, P. P., Sladdin, I., Shaban, R. Z., Gilbert, J. & Brown, L. (2020). Factors influencing hand hygiene
practice of nursing students: A descriptive, mixed-methods study. Nurse Education in Practice, 44. https://
Chapter 2: Variables and Measurement
Wagner, W. III, & Gillespie, B. (2019). Chapter 2: Variables and measurement. In Using and interpreting statistics
in the social, behavioral, and health sciences (pp. 9-26). SAGE Publications. https://dx-doiorg.
Chapter 1: Research Principles
Knapp, H. (2018). Chapter 1: Research principles. In Intermediate statistics using SPSS (pp. 3-19). SAGE
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DNP Virtual Nurse Residency – Attestation if Not Registering
Complete the “DNP-830A Residency Completion Attestation” for each required exempt assignment if you are
not registering for the DNP Virtual Residency (VNR) during this course. Submit the attestation for each
assignment in lieu of the required document.
Change Page Orientation to Landscape or Portrait
View the following video and review the associated articles, located on the Microsoft website, for assistance
with changing page orientation.
Microsoft Support. (n.d.). Change page orientation to landscape or portrait [Video].
Use Landscape and Portrait Orientation and Use Both in the Same Document
View the following video resources, located on the Microsoft Support website, for assistance in attaching
tables or charts in landscape orientation to a paper with portrait orientation:
Microsoft Support. (n.d.). Use landscape and portrait orientation [Video].
Microsoft Support. (n.d.). Use both in the same document [Video].
DNP Virtual Nurse Residency – Registration
Enrollment and successful completion of the DNP Virtual Nurse Residency (VNR) is required for learners to be
eligible to enroll for DNP-995A or any other another project course.
To view available dates and register for the DNP Virtual Residency (VNR) during this course, use the link
located in the DC Network in the DNP Virtual Nurse Residency folder.
Upon registering for the VNR, submit the required assignments as indicated in this topic.
A Mental Health Home Visit Service Partnership Intervention on Improving Patients’
Cheng, J. Huang, X., Lin, M. Wang, Y. & Yeh, P. (2018). A mental health home visit service partnership
intervention on improving patients’ satisfaction. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 32(4), 610-616. https://
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An Introduction to Inferential Statistical Tests: Categorical, Ordinal, and Interval Variables
Laurie, C., & Jensen, E. (Academics). (2017). An introduction to inferential statistical tests: Categorical, ordinal, and
interval variables [Video]. SAGE Research Methods Video.
Rigor or Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research: Perspectives, Strategies,
Reconceptualization, and Recommendations
Cypress, B. S. (2017). Rigor or reliability and validity in qualitative research: Perspectives, strategies,
reconceptualization, and recommendations. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 36(4), 253-263. https://
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
Wienclaw, R. A. (2021). Quantitative and qualitative analysis. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Data Description in Research
Santucci, A. C. (2021). Data description in research. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health.
Chronic Drug Treatment Among Hemodialysis Patients: A Qualitative Study of Patients,
Nursing, and Medical Staff Attitudes and Approaches
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Gilad, L., Haviv, Y. S., Cohen-Glickman, I., Chinitz, D., & Cohen, M. J. (2020). Chronic drug treatment among
hemodialysis patients: A qualitative study of patients, nursing, and medical staff attitudes and approaches.
BMC Nephrology, 21(1), 1-9.
Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP
Read Chapters 1 and 2 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP.
Class Introductions
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 27, 2022, 11:59 PM 0
Take a moment to explore your new classroom and introduce yourself to your fellow classmates. What are you
excited about learning? What do you think will be most challenging?
Examining Methods and Designs
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 31, 2022, 11:59 PM 95
The DNP must have a basic knowledge of quantitative methodology and design as it contrasts with qualitative
and mixed methods. With this knowledge, the DNP can differentiate between methods and designs used in
the evaluation of the evidence. This assignment includes a comparison of methodology and design while
examining the external and internal validity of three projects or studies.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Before beginning this assignment, review the following three articles provided as topic Resources: (1) “A
Mental Health Home Visit Service Partnership Intervention on Improving Patients’ Satisfaction”; (2) “Chronic
Drug Treatment Among Hemodialysis Patients: A Qualitative Study of Patients, Nursing, and Medical Staff
Attitudes and Approaches”; and (3) “Factors Influencing Hand Hygiene Practice of Nursing Students: A
Descriptive, Mixed-Methods Study.”
Use the “Comparison Table of Methods and Designs” template located in the DNP-830A folder of the DC
Network Practice Immersion workspace to complete the assignment.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is
located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with
the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support
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articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use.
Part 1:
Using the “Comparison Table of Methods and Designs,” evaluate the three projects or studies indicated above.
Part 2:
Refer to the information from your “Comparison Table of Methods and Designs” and write a 1,000-1,250-word
paper comparing the methods and designs of the three articles. Include the following in your paper:
1. Description of the characteristics associated with the method of each article.
2. Description of the characteristics associated with the design of each article.
3. Description of the statistical analysis associated with the method and design of each article.
4. Discussion of the reliability and validity issues associated with each methodology and design.
5. Summary comparing the different methods and designs used in the studies.
6. Attach the “Comparison Table of Methods and Designs” document as an appendix to your paper.
Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours:
It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the
References section of your paper:
Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-830A
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock minutes/hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity
Tracker for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice
immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.
Preconference Evaluation: Individual Success Plan (ISP)
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 31, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this course requires your collaboration with the course faculty
early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon specific
deliverables for your programmatic requirements. Programmatic requirements are: (1) completion of required
practice immersion hours, (2) completion of work associated with program competencies, and (3) work
associated with completion of your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.
A preconference meeting is intended for the learner and preceptor/mentor to review course- and learnerspecific
learning objectives: the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the learner and preceptor/mentor
during this practice immersion experience. All faculty and preceptor/mentor information will be given to each
party by the learner. Any course or program information requested by the preceptor/mentor will be provided
by the learner. During this meeting, the learner and preceptor/mentor will discuss the course and practice
immersion goals, including any projects that are to take place. The faculty will review the submitted document
and must approve proposed projects at this time. The faculty will also send an introductory email to the
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General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment as it pertains to deliverables
due in this course.
