Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Teamwork training is an essential component of health professional student education. A valid and reliable teamwork self-assessment tool could assist students to identify desirable teamwork behaviours with the potential to promote learning about effective teamwork. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a self-assessment teamwork tool for health professional students for use in the context of emergency response to a mass casualty.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

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Self Evaluation as a Nurse I am pleased to state that I have been a registered nurse for forty years. At this moment, I continue working in nursing while pursuing my Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. My intended month of completion is October 2012. My experience in nursing education has motivated me to continue my education and pursue a Masters degree in a nursing related field commencing in 2013. Thus, in terms of my career planning, my education is a crucial part to my professional development. Extending and deepening one’s education, especially within the career field of one’s choice, can only bring upon additional professional opportunities as well as opportunities for personal growth. My career planning includes building upon my decades of experience in obstetrics, my particular area of specialty, expertise, and passion, with the assistance and addition of higher education. I believe in terms of career planning, my strengths include foresight, preparation, internal motivation, and focus


Self-assessment is the way in which individuals reflect on past experiences and events in order to facilitate learning, and to develop and maintain skills and knowledge, in order to evaluate whether individual competencies are compliant with relevant codes of conduct by profession. Models within the literature on the process of self-assessment also use the term ‘reflection’ to describe such activity, whereby self-assessment / reflection method is seen to involve ‘returning to an experience, describing it and attending to thoughts and feelings.’ (Platzer, Blake & Snelling, 1997;193) For nursing and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) in particular, self-assessment is a medium in which theory can be assessed during practice, and to tap into the personal knowledge resource of HCP’s – ‘embedded in the practices and know how of expert clinicians. (Brenner, 1984;4)Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

The cognitive processes involved within self-assessment activity are described within the literature as complex, involving high order cognitive capacities; making influences, generalizations; memory, analogies; emotional evaluation and problem solving (Moore, 1998). Analysing ones performance is thus described in terms of a professional development tool, whereby gaps in knowledge as well as areas of expertise may be identified, and form the focus of further training, and/or activities at work in line with Department of Health initiatives for continuing professional development.

Self-assessment within clinical practice for nurses thus needs to be taught and coached, and may occur in a number of ways. Models of reflection and self-assessment documented describe the need for use of written records of practice within self-assessment, such as through reflective diaries (Platzer, Blake & Snelling, 1997) which can be used as the basis for discussion during group-working projects and in one-to-one coaching sessions between mentors and student nurses for example.

The use of reflection through self-assessment has been suggested as particularly relevant to nurses due to the nature of their work – the need to respond to individual requirements and needs of patients, and to avoid rigid routines of caring acts that can lead to performing duties on ‘autopilot’ (Cox, 1994) Self-assessment is thus suggested to prevent complacency or caring through pattern / ritual from occurring, by reflecting on ones practices to allow nurses to provide individualized patient care.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Self-assessment practices may be taken by nurses during a number of reflection opportunties; critical incident techniques (Clamp, 1980; Flannagan, 1954) reviews of case studies and personal experiences or practice reviews (Wilshaw & Bohannan, 2003) The reflection process thus enables learning for nurses through initiating discussion and thought in regards to comparing actions taken against suggested best practice.

Self-assessment is becoming increasingly incorporated learning programmes for nurses, as well as receiving focus throughout careers in order to enable continuing professional development. Self-assessment of ones own competencies are thus predominantly portrayed in a positive light and emphasis given to associated advantages. One of the major benefits of incorporating self-assessment into both education and professional development, is the way in which theory and learning can be translated into more applied methods, and by increasing the relevance of taught theory, help students and new nurses to apply what they have learnt in the classroom into their patient care through evaluating learning in the context of their own experiences. Reflection and self-assessment throughout a career can also allow nurses to develop this initial knowledge base by incorporating future experiences to widen personal knowledge resource to continue to grow professionally.

