421 ACTIVITY 8 Implementation Plan: Addressing Nurses’ Shortage Essay

421 ACTIVITY 8 Implementation Plan: Addressing Nurses’ Shortage Essay

421 ACTIVITY 8 Implementation Plan: Addressing Nurses’ Shortage Essay

Implementation Plan: Addressing Nurses’ Shortage
The shortage of nurses is a global challenge that severely affects healthcare systems, patient outcomes, and the nursing workforce. According to statistical analysis by the world health organization (2022), it is estimated that there are about 29 million nurses and midwives globally, accounting for 50% of the global health workforce, with the United States having about 3.9 million total nurses. However, the American Nurses Association (ANA) has reported that nursing is projected to have the largest job opportunities in the United States by 2022. An article in the Nursing Times also stated that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a need for over 275,000 more nurses between 2020 and 2030 (Haddad et al., 2023). This implementation plan aims to address the shortage of nurses in health facilities.

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Change Initiatives
The implementation plan to address the shortage of nurses in health facilities will involve a multifaceted approach that includes recruitment, retention, and training of nurses as the plan’s key components. The initial step in implementing the nursing shortage in health facilities is attracting new nurses to the profession through recruitment. Health facilities will partner with nursing schools and offer scholarships, internships, and mentorship programs to attract and retain nursing graduates. These programs will help nursing graduates to gain experience and build their skills in the field. According to Fawaz et al. (2020), offering opportunities such as internships for novice nurses is particularly important, as they provide valuable hands-on experience and mentoring from experienced nurses. Therefore, enhancing patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs by reducing nurse shortages.
Another change initiative will be to retain the already employed nurses. The retention of already employed nurses is an essential change initiative that can help solve the shortage of nurses in health facilities. As Ghafoor et al. (2021) highlighted, several factors contribute to this shortage, including dissatisfaction among nurses, poor working conditions, delayed promotion, and less motivation, ultimately leading to early retirement. Therefore, to retain the already employed nurses, they must improve their working conditions, provide timely promotions, and motivate them to enhance job satisfaction. By doing so, nurses are likely to stay longer, reducing the need to constantly recruit and train new nurses, which can be costly and time-consuming (Kitsios & Kamariotou, 2021). Thus, retention of already employed nurses is a crucial strategy that can help bridge the gap in the nursing shortage and ensure that there are enough nurses to meet the growing healthcare needs of the facilities.
Training and education initiatives are another change initiative to address the shortage of nurses in health facilities. Providing ongoing learning opportunities for nurses can improve job satisfaction, increase retention rates, and enhance the quality of patient care. A meta-synthesis of literature by Mlambo et al. (2021) on lifelong learning and nurses’ continuing professional development found that nurses who received ongoing education and training had lower turnover rates than those who did not receive any training. Therefore, health facilities will implement a change initiative focused on offering ongoing training and education opportunities to their nursing staff to address the shortage of nurses and improve the quality of care provided to patients.
The Outcomes Desired from the Change
The most desirable outcome from this change initiative is improved patient outcomes, including increased patient satisfaction, reduced hospital readmission rates, and decreased mortality rates. This will be achieved through the following SMART goals of the health facility. First, the health facility will aim to recruit 10 new registered nurses who possess a bachelor’s degree in nursing, meet the state’s licensure requirements, have at least one year of clinical experience, and have undergone a successful background check by the end of the year. Second, the organization will increase the retention rate of employed nurses by 15% in all health facilities. Lastly, the facility will offer professional training and development opportunities to at least 30 nurses by the end of the year. The health facility hopes to improve the quality of patient care and the overall performance of its nursing staff by accomplishing these goals.
The Audience of the Implementation Plan
The target audience for the implementation plan will be carefully selected based on their roles and potential impact on the success of the change. The selected audience will include internal stakeholders, such as nurses, unit managers, staffing coordinators, caregivers, and external stakeholders, such as patients and their families, regulatory agencies, and professional associations.
Internal stakeholders, including nurses, unit managers, staffing coordinators, and caregivers, are essential in successfully implementing the plan. Nurses are the primary workforce in health facilities and are directly affected by the shortage of nurses. They understand the challenges and constraints that the shortage imposes on the delivery of care (Haddad et al., 2023). Therefore, they are crucial in identifying areas that need improvement and suggesting possible solutions. They can provide valuable insights into the root causes of the shortage, such as low job satisfaction, burnout, and insufficient resources. They can also advocate for the plan and play a critical role in its adoption and success.