Locate and download Individual Success Plan (ISP) and Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) timeline
documents in the DNP PI Workspace.
Review the DNP Program Milestones document in the DNP PI Workspace and identify which domains,
competencies, and milestones apply to this course. Note: Not all courses have milestones.
Determine what practice immersion experiences you plan to seek in order to address each competency.
Include how many hours you plan to set aside to meet your goals. Learners will apply concepts from each
of their core courses to reflect upon, critically examine, and improve current practice and are required to
integrate scholarly readings to develop case reports that demonstrate increasingly complex and proficient
Use the ISP to develop a personal plan for completing your practice immersion hours and how
competencies will be met. Show all of the major milestones and deliverables in the timeline.
Within the ISP, ensure you identify specific deliverables which can include the following: individualized DNP
practice immersion contracts; comprehensive log of practice immersion hours applied to doctoral-level
learning outcomes; learner evaluations; preceptor/mentor evaluations; current and updated CV; scholarly
activities; GCU DNP competency self-assessment; reflective journal; course goals and plan for how
competencies and practice immersion hours will be met; faculty and preceptor/mentor approvals of course
goals and documented practice immersion hours; and DPI Project milestones.
A preconference and a postconference/evaluation between learners and preceptors/mentors are
mandatory for all learners enrolled in all DNP courses (from DNP-805 and DNP-815A on). Conferences may
be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A copy of the wet-ink or digitally (digital identifier) signed
document must be uploaded into the digital classroom no later than the end of Topic 1.
Overall course- and learner-specific objectives: These objectives should be discussed during each
conference, as learners are responsible for completing all experiences as mandated for the program.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is
located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use.
1. Identify the specific deliverables you will complete throughout this course from those defined above with
your faculty. Update your faculty/chair with any revisions or changes to the ISP.
2. List the challenges you expect to encounter as you continue the practice immersion hour and competency
requirements throughout this course. How might you overcome these challenges?
3. Complete the Contact Information table at the beginning of the ISP resource, and type in your signature
(learner only) and the date on which you completed the table. Read the information in the ISP document,
including the following: Learner Expectations, Derivation of the ISP, and Instructions for Completing the ISP.
4. Follow the instructions and complete the ISP.
Approved PICOT
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 31, 2022, 11:59 PM 0
This is an exempt assignment, worth 0.00 points; however, it is a required submission that must be completed
to pass the course.
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If you have registered to complete the DNP Virtual Nurse Residency (VNR) in this course, submit your approved
PICOT-D. Learners who fail to submit their approved PICOT-D cannot attend the VNR.
If you are not attending the VNR in this course, compete the attestation located in the topic Resources and
submit to the dropbox.
10 Strategic Points
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 31, 2022, 11:59 PM 0
This is an exempt assignment, worth 0.00 points; however, it is a required submission that must be completed
to pass the course.
If you have registered to complete the DNP Virtual Nurse Residency (VNR) in this course, submit your final 10
Strategic Points assignment. Learners who fail to submit their final 10 Strategic Points assignment cannot
attend the VNR.
If you are not attending the VNR in this course, compete the attestation located in the topic Resources and
submit to the dropbox.
Literature Evaluation Table
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 31, 2022, 11:59 PM 0
This is an exempt assignment, worth 0.00 points; however, it is a required submission that must be completed
to pass the course.
If you have registered to complete the DNP Virtual Nurse Residency (VNR) in this course, submit your final
Literature Evaluation Table. Learners who fail to submit their Literature Evaluation Table cannot attend the
If you are not attending the VNR in this course, compete the attestation located in the topic Resources and
submit to the dropbox.
Mentors/Content Expert CVs
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 31, 2022, 11:59 PM 0
This is an exempt assignment, worth 0.00 points; however, it is a required submission that must be completed
to pass the course.
If you have registered to complete the DNP Virtual Nurse Residency (VNR) in this course, submit CVs for all
mentors and context experts. Refer to the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiences for required
qualifications for mentors and content experts. Learners who fail to submit CVs for qualified mentors and
content experts cannot attend the VNR.
If you are not attending the VNR in this course, compete the attestation located in the topic Resources and
submit to the dropbox.
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Learner CV
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 31, 2022, 11:59 PM 0
This is an exempt assignment, worth 0.00 points; however, it is a required submission that must be completed
to pass the course.
If you have registered to complete the DNP Virtual Nurse Residency (VNR) in this course, submit your updated
CV. Learners who fail to submit their updated CV cannot attend the VNR.
If you are not attending the VNR in this course, compete the attestation located in the topic Resources and
submit to the dropbox.
Topic 1 DQ 1
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 27, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
The DPI Project is conducted using a quantitative method driven by quality improvement. Provide a rationale
for using a quantitative method in contrast to other methods (e.g., qualitative method or mixed method).
Describe how the quantitative method is in line with quality improvement. Provide evidence supporting your
Topic 1 DQ 2
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 29, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Define and distinguish among nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio variables used in the measurement of DPI
Project outcomes. Discuss the errors which can be made by failing to understand the proper use of
measurement variables based on level and type of comparison.
Topic 1 Participation
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Aug 25, 2022, 12:00 AM Aug 31, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
Topic 2: Data Collection
1. Create a data dictionary for a proposed DPI Project.
2. Create a data collection template for a proposed DPI Project.
3. Evaluate a survey, instrument, or tool for a proposed DPI Project.
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Sep 1, 2022 – Sep 7, 2022 Max Points: 140
Collecting Quantitative Data Using Survey Instruments: Best Practices
Meuser, J. (Academic). (2018). Collecting quantitative data using survey instruments: Best practices [Video]. SAGE
Research Methods Video.
Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP
Read Chapters 5, 6, 9, and 12 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP.