Benefits of the use of self-assessments can also be seen in the way in which they can allow more accurate evaluation of the training programmes used to educate nurses. Research indicates that the commonly used questionnaire technique to investigate students perceptions and evaluations of training can be influenced by a range of external factors that often make such ratings highly unreliable; like / dislike of the tutor, and the aesthetics of the learning environment are two such factors (Hicks & Henessey, 2001), and are thus likely to contribute little to analyzing the true efficacy of the training undergone. Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Considerations should however be taken when using self-assessment for a number of reasons. Firstly the depth of evaluation and use of reflections will depend on the level of importance that an individual will place on their own knowledge and assessment abilities. It has been reported that many HCPs place little value on their own personal knowledge favoring only research based knowledge – thus underutilizing their own resource (Platzer, Blake & Snelling, 1997) and so may subsequently place little value or effort into the process of self-assessment meaning learning outcome will be limited. The reliability of the cognitions underlying self-assessment techniques can also put into question the usefulness of the results for learning – memory for recounting events can be affected by anxiety (Newell, 1992), whilst others may feel under scrutiny and look to justify or rationalise actions (Wilshaw & Bohannan, 2003) rather than reflect and learn from outcomes. This highlights the way in which self-assessment is only truly useable in environments that are not operating within a blame culture where personal evaluation would otherwise be inhibited. Lastly it is also reported that the coaching experience and ability of mentors to teach self-assessment techniques exerts a strong influence on the outcome in ability to complete self-assessment tasks for their students, and therefore the ability of coaches will have a positive or negative impact for students (Arvidsson,2005)

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) openly supports the use of a self-assessment system as a means for nurses to identify ‘shortfalls’ in their skills, by rating their own performance. Self-assessment should be thus used to identify gaps in nurse’s abilities and so highlight key training needs, acting in what the NMC call an ‘early warning system’ capacity against poor standards (Duffin, 2004). Although not compulsory, self-assessment is seen as a way for nurses to contemplate critical areas within their clinical environment (information for clients on treatment, nurse/client relationships & professional accountability: Duffin, 2004) that staff shortages and time pressures may otherwise push to the sideline, with the assessment of these factors proposed to help nurses to work within the NMC Code of Professional Conduct, and protect staff against misconduct charges, by providing a practical route of translating codes of contact guidelines into actions and evaluating the effectiveness of these actions. Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

The use of self-assessment procedures with nurses is already covered in some detail within learning and training courses for those new to the profession of nursing. In early training, mentors are used to facilitate the start of a journey of growth from knowledge (Price, 2005), through the ability to reflect on ones own actions, and feelings towards those experiences individually or in group work during nursing education (Platzer, Blake & Snelling 1997) Self-assessment as a tool for learning is also actively encouraged within the continuing professional development initiatives set by the Department of Health which now stipulates the need for post-basic education for all HCP’s, and from the NMC’s own code of conduct which places great importance on the identification of skill-shortfalls through self-assessment alongside other identification means, in order to ensure patients are receiving the best care possible, from skilled and well trained nursing professionals.

Physical assessment is an integral part of the nursing field during the past 20th century.[1] It contains competency level that nursing students gained knowledge and skills from academic institution to the clinical settings which are an essential part of patient’s quality care. In addition, this competency in physical assessment was oriented in classroom setting as it emphasized development skills in clinical settings.[2] However, due to the technological health systems in today’s time, these skills demand continuous improvement which is needed for future health professionals. Furthermore, with the application of nursing core competency in standard education among nursing undergraduates, there will be a support of the needs of skilled future nurses.[3]

Previous study over the past decade reported that nursing graduates did not meet minimum competency expectations from their work.[4] Concurrently, one study pointed out a disparity between classroom teaching and working in clinical settings.[5] Even though the physical assessment is a basic course in nursing education, there are still reported barriers in performing physical assessment both in the classroom settings and clinical settings even in a complete health-care facility among high-resource countries.[6] Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia, as one of the high-income countries, there are a growing demand for health-care services in several health care institution.[7] Most health care institution expects new nursing graduates readily prepared in performing broader clinical skills for patient care.[8]

