Patient-Centered Care Nursing Essay

Patient-centered care is focused on individual patient healthcare needs. This care is guided by one main goal of empowering patients so that they can become active participants in their care. To achieve this objective, the healthcare provider is required to develop good communication skills that will effectively address the needs of the patient. Moreover, patient-center care requires the care provider to assume the role of patient’s advocates in not only providing healthcare services that is safe but also effective   This care is associated with high levels of satisfaction, adherent to the prescribed treatment, lifestyle changes; it is cost effective and has better outcomes.

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Active Participant of Patients and Family in the Provision of Care

The central aspect of patient-centered care is to ensure that patients are actively involved in the healthcare. This implies that the patient is included in decision making, goal setting, and healthcare planning. Therefore, the care provider should afford information needed to make decisions and the patient should be given time and the opportunity to ask questions. Also, the patient should be allowed to talk to friends, family, and carers before making the decision. Patient-Centered Care Essay

Respect in the Healthcare Setting

The patient has the right to be treated with dignity and respect including respect to privacy and confidentiality of their healthcare information. Also, the patient has the right to be treated without any kind of discrimination based on religious beliefs, cultural background, employment status, disability, sexual orientation, gender, and age. In the healthcare setting, respect implies that healthcare professionals and services are arranged to fit the patients’ needs and lifestyle. Patient-Centered Care Essay

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Information, Education, and Communication

The aspects of education, information, and communication help patients to understand their integral role in their well-being and the overall care. This includes explaining to patients that their participation in care will underpin their preferences. This places emphasis on answering patients’ questions in a language or approach that is easy for them to understand.  In order to boost patent’s engagement in the patient-centered care, the care provider should toil their communication in such a way it reflects the needs of the patient. This should be done through language preference of the client and the explanation of the information should include; condition of care, treatment options, costs, potential side effect, and potential prognosis.

Provide a Safe and Comfortable Environment

In patient-centered care, the health care provider should provide an environment in which the patient feels comfortable and safe. This includes providing treatment and care in which the patient privacy and confidentiality is respected. For instance, the care provider should provide separate treatment rooms, screens, and curtains to ensure the patient is emotionally and physically comfortable. This ensures that patients are actively engaged in the provision of care.

Patient-Centered Care Nursing Essay