A Practical Guide to Performance Improvement: Data Collection and Analysis
Dawson, A. (2019). A practical guide to performance improvement: Data collection and analysis. AORN Journal,
109(5), 621-631.
Data Collection
Byrne, D. (2017). Data collection. SAGE Research Methods. https://dx-doiorg.
Creating a Data Collection Sheet
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 1, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 7, 2022, 11:59 PM 110
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Creating a data collection sheet helps the project manager be more efficient when carrying out a quality
improvement project. With a data collection sheet, you can easily fill out and organize your data efficiently. A
data collection sheet should always be accompanied by a data dictionary. Data dictionaries are used to
provide detailed information about the contents of a database, such as the names of measured variables, their
data types, and text descriptions. A data dictionary provides a concise guide to understanding and using the
data. This assignment includes the creation of a data dictionary and data collection sheet that will be used for
your DPI Project in DNP-960A.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Before beginning this assignment, read Chapter 12 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP.
Use the “Data Collection Sheet Template,” located in the DNP-830A folder of the DNP PI Workspace to
complete this assignment.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is
located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with
the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use.
Part 1:
1. Using the “Data Collection Sheet Template,” create a data dictionary for your DPI Project. Refer to the
examples within the template.
2. Click on the Data Dictionary tab.
3. Include all data variables (data points) that will be collected for your DPI Project, including demographics
and any surveys, instruments, and tools. (Refer to Chapter 12 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for
the DNP for examples, as needed.)
4. Include descriptions for the variable name, variable description, data source, level of measurement, possible
values, SPSS coding instructions, and missing values.
Part 2:
1. Using the “Data Collection Sheet Template,” create your own template for your DPI Project. Please note that
you are not collecting data for your DPI Project for this assignment.
2. Click on the Data Collection Sheet tab.
3. Edit Row 1 to match the variable names in the data dictionary.
4. Edit Row 2 to include example responses for each variable.
Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours:
It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the
References section of your paper:
Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-830A
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock minutes/hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity
Tracker for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice
immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.
Page 16 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
Topic 2 DQ 1
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 1, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 3, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Describe the survey, instrument, or tool you plan to use in your DPI Project and explain why this is the best for
your project. Describe the tool in terms of name, the number of items, how it is answered (e.g., multiple
choice, Likert scale, yes/no, open answer), the total score, and the level of measurement. Describe the
reliability and validity of the instrument including the applicable psychometric data. Provide evidence
supporting your response.
Topic 2 DQ 2
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 1, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 5, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
There are many types of errors that can be found in data. Depending on the source of data, the cleansing
process can take a substantial amount of time, and the attention to detail should not be underestimated. After
reading Chapter 12 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP, compare four common types of data
errors and identify a method for cleaning each error. Provide evidence supporting your response.
Topic 2 Participation
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 1, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 7, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
Topic 3: Descriptive Statistics
1. Analyze data using descriptive statistics.
2. Determine whether data is normally distributed or skewed.
3. Describe descriptive statistics for a proposed DPI Project.
4. Compare parametric and nonparametric statistical tests.
Sep 8, 2022 – Sep 14, 2022 Max Points: 140
Descriptive Statistics, Categorical
Knapp, H. (Academic). (2016). Descriptive statistics, categorical [Video]. SAGE Research Methods Video.
Page 17 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
Working With Descriptive Statistics
View the “Working With Descriptive Statistics” tutorial, located in the DNP-830A folder of the DNP PI
Workspace for assistance in completing this assignment.
Working in SPSS
Knapp, H. (Academic). (2016). Working in SPSS [Video]. SAGE Research Methods Video.
Chapter 3: Descriptive Statistics
Knapp, H. (2018). Chapter 3: Descriptive statistics. In Intermediate statistics using SPSS (pp. 45-76). SAGE
An Introduction to Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Almazan, E. (Academic). (2017). An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics[Video]. SAGE Research
Methods Video.
Navigating Statistics for Successful Project Implementation
Halm, M. (2020). Navigating statistics for successful project implementation. American Nurse Today, 15(1), 11.
Page 18 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) File Composition – Number of Discharges by Year
Review the data on the HCUP webpage to complete the topic assignment:
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. (2021). HCUP state inpatient databases (SID) file composition – number of
discharges by year. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Introduction to Nonparametric Methods
Wienclaw, R. A. (2021). Introduction to nonparametric methods. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP
Read Chapters 7, 8, and 13 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP.
Working With Descriptive Statistics
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 8, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 14, 2022, 11:59 PM 110
This course helps you develop a basic understanding of statistics. This course addresses two distinct types,
descriptive and inferential statistics. In this assignment, you will use a software program that makes it easy to
analyze data using specific tests. This assignment will give you practice with mean, median, mode, range, and
standard deviation.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Refer to the “Downloading and Installing SPSS for Doctoral Students” resource, located in the Class
Resources, to download SPSS to your computer prior to beginning this assignment.
View the “Working with Descriptive Statistics” tutorial, located in the DNP-830A folder of the DNP PI
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is
located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Page 19 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use.
After you have downloaded the SPSS program to your computer, completed the assigned readings, and
viewed the assigned videos, use the data provided in the topic Resources, “HCUP State Inpatient Databases
(SID) File Composition – Number of Discharges by Year,” and appropriate statistics to address the following:
1. Determine the statistics for discharges in 2018 as follows: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation,
Minimum, and Maximum.
2. Describe the data distribution using the bell curve as follows: Create a histogram with discharges (axis X)
and frequencies (axis Y).
SPSS Output
1. Open SPSS and open a new database.
2. Go to the Variable View.
3. In the first row, label the name as State. Enter State as the Label Field. In the Values drop down, enter
numerical values for each state label (e.g., 1 = AK, 2 = AR, etc.).
4. In rows 2 through 10, label the name as Year_2012 through Year_2020. Enter the applicable year (e.g., 2012,
2013, etc.) in the Label Field.
5. Go to the Data View and enter the data. Use numbers for the states in the first column. Enter the discharges
for each applicable year (2012 – 2020) and align to the respective state. Save this data set. You will use this
same data set in Topic 4.
