Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Reply 1
Interviewing (Indian/Hindu) considerations of a 19-year-old with a fever (Pulse, 2003)

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Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay
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Some things to take into consideration when interviewing a Hindu patient would be to ask about their family dynamic and if they want anyone to be involved and consulted for their care. It is considered normal for extended family members to be part of their care. Also, checking with that patient to make sure they are okay with the people who are examining them; most would want a person of the same sex where available, and even though I am a female, other staff with me may not be. When considering receiving medical attention, it is believed that “illness is thought to be a punishment…” (Pulse, 2003) and although they respect healthcare personnel, they are not so willing to take medications for illness. In this case, the female being admitted to the hospital may not have taken Tylenol which could have decreased her fever and not put her in such dire need. Communicating these needs is crucial to avoid a further decline; like having to start an IV for fluid because of severe dehydration.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Healthcare support systems in community or national if not community

Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council (MCHC) (n.d.) offers a list of resources for Indian/Hindu patients regarding their healthcare. The Hindu Temple in Chicago offers live services and online services to connect with others; their website is: Another resource is the Indo-American Center that can be contacted at (773) 973-4444. There are other services listed on the MCHC’s page, these are just two. There is also a resource for medical professionals caring for Hindu patients, listed at:


Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council (MCHC). (n.d.) Guidelines for health care providers interacting with patients of the Hindu religion and their families.Retrieved from

Pulse. (2003). Caring for the Hindu patient: Cultural and clinical aspects. Retrieved from
Reply 2

You are admitting a 19-year old female college student to the hospital for fevers. Using the patient information provided, choose a culture unfamiliar to you and describe what would be important to remember while you interview this patient. Discuss the health care support systems available in your community for someone of this culture. If no support systems are available in your community, identify a national resource.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

A newer culture to Wisconsin is the Somalian population of immigrants. Caring for female in the Somalian culture brings about further considerations. Somalian people when living in their home country walk to get to places and when they move to the U.S., it is a big change because we drive most places. (Mayo Clinic Health System, 2016)This lack of exercise can lead to obesity and other health care issues. Health care providers must take into consideration the social determinants disparities this ethnic group suffers from. Higher poverty levels and a lack of high school diploma are social determinants that need to be considered. (Stratis Health, 2020) Health conditions common to the Somalian culture include asthma, cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, and domestic violence. (Stratis Health, 2020)Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Some Somalians do not want vaccines due to the possibility of derivatives of pork products. Due to the lack of vaccination, these patients are at higher risk for common childhood diseases. (Stratis Health, 2020) Another concern is female genitalia cutting, which is a common practice in Somalia. Here in the United States female genitalia cutting is illegal making it uncommon to see in Somalian girls who were born in the United States. Traditional Somalians are very modest and prefer examination by a same sex healthcare provider. (Stratis Health, 2020) If there is a need for a male to do the exam, then allowing a female to be present during the exam is the best practice. Somalian women may avoid eye contact due to their modest beliefs not because they are not listening to the healthcare provider. (Stratis Health, 2020)

Due to the possible lack of finances and lack of education, it is important to assist patients with resources that can address those concerns. If the patient is in need of women health assistance, Planned Parenthood is a great resource. (Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, inc, 2020) Another program called Badger Care can provide insurance for the patient if they are living in poverty with low income. (Wisconsin Department of Health, 2020)Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Strict vegetarianism, the circle of life and death and the enactment of important rituals for dying relatives are key to understanding strict Hindu patients ­ by Dr Manju Chandiramani, Dr Samir Srivastava and Dr Vinod Patel

Hinduism is India’s oldest religion and can be traced back 5,000 years. It is an amalgamation of a family of traditions, incorporating a spectrum of philosophical ideas, beliefs and practices. One-third of Indo-Asians in the UK are Hindus. Caring for the Hindu patient is not complicated, but GPs need to treat the patient sensitively within the realms of their religious and cultural beliefs to provide holistic and appropriate medical care.


