NRS 306V Assessment Paper
NRS 306V Assessment Paper
NRS 306V Assessment Paper
NRS 306V
Assignment 1
To improve service delivery and patient outcome, healthcare workers are expected to educate patients on several aspects of health. Patient education not only equips the patient with knowledge that makes it easier to manage their condition but is also important for decision making. The education should be patient centered and, in some cases, can involve the patients’ family or care givers. This paper will discuss factors that affect patient education and how the family affects a patient’s compliance.
Psychosocial Factors that Affect the Healthcare professional
Some of the psychosocial factors that affect healthcare professionals include burnout, stress and low salaries. A study by Asante et al. (2019) revealed that healthcare workers happiness state and well-being is usually affected by some of these factors and in turn interferes with how they interact with patients, their attitude towards patients, how they disseminate information and even the provision of quality healthcare.
Psychosocial Factors that Affect the Patient
Level of knowledge, mental health well being which includes feelings of depression, frustrations and hostility are psychosocial factors that affect patient education. Patients who have knowledge on their illnesses are most likely to have it easy understanding any information passed to them as compared to their counterparts. Those depressed and exhausted might be hostile towards the healthcare workers negatively affecting the education process.
Personality Styles
Personality styles refers to ones’ characteristics, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and coping mechanisms (Redelmeier et al., 2021). One of the factors that has been credited for better service delivery in healthcare is understanding and respecting patient personalities. Personality traits include, openness, neurotism, extravasation and self-perception. Self-perception refers to the views one has about themselves and how they judge themselves according to the characteristics. Healthcare providers that have a positive perspective on things can use this trait to educate and empower their patients to deal with their conditions thus meeting their needs.
Illness Adjustment Steps
Patients battling serious and chronic illnesses usually go through five stages of adjustment to illnesses. They include denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. In the denial stage, patients might refuse to accept their diagnosis or indulge in activities that put more damage to their bodies with the aim of distancing themselves from the diagnosis. Anger stage can lead to aggressive behavior by the patient to their caregivers and even healthcare providers. In some cases, the patient might resist treatment. In the bargaining stage the patient usually attempts to ease the uncertainties they are faced with. To cope in this stage the patient might indulge in several treatment modalities which includes both pharmacological and non-pharmacological. The depression stage is due to the extreme stress and exhaustion the patient goes through. They may experience sadness, reduced concentration and insomnia. Finally, in the acceptance stage, the patient comes to reality with their diagnosis and resolves to cure as an adaptation method.
Health Professionals Role in Patient Teaching at Different Stages of Life
The different stages of life include childhood, adolescent, adulthood and old age. In the childhood stage, education is given to the parents and its usually about immunization, nutrition and hygiene. The mothers also get to learn about their children’s developmental milestones and how to detect if they are delayed. In the adolescence stage, the healthcare providers educate them on safe sex, drug abuse, bullying and mental health. Proper nutrition and incorporation of physical activities into one’s life is taught across adolescence, adulthood and old age. This is because these two modalities improve not only ones’ mental health by boosting their self-esteem but also reduces their chances of getting lifestyle diseases. In old age, the healthcare professionals should address the issue of death even though death can occur at any stage of life. In adulthood and old age, they are taught to screen for certain disease and take supplements to boost their immunity.
Role of Family in Patient Education
Family involvement in patient education and patient care in general has been known to improve patient outcomes. Family can help simplify information being passed to the patient in cases of language barriers or even disabilities such as hearing loss. Family involved in patient education can also be crucial during decision making. They can also offer their experience and valuable perspectives during patient education making the process easy.
How Family Might Influence Compliance of Patient
Compliance to the healthcare workers recommendations and medications improve patient outcomes. A study by Fernandez-Lazaro et al.( 2019) revealed that family participation in a patients care improved their compliance to medications, proper nutrition and diet and physical exercise thus controlling the blood pressures of those involved in the study. A part from reminding patents on when to take medications, they can also help them in preparing healthy meals and even exercise with them. They can accompany them to appointments thus improving their compliance. To communicate effectively with one’s family, the healthcare workers are expected to use open ended question, be clear, accurate, honest and avoid use of medical jargons(Huang et al., 2021).
Patient education can be affected either positively or negatively by both patient and healthcare providers factors. To improve on this, both factors should be considered while educating patients to ensure that the intended message has been understood by both the patient and caregiver. Family support is an important aspect in patient delivery and decision making. Patients should be encouraged to involve their families in their care in order to improve their compliance.
Asante, J. O., Li, M. J., Liao, J., Huang, Y. X., & Hao, Y. T. (2019). The relationship between psychosocial risk factors, burnout and quality of life among primary healthcare workers in rural Guangdong province: A cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 447.
Fernandez-Lazaro, C. I., García-González, J. M., Adams, D. P., Fernandez-Lazaro, D., Mielgo-Ayuso, J., Caballero-Garcia, A., Moreno Racionero, F., Córdova, A., & Miron-Canelo, J. A. (2019). Adherence to treatment and related factors among patients with chronic conditions in primary care: A cross-sectional study. BMC Family Practice, 20(1), 132.
Huang, S. C.-C., Morgan, A., Peck, V., & Khoury, L. (2021). Improving Communications With Patients and Families in Geriatric Care. The How, When, and What. Journal of Patient Experience, 8, 237437352110340.
Redelmeier, D. A., Najeeb, U., & Etchells, E. E. (2021). Understanding Patient Personality in Medical Care: Five-Factor Model. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36(7), 2111–2114.
Assessment 1: HTL-306
Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
1. Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care professional and the effect those factors could have on patient education.
2. Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the patient and the effect those factors could have on patient education.
3. Explain what is meant by personality styles and give examples of approaches that could be used to help the patient. Include self-perception as a factor.
4. List the steps in adjustment to illness and how the patient copes with each step.
5. Explain the health professional’s role in teaching the patient at different life stages.
6. Define the role of the family in patient education.
7. How might the family influence the compliance of the patient and what measures can the health care professional use in communication with the family?
Assignment 2 : Stages of Life Essay
Write a 500-750-word essay on the Stages-of-Life and the influence of age in health care from a patient’s perspective. Interview a friend or family member about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions.
Suggested questions:
1. Do you feel that your stage-of-life had any effect on your interaction with health care professionals?
2. Which areas of the hospital or clinic were most concerned with your well-being and feelings?
3. Was your family with you during this hospital stay or outpatient visit?
4. Was your family included in your treatment, such as post-procedure instructions?