6. Go to the menu and click Analyze. Click Descriptive Statistics, then click Frequencies, and add Year_2018 to
the field. Click Statistics and click mean, median, mode, std. deviation, minimum, and maximum. Click
continue. Click Charts and select Histograms. Click show normal curve on histogram. Click continue. Click
OK. Review and save the Output.
Create a histogram of the discharges graphed. Determine if the data are normally distributed or skewed
according to the bell curve. Write a 250-500-word summary of your analysis and results. Attach the histogram
and the SPSS statistical output to the appendices of your paper.
Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours:
It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the
References section of your paper:
Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-830A
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock minutes/hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity
Tracker for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice
immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.
Topic 3 DQ 1
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 8, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 10, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Descriptive statistics, such as demographics of the sample, are required for the DPI Project. Describe the
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project population and project sample. What demographic variables of your sample will you collect? What data
source will you use to get these data? What do these data tell you about your sample? Provide evidence
supporting your response.
Topic 3 DQ 2
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 8, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 12, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Compare parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. How does each test depend on the assumption of
normality? What would you do if the data are not normally distributed? Provide evidence supporting your
Topic 3 Participation
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 8, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 14, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
Topic 4: Inferential Statistics
1. Analyze quantitative data from a sample to generalize about a population.
2. Conduct a power analysis for a DPI Project.
3. Justify clinical significance in the absence of statistical significance.
Sep 15, 2022 – Sep 21, 2022 Max Points: 155
Statistical Significance or Clinical Significance? A Researcher’s Dilemma for Appropriate
Interpretation of Research Results
Sharma, H. (2021). Statistical significance or clinical significance? A researcher’s dilemma for appropriate
interpretation of research results. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, 15(4), 431–434.
Sample Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Table
Refer to “Sample Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Table,” in the following APA Style resource, for assistance with
Page 21 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
APA style formatting as needed for your assignment:
American Psychological Association. (2019). Sample tables.
Use Landscape and Portrait Orientation and Use Both in the Same Document
Review the following video resources, located on the Microsoft Support website, for assistance in attaching
tables or charts in landscape orientation to a paper with portrait orientation:
Microsoft Support. (n.d.). Use landscape and portrait orientation [Video].
Microsoft Support. (n.d.). Use both in the same document [Video].
Sample Size
Grand Canyon University, Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. (n.d.). Sample size.
Sample Results of Several t Tests Table
Refer to “Sample Results of Several t Tests Table,” in the following APA Style resource, for assistance with APA
style formatting as needed for your assignment:
American Psychological Association. (2019). Sample tables.
Working With Inferential Statistics
View the “Working With Inferential Statistics” tutorial, located in the DNP-830A folder of the DNP PI Workspace
for assistance in completing this assignment.
HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) File Composition – Number of Discharges by Year
Review the data on the HCUP webpage to complete the topic assignment:
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. (2021). HCUP state inpatient databases (SID) file composition – number of
Page 22 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
discharges by year. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Calculating Sample Size: A Quick Guide (Calculator Included)
Qualtrics. (2020, May 21). Calculating sample size: A quick guide (calculator included).
Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP
Read Chapters 2 and 14 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP.
Working With Inferential Statistics
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 15, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 21, 2022, 11:59 PM 110
This topic helps you develop a basic understanding of statistics. Two distinct types of statistics are addressed:
descriptive and inferential. In this assignment, you will have another opportunity to use the SPSS program.
SPSS makes it easy to analyze data using specific tests. This assignment will give you practice with t-tests,
ANOVA, and communicating your results through a written summary.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Before beginning this assignment, be sure to view the tutorial videos located in the topic Resources.
View the “Working With Inferential Statistics” tutorial, located in the DNP-830A folder of the DNP PI
Refer to the “Sample Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Table” and “Sample Results of Several t Tests Table” in
the topic Resources, as needed, to complete the table using APA style.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is
located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with
the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use.
Page 23 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
Prior to beginning this assignment, complete the assigned readings and view the assigned videos. Using the
data provided on the “HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) File Composition – Number of Discharges by Year”
webpage, located in the topic Resources, conduct the appropriate statistical test in SPSS to address the
1. Describe the mean, standard deviation, and range of discharges in 2019.
2. Compare the number of discharges in 2019 in all states by region using an ANOVA. Are there significantly
more discharges? Describe the assumption of variance between groups and within groups? Create a table of
your results using APA style and attach as an appendix to your paper. Western States (Washington,
Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado Alaska,
Hawaii); Mid-Western States (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri,
Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio); Southern States (Maryland, Washington D.C, West Virginia,
Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi,
Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas); Northeastern States (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware).
3. Compare the number of discharges in all states between 2012 and 2019 using a paired t-test. Are there
significantly more discharges in 2019 versus 2012? Describe the assumption of a paired samples t-test.
Create a table for your results using APA style and attach as an appendix.
4. Write a 500–750-word summary of your results.
5. Attach your SPSS statistical outputs as an appendix to your paper.
Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours:
It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the
References section of your paper:
Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-830A
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock minutes/hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity
Tracker for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice
immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.
Lopes Activity Tracker Submission
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 15, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 21, 2022, 11:59 PM 15
For this assignment, you will need to submit a summary of practice immersion hours earned up to this point in
the course. All practice immersion hours showing on this summary must be approved by your preceptor/
mentor. It is your responsibility to ensure your preceptor/mentor approves all submissions within 72 hours.
Download a summary of your practice immersion hours from Lopes Activity Tracker. Save the file and submit it
through the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to
the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.
This submission is required in order to receive a final grade in the course. In order to receive a passing grade
in the course, learners are required to have met the required number of approved practice immersion hours.
Topic 4 DQ 1
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 15, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 17, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Power analysis is used to determine if a sample size is adequate to evaluate project outcomes prior to
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initiating any project. This is also called a priori. Justify the project sample size for your DPI Project by using the
sample size calculator to conduct a power analysis. Discuss how your sample size may affect the validity of
your project. Determine the sampling method used in your project. Compare the convenience sample to other
sampling methods. Provide evidence supporting your response.