Hinduism has no common roots with the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). It is based on the relentless pursuit of absolute truth and higher consciousness with the ultimate aim of uniting the individual soul (Atman) with God (Brahman). There is no formal book of catechism for all its aspects. The Vedas (akin to the Old Testament) are the foundation scriptures and the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads (akin to the New Testament) are their ultimate distillation.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

However, there is immense diversity within the religion, depending on a person’s origin, caste and sometimes even their family’s beliefs. An individual’s belief in the core principles of the religion and his ability to adapt to modern society has allowed this religion to persevere for thousands of years. Hinduism emphasises the spirit of balance in all aspects of life, which can be used positively to influence medical care.

Basic concepts

Hinduism is a very complex belief system, grounded in religion and culture. Hindus talk of their religion as a way of life rather than a set of dogmas. It is through behaviour that Hindu values are best expressed, rather than adherence to a specific set of beliefs.

Among the essential features that typify Hindu beliefs is the concept of samsara, the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. In this manner, the three functions of God are exemplified as Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer1.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Liberation from samsara can be found only through the pursuit of the ultimate goal in life, moksha. This means liberation, spiritual freedom from the bondage of the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

Hinduism teaches that human beings should seek to achieve spiritual freedom through non-attachment and spiritual knowledge, by performing good deeds without seeking selfish gains, and being devoted to God1.

The theory underlying karma (action) relates to the law of cause and effect1. Belief in karma is very important to many Hindu patients and will influence the way they perceive health and health care.

Each person is reborn so that the soul may be purified and ultimately attain divine cosmic consciousness2. It is not possible for anyone to escape from the consequences of what one does, knowingly or otherwise. Every action and deed in this lifetime, whether good or bad, will be carried into the next3,4.

Many Hindus believe that any experience in this lifetime, including serious illness, helps to balance their soul. When a Hindu acknowledges the experience and uses it to make

himself into a better person, that karma is resolved and the person is freed from it.

The end result is that a soul gains a variety of experiences and wisdom over a series of lives, and eventually sees the world as God does. Rewards in this lifetime are considered the result of gains made in the last.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Another important concept is ahimsa (non-violence), which emphasises that no harm shall be caused to other living beings, either by action, word or thought. Many Hindus are vegetarian as an indication of their spirituality. Eating meat would mean taking the life of another living creature, which contains the life of God, and thus harming God’s soul, and ultimately your own sou · 4.

Hindu festivals

Hinduism is characterised by its many festivals, periods of feasting and fasting of one to nine days’ duration. Their timing is based on the lunar calendar, consequently they occur on different dates in the solar calendar from year to year.

Consecrated food is distributed in temples after services, particularly at festival times. These consecrated foods tend to be based on fruits and nuts, not fat and sugar. The GP needs to be aware of approaching fasts and festivals to advise on self-management and glycaemic control, especially in the diabetic patient.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Family structure

The family structure is often complex and extended. Many generations live under one roof. Traditionally, the male will be the provider and protector; he will look after matters outside the home while the female will be in charge of the home and the family. Mothers are sacred and treated with respect. When discussing medical issues and a management plan, it is best to involve not only the patient but also the extended family.

Medical care

Illness is thought to be a punishment for bad deeds in a former life. Most patients will understand the need to go through the experience in order for their karma to be resolved and to be freed from it in subsequent lifetimes.

Most Hindus have respect for the medical profession, but can be wary of medicines. They need to have detailed explanations of why certain medicines are prescribed in order to be compliant with treatment.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Many Hindus may not take insulin that is made from animals and a detailed explanation of the contents needs to be given if the patient is to comply with the management plan. Patients will often admit to taking natural, homoeopathic medicine. This information must be specifically elicited when taking a history.