The present report compares four sets of performance data from two studies in which the same instrument was used. Head nurses’ rankings of staff nurses’ performance on 52 specific skills were compared with the staff nurses’ own rankings. The findings are in remarkable agreement on the skills that nurses perform well and those that need improvement. Spearman correlation coefficients of skills comparing head nurse and staff nurse rankings were r = .787 and .823, rankings of two sets of head nurses, r = .896, and rankings of two sets of staff nurses, r = .889. For all nurses, professional development skills were performed well and teaching/collaboration skills needed improvement.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Turnover is a critical challenge that healthcare organizations and their recruiters are facing today, especially when there’s high demand for quality nurses and a shortage of candidates. In response, the SkillSurvey Analytics team conducts studies to determine if and how reference feedback might help organizations make better recruitment decisions and hire the nursing candidates who are sure to stick.

This year, the SkillSurvey Analytics team presented their research which used text analytics to explore how feedback and verbatim comments from references predicts nurse turnover within the first year of hire at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). Their research focused on the specific reference comments provided for RN nursing candidates’ strengths as well as their areas for improvement.

The Methodology

The team has analyzed data from more than 10,000 registered nurses from 13 healthcare organizations who were reference checked with SkillSurvey ReferenceTM Pre-Hire 360®. This specific study evaluated comments for a total of 825 RN job candidates of the over 10,000 studied who were subsequently hired. At the one-year post-hire mark, 254 were fired, 284 voluntarily termed, 287 were still on the job.

Comments from three references were evaluated for each candidate, totaling 2,475 reference comments reviewed. The team coded 11,571 words and short phrases to identify themes within the verbatim comments.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

The Findings

RN Candidate’s Top Strengths According to References

Entry-level nurses (new graduates):

  • Compassionate/caring
  • Dependable/reliable/meets deadlines
  • Attitude/energy

Experienced nurses:

  • Patient care
  • Team orientation
  • Dependable/reliable/meets deadlines

RN Candidate’s Top Areas of Improvement According to References

Entry-level nurses (new graduates):

  • Confidence/assertiveness
  • Experience
  • Time management/prioritizing

Experienced nurses:

  • Further education
  • Confidence/assertiveness
  • Knowledge

Noted author and I/O psychologist Adam Grant answers the question in his June 2018 online “Wondering” feature, “When calling references about a job candidate, what questions would you ask and why?” He responds that “there are two types of weaknesses: areas where we lack strengths and areas where we overuse strengths.”

This response parallels comments that are provided by references; for example, when we look solely at comments for “areas for improvement” that were more prevalent for candidates who turned over for cause, themes included: Works Too Much, Too Passionate, Take More Responsibility, Work-Life Balance, Attention to Detail/Accuracy, and Punctual. Two of these themes “works too much” and “too passionate” can be strengths, but if overused, these traits could lead to nurse burnout and potential turnover. Comments such as these may be areas to explore with the candidate further in interviews or to address through preventative management or training measures.

When you consider that verbatim comments are open-ended (references can literally input anything that may be on their minds about a candidate), you realize how difficult it is to isolate what comments may be predictive. Thanks to the power of new text analytics software, our team was able to identify some themes that in addition to the overall average behavioral ratings and reference compliance with the reference request, (reference response rate) were predictive of turnover.

For example, there was a decreased likelihood of voluntary turnover within the first year of hire when references mentioned comments regarding a candidate’s “team orientation” as a strength.

When it comes to turnover for cause within the first year of hire, the likelihood decreased when references mentioned among strengths that a candidate was “Great or Excellent” or if any specific skills or tasks were called out. The likelihood also decreased if “confidence or assertiveness” was mentioned as an area of improvement.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Using SkillSurvey for Hiring RN Roles

One of the best ways to ensure that you’re hiring a top nursing candidate is to thoroughly check their references. With SkillSurvey ReferenceTM, more than 1,100 healthcare organizations are getting insightful feedback from references on their nursing candidates including HCAHPS-related behaviors and verbatim comments on a candidate’s specific areas of improvement and strengths.

Self-evaluation is a critical part of most nurses’ job descriptions. In a field that is as independent as nursing, it is essential that you have an understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses. This is where the self-evaluation essay comes in. Instead of being evaluated by your superior, who likely is busy doing their own work, a nurse must evaluate themselves. If you are worried about boring your supervisor with the same evaluation essay as everyone else, here are 5 fresh ideas to get you started.

