PSYC315 Week 7: Case Study Analysis – Global Warming
PSYC315 Week 7: Case Study Analysis – Global Warming
In every argument there are those that support and those that disagree. This week, the assignment is a discussion on global warming. For this assignment, you will need to conduct some research concerning social perceptions of the issue of global warming, discuss both sides of the global warming argument, and deconstruct key ideas related to social psychology.
See the full guidelines for this assignment in Files: Week_7_Global_Warming_Assignment
Don’t forget to submit your assignment
Global Warming Case Study
Numerous people indicate that global warming is an issue for the future of the environment. Others disagree with the idea that global warming is even a concern. Your task this week will be to dissect articles that reflect both sides of the global warming argument.
Your assignment for this week is to find two articles that discuss the issue global one. One article should state that global warming is an issue and the other article should state that global warming is not a real concern.
– Summarize each article, focusing on main ideas and primary examples (2-4 Paragraphs)
– Discuss the relationship between the articles and key terms and ideas in social psychology (2-3 Paragraphs)
– Describe which side makes a more compelling argument and utilize social psychology ideas to support your decision (1-2 paragraphs)
– Provide APA citations for both articles and additional references.
50 points – summarizes two articles related to global warming – one for and one against.
40 points – discusses the issues the topics of the articles in relation to social psychology terminology
20 points – conclusion using social psychology ideals on how to change the issues of gender in the workplace.
20 points – for orderly presentation in subsections, freedom from spelling and grammar errors, and use of citations and reference page.
Expectation | Points Possible | |
Summaries | Summaries are included for two articles and provide specific details about main arguments, key claims, and examples. | 50 |
Social Psychology Terminology and Use | The analysis includes a strong use of social psychology terminology and thoughtful applies concepts to current events. | 40 |
Conclusion | Conclusion includes recommendations for social change and provides a specific plan of action to support a culture of change. | 20 |
APA Format and Style | Paper uses APA format and utilizes style and grammar to promote clarity. | 20 |