Communication is important. Some patients may not speak English to a standard high enough to guarantee a good understanding of what is communicated by the GP. Multi-lingual link workers are very helpful in this situation. The main languages spoken by Hindus in the UK will be Gujarati, Punjabi and Hindi.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The conception of a child is sacred in the Hindu culture. It signifies the rebirth of a person who has had previous lives. Throughout the pregnancy, prayers are said at various intervals for the healthy development and protection of the child. The soul is believed to enter the child at seven months. If a woman miscarries before this time, no special requirements are needed, but after this time a religious ceremony is required4.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Abortion is condemned in Hindu tradition as it is perceived as a disruption to the cycle of birth and rebirth. It is only permitted if the mother’s life is in danger4.

Hinduism does not prohibit contraception. Sex is a way of life. The Kama Sutra, written by Vatsyayana in the early fourth century, and other works digress on the celebration of love5.

Differences in husband-wife communication, sex roles, access to contraceptives, and traditional family values will have more of an effect on contraceptive use and fertility than theological barriers or the social class of religious groups6.

Babies are named by their birth star, which is calculated by the position of the child and the moon at the time of birth. At times, parents may not be able to complete the

birth certificate in the hospital.

Breast-feeding is preferred to formula, and some women may breast-feed their babies until they are two or three years old. Circumcision is not practised in Hinduism4.

Death and dying

It is important that the family be kept fully informed of illness progression, especially if death is imminent. Special prayers must be said and often a relative must be present at the moment of death. If the necessary rituals are not carried out appropriately the family may become distressed about the well-being of their relative’s soul and the consequences for themselves.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

A pandit (priest) may be called in to do a puja (prayer). Pujas may involve adorning the person’s head with sandalwood paste, holy ash and red kum kum powder.

A red or yellow string may be tied around the wrist. After death, close family members will wash the body, close the eyes and straighten the legs. A death needs to be registered as soon as possible and the body cremated within 24 hours3.

Management of the Hindu patient is not complicated, but to do it in an appropriate and sensitive manner a basic understanding of religious beliefs and practices, culture and tradition is essential. The doctor must recognise the concept of karma and reincarnation. In matters of diagnosis, treatment and consent, the patient’s relatives must be involved, while ensuring the individual patient’s wishes are respected. Communication is vital and every effort must be made to ensure the Hindu patient understands the treatment they are receiving.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Hindu festivals

Diwali and New Year’s Day The ‘festival of lights’ is the most important one in the Hindu year and has a significance similar to Christmas. It celebrates the return of Lord Rama from exile: the ‘lights’ refer to the illumination of his path by diwas, small oil lamps, by the celebrating people of Ayodhya. Diwali is usually a time of feasting, presents and fireworks.

Navratri or Dussehra This celebrates the death of the demon Ravana at the hand of Rama, although in the south of India it has a different meaning. Strict Hindus will observe this festival by daily fasts which allow only one meal a day, usually in the evening. Oral beverages (and often fruit) are permissible throughout the day. There are usually nightly folk dances.

Holi is the festival of colours and held in the spring for a single day. Jamnastami celebrates the birthday of Lord Krishna. In both, single meal fasting is often observed. Ram-nawmi celebrates the birthday of Lord Rama and Sivratri celebrates Lord Siva.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Advice for diabetic Hindu

patients during festivals

Patients on oral treatment

· Omit metformin and short-acting insulin secretagogues when meal is missed. Take 500mg metformin with breakfast beverages and

850-1,000mg metformin with the larger meal when fast is broken.

· Long-acting agents are not advisable. Reduced doses of glimepiride and gliclazide MR are probably safe.

· Continue glucose testing during fast. Carry snacks to avoid hypoglycaemia during the festival dances.

Patients on insulin

· Reduce dose of insulin with the lighter breakfast as lunch will be omitted. Beverages with milk and sugar help prevent hypoglycaemia.

· Increase evening dose of insulin as post-fast meal will

be larger than normal.