Topic 4 DQ 2
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 15, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
While the goal of the DPI Project is to achieve clinical significance, you will also need to discuss if the data
analysis also has statistical significance. Statistical significance (p = .05) helps determine whether a result is by
chance. On the chance that your DPI Project does not result in statistical significance, explain how you can
justify clinical significance.
Topic 4 Participation
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 15, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 21, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
Topic 5: Reporting Findings
1. Discuss the basic principles of data interpretation.
2. Describe the reported results of statistical tests.
3. Summarize conclusive results of a statistical analysis.
Sep 22, 2022 – Sep 28, 2022 Max Points: 160
Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP
Review Chapter 9 and read Chapters 14 and 17 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP.
Use Landscape and Portrait Orientation and Use Both in the Same Document
Review the following video resources, located on the Microsoft Support website, for assistance in attaching
tables or charts in landscape orientation to a paper with portrait orientation:
Microsoft Support. (n.d.). Use landscape and portrait orientation [Video].
Microsoft Support. (n.d.). Use both in the same document [Video].
Page 25 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
McGregor, S. L. (2018). Descriptive and inferential statistics. In Understanding and evaluating research (pp.
309-344). SAGE Publications.
Data Visualization
Shah, J. N., & Struthers, D. (Practitioners). (2017). Data visualization: IPSOS MORI / Wellcome Trust [Video]. SAGE
Research Methods Video.
Reporting Your Research Findings: Best Practices for Report Writing
Salmons, J. (Academic). (2018). Reporting your research findings: Best practices for report writing [Video]. SAGE
Research Methods Video.
Benchmark – What Are the Data Saying?
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 22, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 28, 2022, 11:59 PM 120
The DNP must have a basic understanding of statistical measurements and how they apply within the
parameters of data management and analytics.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate understanding of basic statistical tests by performing the appropriate
test for the given project data below using SPSS and by reporting the analyzed results in written paper.
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General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Use the “Comparison Table of the Variable’s Level of Measurement,” located in the DNP-830A folder of the
DNP PI Workspace, to complete the assignment.
Review the “Working with Inferential Statistics” and “Working With Descriptive Statistics” tutorials, located
in the DNP-830A folder of the DNP PI Workspace, for assistance as needed.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is
located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with
the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support
articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use.
Part 1:
Using the data in the “Comparison Table of the Variable’s Level of Measurement” display the dependent
variables and the level of measurement in a comparison table. You will attach the comparison table as an
appendix to your paper.
After downloading the data set, run the appropriate statistics in SPSS based on the steps listed below.
Provide a conclusive result of the data analyses based on the guidelines below for statistical significance.
1. PAIRED SAMPLE T-TEST: Identify the variables BaselineWeight and InterventionWeight. Using the
Analysis menu in SPSS, go to Compare Means, Go to the Paired Sample t-test. Add the BaselineWeight and
InterventionWeight in the Pair 1 fields. Click OK. Report the mean weights, standard deviations, t-statistic,
degrees of freedom, and p level. Report as t(df)=value, p = value. Report the p level out three digits.
2. INDEPENDENT SAMPLE T-TEST: Identify the variables InterventionGroups and PatientWeight. Go to the
Analysis Menu, go to Compare Means, Go to Independent Samples t T-test. Add InterventionGroups to the
Grouping Factor. Define the groups according to codings in the variable view (1=Intervention, 2 =Baseline).
Add PatientWeight to the test variable field. Click OK. Report the mean weights, standard deviations, tstatistic,
degrees of freedom, and p level. Report t(df)=value, p = value. Report the p level out three digits
3. CHI-SQUARE (Independent): Identify the variables BaselineReadmission and InterventionReadmission.
Go to the Analysis Menu, go to Descriptive Statistics, go to Crosstabs. Add BaselineReadmission to the row
and InterventionReadmission to the column. Click the Statistics button and choose Chi-Square. Select eta
to report the Effect Size. Click suppress tables. Click OK. Report the frequencies of the total events, the chisquare
statistic, degrees of freedom, and p Report ô€€€2(d f) =value, p =value. Report the p level out three
4. MCNEMAR (Paired): Identify the variables BaselineCompliance and Go to the Analysis Menu, go to
Descriptive Statistics, go to Crosstabs. Add BaselineCompliance to the row and InterventionCompliance
to the column. Click the Statistics button and choose Chi-Square and McNemars. Select eta to report the
Effect Size. Click suppress tables. Click OK. Report the frequencies of the events, the Chi-square, and the
McNemar’s p level. Report (p =value). Report the p level out three digits.
5. MANN WHITNEY U: Identify the variables InterventionGroups and Using the Analysis Menu, go to
Nonparametric Statistics, go to LegacyDialogs, go to 2 Independent samples. Add InterventionGroups to
the Grouping Variable and PatientSatisfaction to the Test Variable. Check Mann Whitney U. Click OK.
Report the Medians or Means, the Mann Whitney U statistic, and the p level. Report (U =value, p =value).
Report the p level out three digits.
Page 27 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
6. WILCOXON Z: Identify the variables BaselineWeight and InterventionWeight. Go to the Analysis Menu, go
to Nonparametric Statistics, go to LegacyDialogs, go to 2 Related samples. Add the BaselineWeight and
InterventionWeight in the Pair 1 fields. Click OK. Report the Mean or Median weights, standard deviations,
Z-statistic, and p Report as (Z =value, p =value). Report the p level out three digits.