#1: How Your Techniques Have Changed

Sometimes, you will notice that your nursing techniques will change between evaluations. Maybe you spent more time focusing on patients at one time, but now spend more time focusing on the more technical aspects of nursing, such as medication adjustments and reactions. Take note of these and mention them for a unique evaluation.

#2: How a Traumatic Event Changed Your Strengths and Weaknesses

As someone working in the medical field, it is very likely that you will deal with more than one traumatic event. One of these events may be so rough that it changes your entire outlook on nursing. In this case, you may experience a change in your strengths and weaknesses. Identify these and note how the traumatic event played a role.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Most companies ask employees to submit a self-evaluation at the time of a performance appraisal in order to coordinate this report with that produced by the employees’ manager. This is used to ensure that the employee and the management are on the same page; so that the employer knows whether the employee recognizes her/his position within the organization.

Lots of employees, however, perceive a self-evaluation as an opportunity to blow their own trumpet, and sometimes tend to go overboard with it. The key to writing a good personal evaluation is the ability to highlight your positives but mention your weaknesses too. These weaknesses should be included in a manner that shows your willingness to look into them and work on it. A self-evaluation should be believable; no one is perfect after all. On the other hand, some employees may tend to go overboard and be too critical of themselves. This projects lack of confidence and may force the management to think and believe likewise.

More often than not, you are likely to leave writing your self-evaluation to the last minute, where you just can’t seem to figure what you should write in it. In order to be more prepared, you can choose to maintain a record of your activities through the year, and the skills and qualities you have developed or have noticed the lack of in this period. Further, using language that is honest – neither too arrogant, nor too self-deprecating – is extremely important. As such, learning to use appropriate self-evaluation performance phrases will help boost the evaluation your manager writes about you, and will help you get that highly coveted promotion you have been desiring. Here are some comments that you can use to write your own performance review.

The mean patient safety competency score was 3.3 (SD = 0.4) out of 5.0; 396 nurses (86.3%) rated their competency as above average. Among subscales, ‘managing safety risks’ scores were the highest, and ‘teamwork’ scores were the lowest. Patient safety competency differed significantly by participants’ age, educational level, clinical experience and position. Patient safety competency was higher in older nurses with master’s or higher degrees and clinical experience of longer duration. Nurse managers’ scores were higher than those of staff nurses. Safety climate was perceived as moderate. After adjusting for other individual and organizational characteristics, patient safety competency was positively associated with safety climate perception.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper 
Nurses’ safety competency was rated as moderate. In particular, nurses lacked confidence in teamwork. Nurses with higher safety competency perceived safety climate more positively. Efforts emphasizing teamwork to enhance nurses’ safety competency should be prioritized, thereby contributing to improvement of safety climates. 

#3: Recognize Your Weaknesses and Note How You Can Improve

In most self-evaluation essays, nurses will note a couple of weaknesses. However, few go the distance to address these in depth and mention how they can improve. Recognizing areas for improvement is essential if you want to take charge in your field and prove that you have really thought about your strengths and weaknesses before you sat down to write your evaluation.

#4: Address How Working as a Team Affects Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Few nurses will note the roles that others play in their evaluations. As a nurse, you work with doctors, technicians, and other nurses that affect how you do your job. Consider the roles that others play in your own actions and what you can do to improve.