Unit managers and staffing coordinators are responsible for managing the daily operations of health facilities. They are responsible for scheduling nurses and other staff, assigning duties, and delivering patient care effectively (Nurmeksela et al., 2021). Therefore, they significantly influence the allocation and utilization of the workforce. Involving them in the implementation plan will contribute to developing strategies that optimize the use of existing staff and minimize burnout and turnover.
Caregivers are another crucial internal stakeholder in the implementation plan. They provide direct care to patients and ensure that patients receive high-quality care. They are often overworked and have limited resources, leading to stress and burnout. Therefore, they can provide valuable input into developing strategies that improve working conditions and support staff wellbeing.
External stakeholders, including patients and their families, regulatory agencies, and professional associations, are essential to the implementation plan. Patients and their families are the primary beneficiaries of the plan. They depend on nurses and other healthcare providers to deliver quality care and ensure well-being. Therefore, their input can help identify areas that need improvement, such as patient safety and satisfaction, and contribute to developing patient-centered care strategies.
Regulatory agencies, such as the Joint Commission or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), play a critical role in overseeing the delivery of healthcare services. They set standards and guidelines that health facilities must comply with to maintain accreditation and certification. Therefore, involving them in the implementation plan can ensure that the plan aligns with their regulatory requirements and expectations.
Professional associations, such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), represent the interests of nurses and other healthcare professionals. They provide resources and support to promote professional development and advocacy. Involving them in the implementation plan can provide guidance and support to nurses and other stakeholders, promote best practices, and advocate for policy changes that address the shortage of nurses.
The Benefits to the Institution
The need for more nurses in health facilities can significantly impact the quality of care provided to patients. In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the shortage of nurses, which has led to an increased focus on recruiting and retaining more nurses in healthcare facilities (Haddad et al., 2023). There are several benefits to making changes to address this shortage of nurses in healthcare facilities. One of the benefits of addressing the shortage of nurses is improved patient outcomes. Nurses play a crucial role in patient care, and a shortage of nurses can lead to lower quality of care and poorer patient outcomes. Having adequate nurses in healthcare facilities can improve patient outcomes, as patients receive more attentive care and are less likely to experience complications or errors in treatment.
Another benefit is enhanced patient safety. Nurses are responsible for monitoring patients, administering medications, and providing other critical interventions. A shortage of nurses can lead to increased medical errors, which can have serious consequences for patients (Tamata & Mohammadnezhad, 2023). Having enough nurses in healthcare facilities can help ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time, reducing the risk of harm and improving patient safety. Addressing the shortage of nurses can also lead to increased staff retention. A shortage of nurses can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction among existing nursing staff. This can lead to increased turnover and difficulty in recruiting new nurses. Hiring more staff and implementing retention strategies can improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.
Another benefit of addressing the shortage of nurses is improved workforce diversity. A diverse nursing workforce can help improve patient outcomes by promoting cultural competence and reducing health disparities. Addressing the shortage of nurses can help increase diversity in the nursing workforce by recruiting nurses from underrepresented groups and supporting their career development.
Finally, addressing the shortage of nurses can lead to cost savings. Hiring additional nurses may seem like an added expense, but it can lead to cost savings in the long run. A shortage of nurses can lead to longer hospital stays, readmissions, and increased healthcare costs (Haddad et al., 2023). Having enough nurses to provide efficient and effective care can reduce these costs and improve overall efficiency in healthcare facilities. By investing in nursing staff, healthcare facilities can provide better patient care and create a more sustainable healthcare system.
Resources and Potential Budget
Implementing a change initiative to address the shortage of nurses in health facilities will require various resources, including financial, human, and technological resources (Tappen et al., 2019). The budget requirements for the implementation plan will depend on the specific strategies the health facility adopts. The health facility will partner with nursing schools and offer scholarships, internships, and mentorship programs to attract and retain nursing graduates. The cost of these programs will depend on the number of scholarships, internships, and mentorship opportunities offered. The budget required will cover tuition fees, stipends, and other costs associated with the program. Additionally, the facility will allocate funds for marketing and advertising the program to reach the target audience. The budget required for the recruitment initiative will be $80,000.