Part 2
Write a 1,000-1,250-word data analysis paper outlining the procedures used to analyze the parametric and
nonparametric variables in the mock data, the statistics reported, and a conclusion of the results. Include the
following in your paper:
1. Discussion of the types of statistical tests used and why they have been chosen.
2. Discussion of the differences between parametric and nonparametric tests.
3. Description of the reported results of the statistical tests above.
4. Summary of the conclusive results of the data analyses.
5. Attach the SPSS outputs from the statistical analysis as an appendix to the paper.
6. Attach the “Comparison Table of the Variable’s Level of Measurement” as an appendix to the paper.
Use the following guidelines to report the test results for your paper:
Statistically Significant Difference: When reporting exact p values, state early in the data analysis and
results section, the alpha level used for the significance criterion for all tests in the project. Example: An
alpha or significance level of < .05 was used for all statistical tests in the project. Then if the p-level is less
than this value identified, the result is considered statistically significant. A statistically significant difference
was noted between the scores before compared to after the intervention t(24) = 2.37, p = .007.
Marginally Significant Difference: If the results are found in the predicted direction but are not
statistically significant, indicate that results were marginally Example: Scores indicated a marginally
significant preference for the intervention group (M = 3.54, SD = 1.20) compared to the baseline (M= 3.10,
SD = .90), t(24) = 1.37, p = .07. Or there was a marginal difference in readmissions before (15) compared to
after (10) the intervention ô€€€2(1=) 4.75, p = .06.
Nonsignificant Trend: If the p-value is over .10, report results revealed a non-significant trend in the
predicted direction. Example: Results indicated a non-significant trend for the intervention group (14) over
the baseline (12), ô€€€2(1=) 1.75, p = .26.
The results of the inferential analysis are used for decision-making and not hypothesis testing. It is important
to look at the real results and establish what criterion is necessary for further implementation of the project’s
findings. These conclusions are a start.
Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours:
It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the
References section of your paper:
Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-830A
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock minutes/hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity
Tracker for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice
immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.
Benchmark Information:
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:
3.1: Demonstrate the conceptual ability and technical skills to develop and execute an evaluation plan involving data
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extraction from practice information systems and databases.
Midterm Conference Evaluation: Individual Success Plan (ISP)
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 22, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 28, 2022, 11:59 PM 10
The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this course requires your collaboration with the course faculty
early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon specific
deliverables for your programmatic requirements. Programmatic requirements are: (1) completion of required
practice immersion hours, (2) completion of work associated with program competencies, and (3) work
associated with completion of your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.
A midterm conference will occur no later than Topic 5 and is intended for the learner, faculty, and preceptor/
mentor to discuss learner progress toward meeting the course goals. The faculty member will meet with the
preceptor/mentor to conduct the learner’s midterm conference evaluation, whether in person or virtually. The
preceptor/mentor will meet with the learner to review the evaluation form (either in person or virtually). If
there are areas that need improvement, the faculty will meet with the learner to complete a remediation form.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment as it pertains to deliverables
due in this course.
Use the Individual Success Plan (ISP) developed in Topic 1 as a personal plan for completing your practice
immersion hours and how competencies will be met. All of the major milestones and deliverables should
be indicated in the timeline.
Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A copy of the signed document will be
uploaded into the digital classroom no later than the end of Topic 5.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is
located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use.
1. Complete required practice immersion hours.
2. Completion work associated with program competencies and work associated with completion of your
Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.
3. Follow the instructions and complete the ISP.
Topic 5 DQ 1
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 22, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 24, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Identify the statistical analysis technique that will be used for your project, including the descriptive and
inferential analysis. Justify how the analyses are aligned with the methodology and design. How does each
analysis answer the clinical question in your project? Provide evidence supporting your response.
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Topic 5 DQ 2
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 22, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 26, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Data visualization allows data findings to be reported in a graph, chart, or other visual format. It communicates
the relationship of the data with images. This is important because it allows trends and patterns to be more
easily seen. Describe the best way to visualize the data you will collect for your DPI Project to have the most
effect on your audience.
Topic 5 Participation
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 22, 2022, 12:00 AM Sep 28, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
Topic 6: Translating Project Outcomes to Practice
1. Discuss the basic principles of data interpretation.
2. Identify common barriers to translating outcomes into practice.
3. Discuss how a Christian worldview could affect the approach to the DPI Project.
Sep 29, 2022 – Oct 5, 2022 Max Points: 30
Imprecise Data and Their Impact on Translational Research in Medicine
Capobianco, E. (2020). Imprecise data and their impact on translational research in medicine. Frontiers in
Medicine, 7. 82.
The Bible
Read Proverbs 6:6-8; Proverbs 13:4; 2 Timothy 2:5-6; and Colossians 3:23-24.
Use one of the following versions of the Bible: the English Standard Version (ESV), the New International
Version (NIV), or the New American Standard Bible (NASB). Each of these versions is available in print and free
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Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP
Read Chapters 15, 16, and 18 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP.
Topic 6 DQ 1
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 29, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 1, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Discuss the basic principles of data interpretation, including the validity and reliability of the data used to
translate outcomes into practice. What are common barriers to translating outcomes into practice? Analyze
the importance of critically appraising the findings. Describe any barriers you may anticipate as you plan to
translate the results of your own DPI Project into practice.
Topic 6 DQ 2
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 29, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 3, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Read the Bible verses listed in the topic Resources. What does the Bible have to say about how one should
view work in general? How does this Christian worldview of work affect the approach to the DPI Project?
Topic 6 Participation
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Sep 29, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 5, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
Topic 7: Ethics and the Responsible Conduct of Research
1. Complete training for research ethics and IRB requirements.
2. Explain how the collection of protected health information (PHI) data affects a proposed DPI Project.
Oct 6, 2022 – Oct 12, 2022 Max Points: 80
A Beginner’s Guide to Avoiding Protected Health Information (PHI) Issues in Clinical Research
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– With How-to’s in REDCap Data Management Software
Bowman, M. A., & Maxwell, R. A. (2018). A beginner’s guide to avoiding protected health information (PHI)
issues in clinical research – With how-to’s in REDCap data management software. Journal of Biomedical
Informatics, 85, 49-55.
When Healthcare Isn’t Enough: A Christian Response to Social Determinants of Health
Lathrop, B. (2021). When healthcare isn’t enough: A Christian response to social determinants of health.
Journal of Christian Nursing, 38(1), 16-23.