#5: Identify Why Something that was Once a Strength Has Changed

Our strengths sometimes change with time. In this case, you can take note of this for your self-evaluation essay. Instead of mentioning the change, consider why the change occurred. You can also write about how you plan to make changes in the future to make the skills a strength once again.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Essential job requirements: I am able to accurately work with the computer systems, staying current with all system updates and changes. I follow through on the role of the registered nurse, as expected of me, and provide a leadership role to the patient care techs. I stay current with my RN license and CEU credits. Customer service: I interact with patients in a professional manner to help create confidence and trust. I am a good listener and work hard to build rapport with patients, physicians, and my co-workers. I am very conscientious about patient teaching and ensuring that questions are answered. I explain to the patient and family what I am going to do, before I provide care, to help alleviate any anxiety or questions about the care I will be providing. Process improvement and commitment to quality: I routinely and consistently resolve quality issues using the standard processes and do so in a timely manner. I use printed guidelines and also consult with the nurse in charge or the supervisor when necessary. I routinely offer suggestions and propose possible changes to improve department processes and procedures. I actively participate in and attend all scheduled meetings. I have a strong work ethic and always follow through on what is expected of me. Standards and behavior: I consistently apply guidelines and follow the standards of behavior by following work flow processes. I maintain prompt and regular attendance and consistently ask for time off in advance.


However, there is a shortage of qualified Saudi nurses in the region due to the poor quality standard in nursing education.[9] The effect of this poor quality standard could lead to a deficit in performing physical assessment among Saudi nurses in the clinical settings.[10] This implies a gap between the concept of physical assessment and to its practice in clinical exposure.

This is very alarming since nurses are primarily responsible for patient’s care, yet cannot competently perform basic assessment tasks.[11] The incompetence could lead to a lack of optimum patient care in performing health assessment.[12]

I believe it is important for any student who wants to do their best in a class to take a moment to evaluate their own work to determine the rate their writing is progressing and how they can continue to advance their writing. When I looked through my own work I asked myself “what have I learned this semester?” and “what do I still need to learn in order to improve my writing?”. Answering both these questions will help me with my last step of my self-evaluation, developing a plan to learn new skills. Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

job performance instruments are now using the concept of a self-evaluation essay. It is a means by which a person can take stock of their performance and skill competencies. Nursing is extremely important in the healthcare industry, and the ability of nurses to assess their own value is important. There are some basic ways to create the proper self-evaluation composition.

  • Ask The Nurse to Write about Clinical Expertise. The paper should have some space in which the nurse discusses his or her experience. An example would be at oncology nurse explaining how a patient with leukemia was served.
  • Expect a Discussion of Patient Care. A nurse should evaluate patient skills as part of the personal skills tool. This can include feedback from patients in the past. This is an area where there should be a little bit of balance. The nurse would explain areas of strength and those where weakness can be corrected through improvement.
  • The Nurse Should Write about Teamwork Competency. Teamwork is essential in modern-day healthcare. The self-evaluation essay must include asking the nurse to assess teamwork capabilities he or she may possess.
  • Indicate Any Need or Desire for Professional Development. The nurse should be encouraged to discuss this topic in depth. The nurse should indicate those areas where there are some weaknesses and where some improvement would greatly help. Also, looking at the career path of the individual the question of professional development is essential. It gives a suggestion where the nurse would like future years to be.

However the final instructions are developed what is critical is to shape everything in a very positive environment. A self-evaluation essay can be viewed by some as an invitation to justify termination. If that holds true that no one is going to write an honest document at all. Instead, the given nurse will try to write what he or she thinks the reader wants to see. These type of papers are meant to give a nurse the opportunity to point out the value of given experiences, areas where this person excels, and those areas where additional professional development is desired.

The healthcare facility benefits significantly from this exercise. The self-evaluation lets management know where it is being successful in the development of its nurses and where improvements are needed. Information can also help in any career development program, assisting the nurse in getting the skill sets necessary. It has to be stressed to the nurses the positive and objective nature of this writing. It can never be used as an instrument for disciplinary action.

Every medical facility has its own standards for self-evaluation. There are standard questions and topics that are covered, but try to get a sample of the evaluation checklist ahead of time if you haven’t seen it. These should be available through human resources, or you can ask another nurse about the questions on the checklist. The checklist will rate things either on a scale of 1 to 5 – with 1 being seldom and 5 being often – or Always, Some of the Time or Rarely.

