Assignment: NU 690 – AGPCNP II: St. Joseph’s College
Assignment: NU 690 – AGPCNP II: St. Joseph’s College
Assignment: NU 690 – AGPCNP II: St. Joseph’s College
Purpose: The ARC group seminar is designed to promote active learning through agency, reflection and collaboration.
Agency is the ability for one to act independently, and make their own choices. When applied to learning, students will have the ability to take control of their own mental activity, to be responsible for constructing knowledge.
Reflection is the ability to look at information, and be able to draw significant ideas, insights and questions.
Collaboration means working together by sharing resources, information and knowledge to improve the outcomes for all involved.
- Students will work together in their simulation lab group to conduct an in-depth case study analysis related to the information obtained from the simulation.
- Each student will identify their learning objectives for the information that will be shared with the class , focusing on the primary diagnosis and related issues discussed in the case study.
- Learning Objectives must be clearly identified with observable behavior or action that can be measured at the end of the assignment.
- Analysis should include:
- Epidemiology
- Causes (primary and secondary)
- Pathophysiology
- Risk Factors
- Evaluation (screening, history, physical exam, initial workup/ diagnostics)
- Differential diagnoses
- Treatment (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management, patient education/ teaching)
- Gerontologic considerations
- Cultural, Social (disparities in diagnosis or management), Economic considerations
- Identify evidence-based research material that informs their discussion.
- Each student in the group will be responsible for their work
- Once completed, groups will share their work with the class in a round-table discussion.
- Each group will create a cohesive outline, overview or algorithm that will standardize the selection and application of treatment regimens based on evidence and standards of care, to be given to fellow student colleagues at the time of the presentation.
- Work will be graded according to the rubric provided.
ARC Grading Rubric Student__________________________ Grade___________
ARC Criteria | Meets Criteria | Partially Meets Criteria | Does Not Meet Criteria |
Learning Objectives
(20 points) |
Students identify relevant learning objectives with appropriate evidence to support the objectives.
20 points |
Students partially identify relevant learning objectives with some evidence to support their selection.
17-19 points |
Learning objectives are not identified or no evidence is provided to support selection.
0-18 points |
Identifies evidence-based resources that informs and supports learning objectives.
(15 points) |
Students provide thorough and relevant evidence-based resources that informs and supports learning objectives.
15 points |
Students provide partial evidence-based resources that informs and supports learning objectives.
11–14 points |
Students provide little or no evidence-based
resources that informs and supports learning objectives.
0–11 points |
Analysis of selected topic includes discussion of:
epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, evaluation, relevant differential diagnoses, treatment, cultural, ethical, social and economic gerontologic considerations.
(25 points) |
Students provide a comprehensive discussion of relevant information related to the topic.
25 points |
Students provide a limited discussion of relevant information related to the topic.
22–25 points |
Students provide little or no discussion of relevant information related to the topic.
0–21 points |
Develops an outline, overview or algorithm that will standardize the selection and application of treatment regimens supported by evidence and clinical practice guidelines.
(30 points) |
Students develop a detailed outline, overview or algorithm supported by evidence and clinical practice guidelines.
30 points |
Students develop a partially detailed outline, overview, or algorithm supported by evidence and clinical practice guidelines.
27-29 points |
Students develop an overview, outline or algorithm that lacks detail and is not supported by evidence and/ or clinical practice guidelines.
0-26 points |
APA Format.
Cite references; correct spelling and grammar
(10 points)
Provides a reference list of current resources that support discussion and medical algorithm.
APA format correct with no more than 1–2 minor errors. 10 points |
Partially provides a reference list of current resources that support discussion and medical algorithm.
Three to five errors in APA format and/or 1–2 citations missing 7-9 points |
Does not provide a reference list of current resources that support discussion and medical algorithm.
Multiple errors in APA formatting and/or several citations missing 0–6 points |