U.S. Healthcare Outcomes Ranking Paper
U.S. Healthcare Outcomes Ranking Paper
U.S. Healthcare Outcomes Ranking Paper
U.S. Healthcare Outcomes Ranking
The U.S. low ranking in healthcare outcomes despite high spending per capita can be attributed to racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare. Ethnic minority populations in the U.S. have low access to healthcare due to various factors like lack of insurance and inadequate healthcare providers who are conversant with their healthcare needs (Caraballo et al., 2020). Lack of insurance among many Americans can be linked with poor health outcomes in the U.S. since it limits access to care. Americans generally visit physicians less frequently than citizens of most other developed countries, with approximately four visits per person annually.
Affordability is another major factor affecting health outcomes in the U.S. Expensive medical care has limited the number of Americans signing up for health coverage. Furthermore, high out-of-pocket costs contribute to almost half of working-age adults delaying or missing out on needed health care (Galvani et al., 2020). In addition to being uninsured, the low physician visits can be attributed to the relatively low supply of physicians in the U.S. compared to most developed countries. The rise in chronic illnesses due to unhealthy lifestyle practices has further led to poor outcomes (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2018). Preventive care has not been adequately emphasized, leading to a high incidence of chronic diseases.
The above issues can be alleviated by the federal and state governments creating policies to ensure that every person in the U.S. has access to affordable care. The design of the health system limits Americans from utilizing health services. Thus, enacting policies that foster universal health coverage can make healthcare affordable and increase access to care. In addition, legislators can enact policies that will lower the high cost of various medications and limit out-of-pocket costs for Americans to make healthcare more affordable (Porche, 2021). Furthermore, improved prevention and management of chronic illnesses can improve healthcare outcomes. Preventive care should be emphasized to lower incidences of new chronic diseases (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2018). Coordination of care can also improve outcomes for Americans with multiple chronic illnesses.
Caraballo, C., Massey, D., Mahajan, S., Lu, Y., Annapureddy, A. R., Roy, B., … & Krumholz, H. M. (2020). Racial and ethnic disparities in access to health care among adults in the United States: a 20-year National Health Interview Survey analysis, 1999–2018. MedRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2020.10.30.20223420
Galvani, A. P., Parpia, A. S., Foster, E. M., Singer, B. H., & Fitzpatrick, M. C. (2020). Improving the prognosis of health care in the USA. Lancet (London, England), 395(10223), 524–533. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)33019-3
Porche, D.J. (2021). Health policy application for nurses and other healthcare professionals (3rd Ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN 9781284230321
Raghupathi, W., & Raghupathi, V. (2018). An Empirical Study of Chronic Diseases in the United States: A Visual Analytics Approach. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(3), 431. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15030431
Conduct an internet search for “U.S. healthcare outcomes ranking” and peruse the results you find and integrate them in your responses as appropriate.
The United States has consistently been ranked low in healthcare outcomes despite high spending per capita compared to developed countries and among other World Health Organization (WHO) members. Based on your readings, answer the following questions in the Discussion Board labeled “Module 2”:
1. Why do you believe this is so?
2. What do you think can alleviate these issues while achieving the goals for both healthcare system structures and healthcare models?
Use following book plus 3 more resources
Porche, D.J. (2021). Health policy application for nurses and other healthcare professionals (3rd Ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN 9781284230321
The University of Texas at El Paso School of Nursing Discussion Board Posting Rubric
Total Points Possible: 125
Criteria | D or F 0 points | C
88 points |
107 points |
113 points |
125 points |
Quantity and Timeliness | Does not request an extension or submit a primary response or secondary responses by the due date. | Submits primary response by due date but does not submit both secondary responses by due date OR
Submits one secondary response by due date but does not submit a primary response. 17 points |
Submits primary response by due date and submits one secondary response by due date
OR Submits both secondary posts by due date but primary post is late
21 points |
Submits both primary and secondary responses by due dates.
22 points |
Submits both primary and secondary responses by due dates AND submits more than the minimum of 2 required secondary responses.
25 points |
Spelling and mechanics | Does not submit posts that are in complete sentences. Or three or more of the complete sentences are grammatically incorrect. Or the entire post contains greater than 5 spelling errors. | Does not submit posts that are in complete sentences. Or two or more of the complete sentences are grammatically incorrect. Or the entire post contains greater than 4 spelling errors.
17 points |
Does not submit posts that are in complete sentences. Or one or more of the complete sentences are grammatically incorrect. Or the entire post contains greater than 3 spelling errors.
21 points |
Submits posts that have only one grammatically incorrect sentence and no more than two spelling errors.
22 points |
Submits posts that have no grammatically incorrect sentences and/or only one spelling error.
25 points |
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and applicability to professional practice | Post(s) and responses show no evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice. | Post(s) and responses show little evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice.
Responses simply affirm the posts made in the primary posting.
37 points |
Post(s) and responses show some evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice, but are superficial in nature.
44 points |
Primary and secondary posts demonstrate evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice.
47 points |
Primary and secondary posts demonstrate significant evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice.
50 points |
Cites appropriate professional references for position in addition to the course texts | Does not support position or peer responses with citations from professional literature. Uses only the course texts as references. | Cites only 1 source other than the assigned readings which supports primary and secondary posts
17 points |
Cites only 2 sources other than the assigned readings which support primary and secondary posts
21 points |
Cites a minimum of 3 sources other than the assigned readings which support primary and secondary posts
22 points |
Cites a minimum of 4 sources other than the assigned readings which support primary and secondary posts
25 points |