CITI Registration Directions
Review the CITI registration directions found in the DC Network.
The Belmont Report
The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.
(1979). The Belmont report.
Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP
Read Chapter 11 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP.
Review of HIPAA, Part 1: History, Protected Health Information, and Privacy and Security
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Moore, W., & Frye, S. (2019). Review of HIPAA, Part 1: History, protected health information, and privacy and
security rules. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 47(4), 269–272.
CITI Program
Register at the CITI Program website to complete the CITI course in this topic.
CITI Training: Social Behavioral Research for Students
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 6, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 12, 2022, 11:59 PM 25
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training in research ethics is a requirement for
submission of your DPI Project to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). CITI training provides you with
information regarding IRB requirements. During this online training, you will be required to read and process
information and to take quizzes to demonstrate your understanding of research ethics and IRB requirements.
You will be able to save your work at the end of each module, exit, and return later. You will complete two
courses during this topic: Social Behavioral Research for Students and the RCR for Social and Behavioral
Science Doctoral Learners.
For this assignment, you will complete the Social Behavioral Research for Students course.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
CITI registration directions are found in the DC Network. To access them, please use the link provided in
“CITI Registration Directions,” located in the topic Resources.
Using your GCU email, set up your CITI account and register for the required Social Behavioral Research for
Students course by going to Click on “Register Here” to register. You may
register for the RCR for Social and Behavioral Science Doctoral Learners course at this time as well.
1. Log on to the CITI training website and register for the CITI training.
2. Complete all modules of the Social Behavioral Research for Students.
3. A completion report will be generated by the CITI website after you complete all modules.
4. Save your certificate as a PDF document on your computer.
5. Submit the saved completion report to the assignment dropbox.
Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours:
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It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the
References section of your paper:
Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-830A
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock minutes/hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity
Tracker for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice
immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.
CITI Training: RCR for Social and Behavioral Science Doctoral Learners
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 6, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 12, 2022, 11:59 PM 25
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training in research ethics is a requirement for
submission of your DPI Project to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). CITI training provides you with
information regarding IRB requirements. During this online training, you will be required to read and process
information and to take quizzes to demonstrate your understanding of research ethics and IRB requirements.
You will be able to save your work at the end of each module, exit, and return later. You will complete two
courses during this topic: the Social Behavioral Research for Students and the RCR for Social and Behavioral
Science Doctoral Learners.
For this assignment, you will complete the RCR for Social and Behavioral Science Doctoral Learners course.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
CITI registration directions are found in the DC Network. To access them, please use the link provided in
“CITI Registration Directions,” located in the topic Resources.
Using your GCU email, set up your CITI account and register for the RCR for Social and Behavioral Science
Doctoral Learners course by going to to Click on “Register Here” to register.
You may register for the Social Behavioral Research for Students course at this time as well.
1. Log on to the CITI training website.
2. Complete all modules of the RCR for Social and Behavioral Science Doctoral Learners course.
3. A completion report will be generated by the CITI website after you complete all modules.
4. Save your certificate as a PDF document on your computer.
5. Submit the saved completion report to the assignment dropbox.
Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours:
It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the
References section of your paper:
Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-830A
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock minutes/hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity
Tracker for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice
immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.
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Topic 7 DQ 1
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 6, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 8, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
In the United States, disparities in health care for vulnerable populations are of great concern, with much
attention focused on the potential for unconscious (implicit) bias. Christians are not immune to these human
biases. Implicit bias has many effects on DPI projects including, data collection, data analysis, and patient
outcomes. Based on your knowledge of the Christian worldview, how can a Christian worldview help eliminate
bias from your DPI project.
Topic 7 DQ 2
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 6, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 10, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Review the types of data that are considered protected health information (PHI). How would the collection of
this data affect your project (whether you plan to collect it or not) and how would you store it in order to
protect what you are collecting?
Topic 7 Participation
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 6, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 12, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
Topic 8: Dissemination of Findings
1. Discuss how a proposed DPI Project aligns with the SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines.
2. Explain why a DPI Project is a quality improvement project and not a research project.
Oct 13, 2022 – Oct 19, 2022 Max Points: 150
Writing for Publication: Expanding Professional Practice
Gould, K. A. (2019). Writing for publication: Expanding professional practice. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing,
38(5), 233-235.
Page 35 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
Avoid Common Mistakes When Presenting Your Research, Evidence-Based Practice, or Quality
Improvement Projects
Siedlecki, S. L. (2018). Avoid common mistakes when presenting your research, evidence-based practice, or
quality improvement projects. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 32(5), 223-226.
How to Develop and Present a Conference Poster
Calbraith, D. (2020). How to develop and present a conference poster. Nursing Standard, 35(9), 46-50. https://
The Why and How to Write a Quality Improvement Manuscript
Roberts-Turner, R. (2020). The why and how to write a quality improvement manuscript. Pediatric Nursing,
46(6), 308-311.
Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence: SQUIRE 2.0
Standards for QUality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE). (2017). Revised standards for quality
improvement reporting excellence: SQUIRE 2.0.
Tips on Collecting, Presenting, and Statistically Analyzing Data: Strategies for Avoiding
Reviewer Criticisms in Education and Practice Improvement Research
Page 36 Grand Canyon University 2022 © Prepared on: Aug 24, 2022
Kues, J. R. (2018). Tips on collecting, presenting, and statistically analyzing data: Strategies for avoiding reviewer
criticisms in education and practice improvement research. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health
Professions, 38(2), 82-85.
Postconference Evaluation: Individual Success Plan (ISP)
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this course requires your collaboration with the course faculty
early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon specific
deliverables for your programmatic requirements. Programmatic requirements are: (1) completion of required
practice immersion hours, (2) completion of work associated with program competencies, and (3) work
associated with completion of your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.
