Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot

Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot

Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot

The Malpractice Case Study will be based on the APRN malpractice case that you have been assigned from your faculty. You will have this assignment by the end of the first week to facilitate your research on the case.

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Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot
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Assignment Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate synthesis of APRN role components and competencies, professional standards of practice, scope of practice and standards of care. Refer to the following Buppert chapters as you critically analyze the malpractice case study. You are not limited to these resources, but these are required readings for Module 2. Should your assigned case involve a physician rather than an APRN, identify that fact and simply state that for the purpose of this assignment an APRN was substituted to facilitate answering the content relevant to the APRN role.

Buppert, Chapter 7 (Negligence and Malpractice)
Chapter 7.pptx

Buppert, Chapter 8 (Risk Management)
Chapter 8.pptx

Buppert, Chapter 14 (Standards of Care for NP Practice)
Chapter 14-2.pptx

Buppert, Chapter 15 (Measuring NP Performance)
Chapter 15-2.pptx

Standards of Care for Nurse Practitioner Practice (AANP website) and/or American College of Nurse Midwives website for Nurse Midwifery competencies/standards.

Guidelines for Determining APRN Scope of Practice (Learning Module 1)

Scope of Practice Decision Making Tool (Learning Module 1)

Assignment Structure:

Students will be assigned a malpractice case by their assigned faculty within the first week of classes.
Research and analyze the information within the case and utilize required readings in addition to other applicable scholarly references published within the past 5 years.

Review the grading rubric for this assignment to see how each criterion is weighted. If more points are awarded for certain areas, be sure you adequately cover the content.

Create a formal APA formatted paper (cover page, reference page, running header, headings/ subheadings, page numbers, etc.) based on your assignment topic and upload this to the Assignment drop box.

Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot

Content: The following criteria must be identified and discussed in the assigned paper:

Include a synopsis or overview of the case facts. Analyze the case by identifying what went right and wrong in the case, from both the plaintiff and defendant perspectives.

Identify the four elements of malpractice (Buppert) and associate each element with the facts of your case. Clearly indicate whether each element is absent or present.

Thoroughly discuss the Standards of Practice from AANP or ACNM pertinent to the case and indicate whether each was met or violated, including the clinician’s performance (see Buppert, Chapter 14). Be sure to use and cite the Standards of Practice obtained from the primary source – AANP or ACNM (if in the midwifery track).

Identify strategies that may have reduced risk or avoided malpractice in this particular case.
Share your insight about why you think these strategies were not implemented.

Discuss whether the provider practiced within the professional and individual scope of practice for his/her role in that setting. Substantiate your position with an appropriately cited source(s).

Discuss your analysis of the outcome of the case. Do you agree with the outcome (settlement, jury award, etc.)? Why or why not?

Provide an in-depth reflection on your personal beliefs based on this case that will impact you as you enter APRN practice & include the importance of this assignment to your personal growth as an APRN.
Identify general recommendations for avoiding negligence and malpractice. (Minimum 3)
Develop a professional paper, free from spelling or grammatical errors utilizing APA format.

A minimum of five professional references should be used and are from current primary and professional sources.

Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot


Malpractice Assignment
Malpractice Assignment
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Synopsis and Analysis
Include a synopsis or overview of the case facts. Analyze the case by identifying what went right and wrong in the case, from both the plaintiff and defendant perspectives.
10.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 9-10)
Makes the facts of the case clear to the reader. Provides enough detail to allow the reader to understand the student fully grasps the critical points of the case.
8.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 8-8.9)
Basic meeting of criteria without providing full clarity of case to the reader. May be lacking some detail on points of case or the strengths and weaknesses in the scenario not fully clear to the reader. Some analysis of what went right or wrong.
7.0 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 7-7.9)
Provides only superficial highlights of the case. Lists information but provides minimal analysis of what went right or wrong with the case.
6.0 pts
Not Graduate Level (score range 6-6.9)
Reader has difficulty understanding the student has a grasp of the points of the case. May have shown a lack of analysis.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Reader unable to understand or section is absent.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Elements of Malpractice
Identify the four elements of malpractice (Buppert) and associate each element with the facts of your case. Clearly indicate whether each element is absent or present.
10.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 9-10)
Fully addresses the criteria and offers explanation of how/why the elements where met or absent. Shows thorough understanding of malpractice elements.
8.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 8-8.9)
Identifies the four elements of malpractice and indicates whether the elements were absent or present.
7.0 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 7-7.9)
Provides brief points regarding elements and states only that elements were present or absent. Some points may be missing.
6.0 pts
Not Graduate Level (score range 6-6.9)
Identifies 4 elements of malpractice. May not have indicated whether some or all of elements were present or absent.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Did not identify all 4 elements of malpractice. Reader unable to understand or section is absent.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Standards of Practice
Discuss the Standards of Practice from AANP or ACNM pertinent to the case and indicate whether each was met or violated, including the clinician’s performance (see Buppert, Chapter 14). Be sure to use and cite the Standards of Practice obtained from the primary source – AANP or ACNM (if in the midwifery track).
10.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 9-10)
Applies APRN standards of practice to the case. Compares standards of practice if indicated based on the particular case. Fully explains and provides necessary detail if needed based on information.
8.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 8-8.9)
Applies APRN standards of practice to the case.
7.0 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 7-7.9)
Applies standards of practice to the case. May not be specific to advanced practice nursing standards.
6.0 pts
Not Graduate Level (score range 6-6.9)
Possibly not clear on standards of practice for the APRN. May not analyze or explain if standards where met. Does not relate case to APRNs if the provider in the case is practitioner other than APRN. May not have reference.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Reader unable to understand or section is absent.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Strategies for Prevention
Identify strategies that may have reduced risk or avoided malpractice in this particular case.
10.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 9-10)
Fully analyzes strategies that may have reduced the risk of malpractice in this case.
8.0 pts

Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot

Meets Criteria (score range 8-8.9)
Identifies strategies that may have reduced the risk or avoided malpractice in this particular case.
7.0 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 7-7.9)
Provides bullet point type information on possible strategies that could have been used in this case. May lack explanation on why the strategies could have reduced the risk. Strategies may be general in nature or not applicable to this specific case.
6.0 pts
Not Graduate Level (score range 6-6.9)
Briefly identifies strategies. Lacks clear application to this case. Lacks clarity or explanation.
0.0 pts
No Marks
May not be clear student is indicating strategies for prevention. Reader unable to understand or section is absent.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Student Insight
Share your insight about why you think these strategies were not implemented.
5.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 4.5-5)
Personal insight explained in manner that shows full understanding of risks involved with the provision of health care. Explains what could have been the reasons for the errors that were made in the case based on the recommended strategies and why those strategies may not have been in utilized. Insight is thoughtful and thorough, analytical or reflective.
4.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 4-4.4)
Shares personal insight about why the recommended strategies may not have been implemented.
3.0 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 3-4)
Brief and minimal insight provided. Lack of analysis or critical thinking.
0.0 pts
No Marks, Not Graduate Level
Reader unable to understand or section is absent.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Scope of Practice
Discuss whether the provider practiced within the professional and individual scope of practice for his/her role in that setting. Substantiate your position with an appropriately cited source(s).
15.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 13.5-15)
Critical thinking regarding scope of practice is obvious. Discussion is specific to scope of practice for APRN and not scope of practice of provider in the case (if that provider was not APRN). Student uses their own APRN track scope of practice (SOP) to ’compare’ and apply to the case scenario. Depending on case, may need to explain how personal scope could be different for a new graduate vs an experienced practitioner and whether or not that would change the case situation.
12.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 12-13.4)
Critical thinking regarding scope of practice is obvious. Discussion is specific to scope of practice for APRN and not scope of practice of provider in the case (if that provider was not APRN). Used references appropriately, information is accurate and factual.
10.5 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 10.5-11.9)
Some critical thinking regarding scope of practice. Discussion is specific to APRN practice. Uses appropriate references. May have included ’hearsay’ or personal observations regarding scope of practice without analysis regarding accuracy of information.
9.0 pts
Not Graduate Level (score range 9-10.4)
Minimal critical thinking regarding APRN scope of practice. May not clearly use factual information regarding scope of practice. May not have applied APRN scope of practice to the case.
0.0 pts

Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot

No Marks
May have discussed scope of practice other than APRN. Reader unable to understand, information is unclear or section is absent.
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analysis of Outcome
Discuss your analysis of the outcome of the case. Do you agree with the outcome (settlement, jury award, etc.)? Why or why not?
10.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 9-10)
Thoughtful analysis regarding details of the case and the associated outcome. There is no right or wrong answer and student may agree or disagree with different parts of the case. Receiving full marks based on student’s rationale regarding the situation and how it applies to standards of care, APRN scope of practice, patient outcome, affects on the practitioner, etc.
8.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 8-8.9)
Discussed analysis regarding outcome of case and noted whether agreed or disagreed with explanation of why or why not.
7.0 pts
Needs Improvement (6-7.9)
May have agreed or disagreed with outcome with minimal discussion or analysis.
0.0 pts
No Marks, Not Graduate Level
Reader unable to understand or section is absent. No thought out analysis of the outcome of the case. May have ’agreed’ or ’disagreed’ with the case without explanation.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Personal Reflection for Practice
Provide an in-depth reflection on your personal beliefs based on this case that will impact you as you enter APRN practice & include the importance of this assignment to your personal growth as an APRN.
10.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 9-10)
Critical thinking is evident. How this case situation, recommendations made, or information on scope of practice will affect the student’s future practice is well thought out. Personal beliefs regarding what the student learned from the assignment are clear.
8.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 8-8.9)
Some critical thinking is evident. How this case situation, recommendations made, or information on scope of practice will affect the student’s future practice is noted. Personal beliefs regarding what the student learned from the assignment are covered to some degree.
7.0 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 6-7.9)
Minimal evidence of critical thinking or application to practice. Little personal reflection or growth discussed. May not have had any discussion on what was learned from the assignment.
0.0 pts
No Marks, Not Graduate Level
May lack application to future practice or minimal to no personal reflection on what was learned from the case or the assignment. Reader unable to identify clear evidence of personal analysis or student learning. Section may be absent.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome General Malpractice Risk Management
Identify general recommendations for avoiding negligence and malpractice. (Minimum 3)
10.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 9-10)
Identifies and explains 3 general recommendations for avoiding negligence or malpractice. Shows depth of understanding by fully explaining or clarifying recommendations as needed.
8.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 8-8.9)
Provides 3 basic or obvious recommendations for avoiding negligence or malpractice.
7.0 pts
Needs Improvement (6-7.9)
May be minimal or lack clarity in 3 recommendations or may provides less than 3 general recommendations for avoiding negligence and malpractice.
0.0 pts
No Marks, Not Graduate Level
Reader unable to understand or section is absent.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Format
Professional paper: No more than 12 pages and free from spelling/grammatical errors.
5.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 4.5-5)
Excellent paper in APA format. Content shows critical thinking and application and does not ’just’ cover points on rubric.
4.0 pts

Case Study: Birth control leads to a blood clot

Meets Criteria (score range 4-4.5)
Formatting makes paper easy to follow. Rare error in grammar within the paper.
3.0 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 3-4)
Errors in formatting or grammar causing some distraction for the reader or possibly making the paper somewhat difficult to follow.
0.0 pts
No Marks, Not Graduate Level
Not graduate level, professional paper. Could have multiple typographical or grammatical errors.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Use of APA
Utilize current APA formatting used for citing sources and for reference page. A minimum of five professional references are used which are from current primary and professional sources.
5.0 pts
Full Marks (score range 4.5-5)
No APA errors noted. All references are appropriate and complete. A minimum of four professional references are used which are from current primary and professional resources.
4.0 pts
Meets Criteria (score range 4-4.4)
Overall correct use of APA, possible rare error in referencing or formatting of references. A minimum of three professional references are used which are from current primary and professional resources.
3.0 pts
Needs Improvement (score range 3-4)
Multiple APA errors. A minimum of two professional references are used which are from current primary and professional resources.
0.0 pts
No Marks, Not Graduate Level
Unacceptable use of APA. Lack of referencing or inappropriate referencing. References possibly unacceptably outdated.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

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