Most checklists are looking at the technical aspects of being a nurse. The checklist is designed for you to rate yourself on regular duties such as completing nursing assessments, noting changes in patient care and relaying changes to a patient’s doctor in a timely fashion. It reviews whether or not you check on patients according to a set schedule, complete forms, deliver medications properly and apprise family members as needed.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Most of the self-assessment focuses on how frequently you do things. This can be broken down into various categories. Think about your daily duties, and start to keep an account of your own performance with things like tending to patients, coordinating with doctors and other care providers, and updating the paperwork required for nurses. The evaluator is looking for consistency in your habits that ensures quality patient care, and reduces the likelihood of errors and safety hazards to yourself and others.

Examples of Nursing Goals

Nursing performance evaluation examples often include more comprehensive answers. Aside from the checklist, a self-assessment provides an area for you to write out goals and achievements. This is the high-altitude view of your current position and where you want to be a year, five years and 10 years from now. Take the time to note the big accomplishments you’ve made, the recognition received and any awards you were honored with. If you have testimonial letters from a family, highlight what patients and their families say about your care with their quotes.

Note any committees you sit on as well as any additional courses or certifications you are taking or have earned. This shows the evaluator that you are being recognized for good work, taking ownership of an area by sitting on a committee to make things better and that you still want to learn. All of these areas reflect highly on any nurse, particularly understanding the hours that nurses must put in just to get the job done. Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn in the written section and explain your goals and the process you must follow to get there.

If given enough space, consider reviewing previous negative evaluation comments, and describe where you have improved or had been potentially given an inaccurate evaluation note. For example, if you were given a negative report previously by a superior for not always completing the end-of-day reporting, you could note that the department was short on staff by three nurses during that period and you were performing extra duties to ensure patients were cared for properly.

Technical Aspects of Evaluations

Whenever you compose anything that goes into your professional employee file, make sure it is written well. This means taking the time to type it up, if possible, and checking grammar and spelling. Proofreading your work will catch many simple mistakes that might get perceived as a lack of attention to detail. With word processing programs and spell-check, there is no reason to make little mistakes that take away from the great work you do.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Organize your thoughts clearly and concisely. Remember that your evaluator probably has dozens of evaluations to complete. Use bullet points if appropriate to segment data into easily digested sections. Do everything you can to demonstrate your professionalism. At the end of the evaluation, state clearly that you believe your performance warrants a raise, with one or two sentences justifying it. The rest of the report should back up that claim.

Getting Peer Feedback

Some organizations require peer feedback, while others don’t. Even if peer feedback isn’t required, don’t hesitate to ask those in your department for feedback. It helps you be impartial to your own performance and identify areas where you can improve. Evaluators don’t expect people to be perfect. Being able to accept that you have areas to improve upon shows maturity and confidence. It also gives you the chance to demonstrate growth for the next evaluation. Therefore, look beyond your own nurse self-evaluation answers and ask other nurses.

Your peers are the best resource for information. Be open to their feedback, both positive and negative. Keep in mind that if the evaluator does question something in your self-evaluation, she will go to your peers for confirmation of facts. It’s best to know what they will say before they are asked. You don’t want any unexpected negative twists when seeking a raise.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Self-Evaluation Journaling

A journal isn’t required in the self-evaluation process, but it serves as a big asset for many nurses. Nursing can be quite stressful, with emotional highs and emotional lows. Journaling helps nurses get the emotions out of their heads so they can more effectively deal with some of the heaviness of losing a patient or dealing with a major catastrophe.

A journal also becomes a document for you to go back to and reflect on your abilities and performance. If your review demonstrates that you aren’t conveying information to a doctor regularly, your journal may point to a time when you did and the doctor berated you or ignored the situation. This could have led to an aversion of talking to that doctor, but maybe you are still communicating effectively with other doctors. The journal helps serves as a diary of events that could have affected performance during different periods of time.

Most employment scenarios involve some type of annual evaluation. The nurse’s appraisal answers usually determine pay raises and promotions. They assess the quality of work and even the temperament to do the job effectively. While the evaluations process often requires a superior to go through a checklist of details, as a nurse, the self-evaluation is critical to the process.