· Increase insulin 10-20 per cent ad hoc to cover increased refined carbohydrate intake, unless consumption is minimal.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Health care providers need to have an understanding of and appreciation for the beliefs and
religious preferences of their Hindu patients in order to provide optimal care for them. As the
population of American Hindus increases, physicians, nurses, and chaplains associated with
hospitals and hospices will more frequently encounter Hindu patients who require contact with
the health care system including those with terminal conditions, either acute or chronic. The
information in this document is applicable to all communities of Hindus.
Hinduism is the third largest religion with more than 764,797,000 followers around the world.
Approximately 1,285,000 live in the United States with about 80,0001
in the greater Chicago
area. The majority of Hindus are from India; however, Hindus may also come from Trinidad
and Africa.
Most Hindus in America are well-educated professionals who originally came as students.
Many are doctors, engineers, or businessmen. There is now a second generation of Hindus
who have grown up in America.
The major scriptures of Hinduism are the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay
Hinduism teaches that there is one ultimate reality behind the universe, Brahman. This reality
is manifested in the universe as various gods and goddesses, who are worshiped as forms of
Vedanta is one of the six major philosophies of Hinduism. Vedanta teaches that man’s real
nature is divine, and that the aim of human life is to realize divinity through selfless work,
devotion to God, control of the inner forces, and discrimination between the real and the
unreal. It recognizes that Truth is one and accepts all religions, properly understood, as valid
means of realizing the truth.
Religion is a way of life rather than a set of dogmas, and Vedanta places great importance on
actually experiencing the truth for ourselves. Through spiritual practice Hindus try to establish
contact with the divine reality and then manifest that divinity in all their actions. Vedanta
teaches four broad paths that appeal to the different aspects of one’s personality:

1 National Conference for Community and Justice, 2002
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• Intellect: Through study, deep thought and analysis of one’s own nature, one tries to
discover what they really are.
• Heart: Through love and surrender to God, one attempts to become united with Him.
• Mind: Through concentration and meditation, one attempts to bring one’s mind under
control and discover the truth which is beyond the mind.
• Will: Through unselfish work, one attempts to expand the heart to include all beings.
According to one’s nature, an individual will use one or more of these paths to go beyond the
ego and experience the highest spiritual truth.
There are two main types of worship in Hinduism. A simple form is the Arati, in which fire and
other items are waved in front of the deity, which is usually a picture or symbol of one of the
gods or goddesses. A more elaborate form of worship is the Puja, in which fruit, flowers and
other ingredients are offered to the deity. Fire may also be used as a symbol of God.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

Hindus observances are as follows (all are based on a lunar calendar):
• Swami Vivekananda Jayanti– celebrates the birth of Swami Vivekananda the founder of
the Ramakrishna Order of India, the monastic order of monks. Swami Vivekananda was
the first Hindu monk to teach Vedanta in the West, beginning at the Parliament of
Religions in Chicago in 1893.
• Maha Shivaratri – A night devoted to the worship of Shiva with vigil and fasting.
• Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti – Celebrates the birth of Sri Ramakrishna, the teacher of
Swami Vivekananda.
• Holi – A popular festival where people throw colored powder or spray colored water to
celebrate episodes in the life of Sri Krishna.
• Ramnavami – A nine-day celebration in honor of the birth of Rama. Stories from the life
of Rama are narrated and religious dances (Ramalila) depicting scenes from his life are
• Hanuman Jayanti – Celebrates the birth of Hanuman the monkey, Rama’s faithful
• Narali Purnima or Rakhi – A celebration marking the end of the monsoon by throwing
coconuts into the ocean as an offering to Varuna, the sea god. Girls also tie amulets
around their brother’s wrists for good luck.
• Krishna Janmashtami – Celebrates the birth of Krishna. Hindus listen to sacred stories
and perform worship of Krishna.
• Ganesh Chaturthi – Celebrates the birth of Ganesh, the remover of obstacles and bringer
of luck.
• Navaratra – A nine-day celebration devoted to Durga, the Devine Mother. During this
period, the Devine Mother is worshiped through fasting and prayer.
• Dashara or Vijaya Sashami – Celebrates the triumph of the Divine Mother over evil. It
also commemorates Rama’s victory over the demon Ravana. Vijaya greetings are sent to
friends and relatives.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay
• Diwali – One of the most popular Hindu festivals. Diwali means “cluster of lights” and is
celebrated by setting up large numbers of lights. It commemorates the coronation of Sri
Rama and is also associated with the name of King Vikarama. Sweets and presents are
exchanged, and it is a time for getting everything clean and in good shape.

