Assignment:How Implementation Impacts Quality Improvement
Assignment:How Implementation Impacts Quality Improvement
Assignment:How Implementation Impacts Quality Improvement
How Implementation Impacts Quality Improvement
Cultural competence is a key concept in nursing as it improves patient care outcomes as appropriate (Sharifi et al., 2019). Therefore, in the last weeks, a lesson plan was formulated to help teach how to incorporate cultural competence in patient-centered care. After a meeting with the preceptors, various points were agreed on, and there were suggestions for adjustments to help improve the lesson plan and its effectiveness in achieving the desired goals. Therefore, as part of the changes, the facility’s policy on cultural diversity and staff education was incorporated.
The implementation and refinement of the lesson plan can substantially impact quality improvement in the practicum setting. For example, when the lesson is used as part of the nursing education process, the nurses will have improved knowledge of offering culturally competent care. The implication is that the patients will have an increased willingness to be part of the care and management process since they will feel that their culture and opinions are well respected, hence improving care outcomes (Stubbe, 2020). Incorporating the facility’s policy on cultural diversity also offers a clear picture of how the facility views cultural diversity. Thus, it is easier to make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes that are likely to be affected by cultural diversity.
The curriculum revision process can be influenced by various outside factors. Some of the factors include external stakeholders, former curriculum development committees, and political factors. The external stakeholders include alumni, employers, and other healthcare professionals who may have inputs regarding the revisions required for the curriculum. Sometimes politics may influence curriculum revision, especially when there are legislators with vested interests (Jameson& Bobis, 2023). The revision of the curriculum has great potential to affect quality improvement. In most cases, such revisions improve the quality since the revisions are done following the identification of gaps in care and practice. As such, when the revisions are accomplished to address such gaps, then there are higher chances of quality improvement.
Jameson, E., & Bobis, J. (2023). Modelling curriculum reform: A system of agents, processes and objects. In Mathematics Curriculum Reforms Around the World: The 24th ICMI Study (pp. 431-443). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Sharifi, N., Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Najafi, M. (2019). Cultural competence in nursing: A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 99, 103386.
Stubbe, D. E. (2020). Practicing cultural competence and cultural humility in the care of diverse patients. Focus, 18(1), 49-51.
Describe how the implementation and refinement of your lesson plan impacts quality improvement in your practicum setting. Describe two or three outside influences on the curriculum revision process. How does curriculum revision affect quality improvement?
Practicum setting is hospital and lesson plan is incorporating cultural competence in patient-centered care.
Changes made were incorporation of facility’s policy on cultural diversity and staff education.