Nurses often work long shifts late at night and sometimes alone with patients. This means the superior evaluating the performance may not have firsthand knowledge of what you do well and what areas need improvement. One of the qualities of a good nurse is a detail oriented nature, so you make sure nothing gets missed and the correct information is relayed to doctors, physical therapists and family members. This is why the self-assessment is so valuable; a nurse must demonstrate the appropriate level of self-awareness to be effective. It also gives superiors insight into job satisfaction, successes and goals for the future.

Nursing Theorist Dorothea Orem
Dorothea Orem, a Baltimore native, was one of America’s foremost nursing theorists with a wide variety of nursing experiences that influenced her development of the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT). Introduced as a general theory of nursing, the SCDNT is expressed in three theories which guide practice, education, and research. In addition, Orem’s conceptualizations are in continual development to improve clarity, simplicity, generality, and empirical precision. Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper
History and Background
Dorothea Elizabeth Orem was the younger of two daughters that grew up in Baltimore, Maryland with her construction worker father, and homemaker mother. She began her nursing career at Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, DC, where she received a diploma of nursing in the early 1930s. She later earned a B.S.N.E and M.S.N.E. from The Catholic University of America (CUA), also in Washington, DC (Tomey 2010).
Her early nursing experiences included private duty nursing in home and hospital, operating room nursing, pediatric and adult medical-surgical units, emergency room supervising, and biological science teaching. Orem was the director of both the nursing school and the department of nursing at Providence Hospital for nine years and spent seven years working for the Indiana State Board of Health in the Division of Hospital and Institutional Services. During her time in Indiana, she developed her definition of nursing practice in her 1956 report to the state on the analysis of hospital nursing service. The following year Orem moved to Washington DC to work as a consultant for the U.S.

During this semester, I have strengthened my writing by trying new writing techniques, learning about purpose, and finding new ways of combating writers block. My first essay in this class was less focused then the essays I wrote later in this class. I was overwhelmed by the length requirement of the essay, and had limited experience with different writing techniques. This semester, however, I have attempted both listing and outlining. I had never used either techniques before, nevertheless, my writing benefited did from these new techniques; however, I believe I had more success with the listing technique. I used listing while writing my classify and divide essay and I believe it helped me to stay on topic and keep my writing organized. I used an outline to help me write my compare and contrast essay, and while it did help with organization, it was more complicated than the listing technique.

Before this class, I understood purpose was important; however, during this class I have discovered that putting more focus on purpose can result in a more interesting thesis and paper. I have learned to think about purpose before writing my essay, once I have narrowed my topic I ask myself why would anyone want to read my essay.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Mid-Self Evaluation Essay
As this semester has begun, and I have begun to adjust to this course’s requirements, expectations, and goals I have found myself taking more risks and challenging my prior writing style. I’ve been a little apprehensive with my writing style this semester and feel that at times I may be missing the entire ideas of the topic. Although I do the work and get a good grade, I always feel uncertain before posting a blog or turning in my final assignment. Although the entire courses topic is nothing foreign to me it has become a challenge for me to write about.
The homework reading materials and blogs have been very helpful for me so far in this semester. I’ve found much inspiration for both the literacy narrative and rhetorical analysis paper by using the materials such as “Fish Cheeks” and “Tender At The Bone”. Also I feel that the Harbrace Handbook has helped me to design the best MLA format I can and has been a good tool to use when I’m unsure of how to format. I think that I do a quality job when blogging and doing homework assignments on time, I do read the materials as well as annotate and blog when I’m done so I can fully understand the pieces. When I blog I not only blog what the material was about but also how I felt and interpreted the text to be. Included in the Official SCSU English Department Goals and Objectives for ENG 112: Composition II there is a section designated towards blogging as well as reading responses. ”Blog (reading responses and other writing assigned to be posted there): 15%”, I feel that my blogs are adequate and posted on time to receive the full 15% towards my overall grade.