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Hindus believe the body is a vehicle for the soul through which it can experience the world and
progress in its journey to God. When the body has served its purpose, it is discarded and the
soul takes on another body until it finds union with God. Although Hindus believe in preserving
the body until its natural end, they recognize that death is a part of life, and that the true self is
immortal and does not die when the body dies.
• Human life is considered the highest form.
• Assisted suicide and euthanasia are not encouraged.
• Blood transfusions are allowed.
• Maintaining a terminal patient on artificial life support for a prolonged period in a vegetative
state is not encouraged.
• Organ transplantation, both donating and receiving, is allowed.
• Autopsy is permitted.
• Abortion is not advised except for medical indications.
• Male infants are not circumcised.
• Genetic engineering to cure disease is acceptable.
An essential aspect of health care is the health care providers’ roles in understanding the
concerns of the patient and family and communicating these concerns to all those involved in
the decision-making process; to console and comfort the patient and his/her family so that they
can accept their or their loved one’s diseased state; and if possible, to take care of the family’s
needs beyond the medical aspects.
The principles used by the ethicists include preservation of the patient’s faith; sanctity of life;
alleviation of suffering; respect for the patient’s autonomy, while achieving best medical
treatment without harm, and always being honest and truthful in giving information.
Important aspects in care for Hindu patients include:
• Consult the individual regarding their preferences. Customs may vary from one region of
India to another.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay
• Most Hindus in America speak English well, but some, especially older women, may not be
comfortable with English.
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• Most hospitals have some Hindus on staff. It would be helpful for them to visit the patient,
especially in the case of non-Americanized Hindus.
• Respect modesty and privacy. Women may want to be examined by a doctor of the same
• Explain procedures to patient and their family.
• Many Hindus feel that Western medicine tends to overmedicate the patient, especially in
the use of antibiotics, and they may be hesitant to start aggressive treatment. Hindus also
may want to use alternative medicine such as Ayurveda and homeopathy.
• Hindus tend to have close extended families and an active social life and may have many
visitors. Family members prefer to be involved in the patient’s care.
• Some visitors may take off their shoes before entering the room. It is a common custom to
take off your shoes before entering an Indian home.
• Many Hindu women wear a red dot on their forehead. This means they are married. Indian
women may wear other signs of marriage, such as a necklace, bracelets, or toe-rings,
which they may not want to remove. If jewelry must be removed, it should be explained to
the patient. The hospital’s policy on handling valuables should be followed.
• Some men may wear the sacred thread, which is at the Upanayna ceremony when a boy is
12-13. The sacred thread is supposed to be worn at all times. Consult with the patient
about the removal of the sacred thread.
• Religious Hindus may want to keep a picture, book, or prayer beads in their room. They
may also want to hear devotional music on their tape recorder.
• For domestic violence against Hindu patients in the Chicago Metropolitan area, you may
contact Apna Ghar (773) 334-4663.
• There is no expectation that there will be a visit by Hindu clergy.
• A Prayer room for Hindus may be provided. The room should be quiet, clean, and
carpeted. An Inter-religious space sensitive to the needs of persons of diverse traditions is
• Copies of the Bhagavad Gita and other Hindu scriptures should be available.
• If possible, establish a relationship with a local Hindu Temple to serve as a religious
resource.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay
• Identify one or more Hindu physicians or other healthcare providers on your staff who can
act as liaisons with Hindu patients.
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• If congregational Hindu prayers are being held at the institution, inform other Hindu
• Inform individuals of their rights as patients and encourage them to have advance
directives.Guidelines For Health Care of The Hindu religion Essay

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