Assignment: Corrected Genetic Lab Paper
Assignment: Corrected Genetic Lab Paper
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Patient Chart
Kayla Emily
Scenario 1 – Pedigree Analysis Scenario 2 – Karyotype
Relationship between 1 and 2
Female carrier and Male
not affected, carrier status
Gender of Fetus Male
Relationship between 1 and 5 Female carrier and Male
affected Chromosomal Abnormalites Yes
Relationship between 1 and
Female carrier and Male
not affected, carrier status
Chromosomal Combination
Result Down syndrome
Relationship between 6 and 7
Female not affected, carrier
status unknown and Male
not affected, carrier status
Relationship between 4 and 5
Female not affected, carrier
status unknown and Male
Relationship between 5 and 8 Male affected and Male
Relationship between 8 and
Male affected and Male not
affected, carrier status
Relationship between 1 and 3
Female carrier and Male
not affected, carrier status
Chances mother is a carrier 50%
Chances Kayla is a carrier 50%
Chances Kayla passes the
syndrome to male child 100%
If Kayla is a carrier, what are
chances of having an affected
If Kayla is not a carrier, what
are chances of having an 1 in 3500
affected child?
Assessment 1. How did you determine the chances that Kayla’s mother is a carrier and the chances that Kayla is a carrier?
If the mother is career, the chances of the daughter beign a career is 50%. This is so because the male could either be
infecting or not infected.
2. How did you determine the chances that Kayla could pass the syndrome to a male child?
The chances that one has down syndrome in the world are 2%. When that is combined with the fact that the mother is career,
we get 1/3500 chances.
3. How did you determine the chances Kayla could have an affected child if she is a carrier?
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Professor, I actually had a table done but, I was not able to insert it into this PDF, please understand.
4. How did you determine the chances Kayla could have an affected child if she is not a carrier?
The chance that mother passes a syndrome to a child is 50% if she marries unaffected male whether the male is career or not.
5. Based on the results of the pedigree, what information might a genetic counselor provide to Kayla?
There is a chance for her to have a normal child. The council could be the only chance she has to have a normal child is if only
she marries unaffected man.
6. Which part of the karyotype helped you to determine the gender of Emily’s child?
Chromosomes help determine the gender of the child.
7. Which part of the karyotype helped you to determine if there are chromosomal abnormalities?
When the chromosomes are YX the child is a boy but when it is XX, a girl is born.
8. How does the disorder that results from the chromosomal abnormalities affect body systems?
Some body parts do not function well. Such include kidney failure.
9. Based on the results of the karyotype, what information might a genetic counselor provide to Emily?
The council could be the only chance she has to have a normal child is if only she marries unaffected man. Assignment: Corrected Genetic Lab Paper