BSC 2347 Week 8 Discussion: Energy Drinks and Kids
BSC 2347 Week 8 Discussion: Energy Drinks and Kids
The intake of various energy drinks, such as Redbull®, Monster Energy Drink®, and Rockstar®, has dramatically increased in recent years with children, teenagers, and young adults. These energy drinks have been linked to illnesses and even deaths in certain cases.
Research the effects these energy drinks have on the body and the complications associated with them. A lot of these drinks contain various vitamins and electrolytes among other ingredients. Can these energy drinks influence the overall electrolyte and acid-base balance of the body? Why or why not? Should these drinks have a warning label on them? Should it be illegal to sell them to anyone under the age of 16? Elaborate on your opinions.
BSC 2347 Week 9 Discussion: Birth Control
The topic and discussion of birth control has been reignited due to the Affordable Health Care Act (ObamaCare) passage. Research the concept and various methods/techniques of birth control. Also research statistical data on teen pregnancies across the United States and within your state. Are you surprised by the teen pregnancy rates within the United States and your state? Why or why not?
Should birth control products be free to anyone who wants to use it? Should birth control products, such as condoms, birth control pills and patches, be readily available for teenagers without a parent’s knowledge or consent? Why or why not? If so, at what age? Justify your reasoning and opinions with your research.
BSC 2347 Week 10 Discussion: End of Life Care
End of life care and treatment is a sensitive subject to discuss but must be addressed by our health care field and society due to the exorbitant costs it has on the health care system, especially Medicare, which is a public health insurance. According to “The Dartmouth Institute” (2013), Medicare spending per patient, in the last two years of life went from $60,694 in 2007 to $69,947 in 2010. On top of that, it is estimated that one-quarter of all Medicare payments are for end of life care and treatment, which is about $50 billion with the majority of costs being paid out for the last two months of the patients’ care and treatments.
There have been ethical calls to limit the amount of payment Medicare will provide to extend a patient’s life for another six to twelve months. Should there be a financial limit for Medicare in these situations? Why or why not, and if so, what should it be? Should money be diverted from end of life care and treatment for seniors and be used on infant and childhood care? Will an advance health care directive (otherwise known as a living will) resolve this problem? Why or why not?
BSC 2347 Week 11 Discussion latest
You’re in your last week of Anatomy and Physiology II, finishing up two difficult quarters of anatomy and physiology. Take a moment and reflect on how much your knowledge of human anatomy and physiology has improved and increased. Share why you are pursuing a degree in your specific professional field and how this degree will change and improve your life.
How will your increase of anatomy and physiology assist your ability within your field? Lastly, these courses worked on improving your critical thinking skills through various assignments, such as the case study assignments. Why is critical thinking important within your professional field and how will you work to further improve your critical thinking skills?