Several studies suggest time interruption,[13] lack of confidence in head-to-toe assessment, lack of support and acceptance from other health care workers,[14] lack of equipment and the non-availability of qualified nursing faculty,[15] and reliance on technology of new graduates,[16] were reported barriers in conducting health assessment which affects the nurses’ performance in clinical settings. Some clinical instructors impart fewer physical assessment skills due to the saturated nursing curriculum.[17] Furthermore, several nursing students change their careers as a result of the challenges they encountered in the clinical setting.[18] But though for those reasons, still few studies examined the challenges encountered among nurses in performing physical assessment,[17,18] and even fewer among nursing students.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Failure in identifying the challenges and problems that students encountered during physical assessment both in the classroom and clinical learning environment prevents them from providing patient’s quality care. Thus, nursing education institution constantly striving competency-based curricula in preparation for future qualified nurses, but still, limited studies shown on the barriers of physical assessment skills learned during their bachelor degree and clinical exposure especially in the universities in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Thus, there is a need to have a detailed analysis of the challenges encountered by the nursing students in performing the physical assessment which is, therefore, the basis of this research. This study provides valuable information about barriers to physical assessment both in classroom settings and clinical settings. Physical assessment is a nursing competency-based taught in universities which is one of the key elements in nursing education and clinical practice for health professionals.[19] Through, understanding the barriers to physical assessment among nursing students a creation of a more detailed assessment in the development of quality patient’s care when they work in the clinical setting will be realized.

The authors modified a previously published teamwork instrument designed for experienced critical care teams for use with medical and nursing students involved in mass casualty simulations. The 17-item questionnaire was administered to students immediately following the simulations. These scores were used to explore the psychometric properties of the tool, using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

202 (128 medical and 74 nursing) students completed the self-assessment teamwork tool for students. Exploratory factor analysis revealed 2 factors (5 items – Teamwork coordination and communication; 4 items – Information sharing and support) and these were justified with confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency was 0.823 for Teamwork coordination and communication, and 0.812 for Information sharing and support.

These data provide evidence to support the validity and reliability of the self-assessment teamwork tool for students This self-assessment tool could be of value to health professional students following team training activities to help them identify the attributes of effective teamwork.Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

Competence is the combined knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgment required to provide professional nursing services. The competence self-assessment tool (form) is a systematic and organized method to identify your own learning needs. You can then use the data and the exercise to plan a continuing education / professional development program so that you can remain competent in your profession.

We have expanded our nursing self-assessment forms to include a more comprehensive list of nursing competencies. We have kept our original set of self-assessment forms for those nurses that wish to continue to use them or for comparative purposes. Click on the appropriate Title below (or on the sub-menu item above) to select the set of nursing competence self-assessment tools you wish to use.

  • Basic Self-Assessment Tools
  • Advanced Self-Assessment Tools

Here are suggestions for getting the most from these self-assessment forms on nursing competence.

1. Read and get to know the rating scales used with each set of self-assessment tools. We use a simpler 4-point scale in our Basic tools and a more complex 5-point scale in our Advanced nursing self-assessment tools. See Basic Rating Scale and Advanced Rating Scale.

2. Start with the competency areas most familiar to you in your clinical nursing practice.

3. Complete the self-assessments forms over one or more sittings if you find it is taking too much time or you need to reflect or rest.

4. Make notes or print out the completed self-assessment form if you want to analyze your learning / professional development needs, or if you want to track your competence improvements over time.

5. Consult with a trusted peer or your supervisor if you want a second opinion on your ratings of your nursing competencies.

6. Remember that this is your self-assessment and identification of your learning needs; so be honest and specific. We do not record or track these self-ratings so your self-assessments are totally anonymous and confidential.

Another useful nursing assessment tool is the Self-Assessment Readiness Tool (SART). This self assessment tool is designed to help Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) understand the Canadian nursing professions. It provides information about what licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and registered nurses (RNs) in Canada are expected to know and do. The tool will outline the competencies, skills, and abilities that nurses must have to apply for licensure (or registration) in a Canadian province or territory.

Although self-assessment of competence is widely practiced, there is considerable research evidence to indicate that the assessment of our own knowledge, skills and competencies is often not very accurate or reliable. Therefore, use your self-assessment ratings with caution! Combine them with the results from our nursing quizzes and feedback from trusted colleagues and supervisors. Use multiple sources of data to plan and implement your professional development program and activities. Developing Self-Assessment Skills in Nursing Assignment Paper

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