A postconference evaluation is mandatory and will occur at the end of this course and every subsequent
course using the ISP form. This is intended for the learner and preceptor/mentor to review and evaluate the
completion of the ISP. The faculty will validate that all areas are at “Meets Expectations” on the preceptor/
mentor evaluation form, located in Typhon or Lopes Activity Tracker, prior to progression. The learner will
upload the ISP and preceptor/mentor evaluations and proof of entered and approved practice immersion
hours into the digital classroom by Topic 8 with the other required deliverables. Faculty will review this before
filling out the faculty evaluation of the learner in Typhon or Lopes Activity Tracker, which the learner will also
upload in Topic 8. The course faculty will complete a separate evaluation of the learner’s performance in the
digital classroom. The faculty is responsible for any course grading, final course grade, and validation of the
learner’s’ completed practice immersion hours.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment as it pertains to deliverables
due in this course.
Use the Individual Success Plan (ISP) developed in Topic 1 as a personal plan for completing your practice
immersion hours and how competencies will be met. All of the major milestones and deliverables should
be indicated in the timeline.
Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A copy of the signed document will be
uploaded into the digital classroom no later than the end of Topic 8.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is
located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use.
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1. Identify the specific deliverables you will complete throughout this course from those defined above with
your faculty. Update your faculty/chair with any revisions or changes to the ISP.
2. List the challenges you expect to encounter as you continue the practice immersion hour and competency
requirements throughout this course. How might you overcome these challenges?
3. Complete the Contact Information table at the beginning of the ISP resource, and type in your signature
(learner only) and the date on which you completed the table. Read the information in the ISP document,
including the following: Learner Expectations, Derivation of the ISP, and Instructions for Completing the ISP.
4. Follow the instructions and complete the ISP.
Topic 8 Reflective Journal
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
Learners must maintain a reflective journal integrating self-reflection and inquiry demonstrated in the current
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) course.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Download the “Reflective Journal Template,” located in the DNP PI Workspace, for submission. Directions
provided in the template should be followed because they align to the assignment rubric.
A minimum of three peer-reviewed references published within the last 5 years is required.
Doctoral learners are required to use the current APA style for their essay writing assignments. The current
APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support
articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for
later use. Failure to submit the reflective journal to both locations can result in an Incomplete for the
Using a scholarly approach, maintain a reflective journal integrating self-reflection and inquiry demonstrated
in the current DNP course.
Final Lopes Activity Tracker Submission
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 25
At the end of the course, download the electronic summary of your practice immersion experience from the
Lopes Activity Tracker. Save the file and submit it through the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In
addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace
for later use.
This submission is required in order to receive a final grade in the course. In order to receive a passing grade
in the course, learners are required to have met the required number of approved practice immersion hours.
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This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar
with the expectations for successful completion.
Final Evaluation of Learner by Preceptor/Mentor
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 10
The preceptor/mentor will complete the final evaluation in the Lopes Activity Tracker.
Both the learner and preceptor/mentor must sign the form. The final evaluation is completed and submitted
by the learner to the assignment dropbox. If your preceptor/mentor does not receive it, please email
If there are any competencies on the final evaluation that are “Below Expectations,” this may result in failure of
the course or remediation. In order to obtain practice immersion hours for this course, all course evaluations
must be completed by preceptors/mentors and submitted by learners.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar
with the expectations for successful completion.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later
Preceptor/Mentor and Site Evaluation by Learner
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 10
Learners may evaluate both their preceptor/mentor and the site in which they conducted their practice
immersion experience. All learners must pull any completed evaluations from Lopes Activity Tracker and
submit them to the assignment dropbox.
Learners should provide screenshots of evaluations or copy/paste the evaluations from Lopes Activity Tracker
in the assignment dropbox.
Submission of this assignment is a requirement for course completion and to receive a final letter grade in the
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition,
learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later
Practice Immersion Hours Portfolio
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 10
The Lopes Activity Tracker will be used to document and follow the status of your practice immersion hours
throughout this and every subsequent course. Please review the Practice Immersion Hours Portfolio Required
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Elements below, then review the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiences, located in the Student Success
Center, for details on what may or may not qualify as practice immersion hours.
After logging into the DNP PI Workspace, go to the Learner Dissertation Page and upload the following
documents for each course.
Practice Immersion Hours Portfolio Required Elements:
The Practice Immersion Hours Portfolio will include all of the following elements:
1. Individual Success Plan (ISP), signed off by preceptor/mentor. (Topic 1 and Topic 8)
2. Screenshots of evaluations (professionalism assignment, mentor evaluation, midterm evaluation, where
3. Current and updated CV. (Update each course as necessary.)
4. A copy of each assignment where practice immersion hours were acquired and all graded benchmark
Be sure to upload all of the above documents into your Professional Portfolio.
Complete the following statement in a Word document, submit it to the instructor, and complete the Lopes
Activity Tracker entries appropriate for this course.
Please review my professional portfolio for this course. Here is the link:
Professionalism Assignment
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 25
Professional behavior will be assessed using the “Professionalism Assignment” resource. Review the
“Professionalism Assignment” resource, before attending any practice immersion experience. Formative
evaluations from the preceptors and faculty will be ongoing throughout the program to support the final
summative grade at the end of the course. The faculty will be completing this step. Learners do not turn
anything in to the dropbox.
Topic 8 DQ 1
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 15, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
The “Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence: SQUIRE 2.0” guidelines, located in the
topic Resources, provide some guidance on the evaluation of quality improvement efforts. They are used as
both grant proposal and manuscript publication preparation guidelines. Discuss how your project aligns with
the SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines. Explain why your DPI Project is a quality improvement project and not a research
Topic 8 DQ 2
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 17, 2022, 11:59 PM 5
Select a nursing journal in which you would be interested in having your completed DPI Project published.
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Identify the journal and include a summary of the author guidelines. Describe at least two other methods
commonly used by authors to disseminate or report quality improvement outcomes. How could the author
guidelines, or those additional strategies you identified, be beneficial to you as you develop and implement
your DPI Project? How could the author guidelines be beneficial to your practice?
Topic 8 Participation
Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points
Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 AM Oct 19, 2022, 11:59 PM 20
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