To retain the already employed nurses, they must improve their working conditions, provide timely promotions, and motivate them to enhance job satisfaction. The budget required for this initiative will depend on the specific strategies the health facility adopts. For instance, improving working conditions may involve renovating or upgrading the facility to create a conducive working environment for nurses. Timely promotions may require additional funds to cover salary increments and other benefits. The budget required for the retention initiative will be $50,000. Additionally, the facility will allocate funds for the development of training materials and the hiring of trainers. The budget required for the training and education initiative will be $10,000.
In addition to the budget requirements, the implementation plan will require human resources, such as nurses, unit managers, staffing coordinators, and caregivers, who will be responsible for executing the plan. The facility will hire additional staff, such as trainers or recruitment specialists, to implement the plan. Furthermore, the facility will invest in technology, such as electronic health records or communication tools, to support the recruitment, retention, and training initiatives, costing $20,000.
Team Leaders of the Change Initiative
The implementation plan will require a leadership group to oversee the planning, execution, and monitoring of the initiative. The group will comprise individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to lead the change and achieve the desired outcomes. The chief nursing officer will be the overall leader of the initiative and will be tasked with providing guidance to the team and ensuring the plan’s success. The human resources manager will coordinate recruitment and retention strategies, manage employee relations, and oversee training and development programs.
The nursing educator will design and implement the nursing staffing and education initiatives for the nursing unit manager, who will coordinate the day-to-day operations of the nursing staff, ensure adequate staffing levels, and monitor the quality of patient care. The leadership group members will be chosen based on their skills, knowledge, and experience in nursing leadership, human resources management, nursing education, and nursing management. It will be a requirement that they have a proven track record of success in their respective areas and can work collaboratively to achieve the desired outcomes of the initiative.
The Proposed Timeline for Initiating Change
The change initiative will be carried out in three phases within twelve months. The preparation phase will be carried out in the first two months and will include the following activities; forming a change management team and assigning them responsibilities, conducting a needs analysis to identify the current state of the organization and its desired future state, developing a communication plan to inform all stakeholders of the upcoming changes and the reasons behind them and Creating a detailed project plan with timelines, milestones, and deliverables. The preparation phase lays the foundation for the entire project and ensures that everyone involved understands the change’s purpose, scope, and goals.
During the implementation phase, which spans from month 3 to month 8, the organization will begin with a pilot program to test the proposed changes on a smaller scale. To ensure a smooth and successful transition, employees will receive training and support to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to implement the changes. The changes will be rolled out gradually to the rest of the organization with clear communication and support.
The effectiveness of the changes will be monitored and evaluated regularly, and necessary adjustments will be made. Successes will be celebrated, and challenges will be acknowledged along the way to maintain the momentum of the implementation phase. The implementation phase is where the actual changes take place. It is important to start small and gradually roll out the changes to ensure the organization is manageable. Clear communication, training, and support are key to ensuring everyone is on board and has the necessary skills and resources to make the changes successfully.
The post-implementation phase will occur between month 9 and month 12 from the project’s initiation. Any remaining issues will be identified and addressed promptly to ensure the changes are sustainable over the long term. The post-implementation phase will be critical to ensuring the long-term success of the change initiative.
Evaluation of the Change Initiative
Six measures will be used to evaluate the success of the change initiative. Firstly, employee engagement surveys will be conducted before and after implementing the change to measure the level of engagement among employees. The increase in employee engagement scores will be used to measure success. Secondly, the turnover rate will be monitored before and after implementing the change. If the turnover rate decreases, it will be considered a successful outcome. Thirdly, customer satisfaction surveys will be conducted before and after implementing the change to measure customer satisfaction. If the customer satisfaction score increases, it will be considered a successful outcome.
Fourthly, the company’s financial performance will be monitored before and after implementing the change. If there is an increase in revenue or profitability, it will be considered a successful outcome. Fifthly, the time it takes for the company to bring new products or services to market will be monitored before and after implementing the change. If there is a decrease in the time-to-market, it will be considered a successful outcome. Finally, employee feedback will be collected through surveys and focus groups to evaluate the effectiveness of the change. If the feedback is positive, it will be considered a successful outcome.

Haddad, L. M., Toney-Butler, T. J., & Annamaraju, P. (2023, February 13). Nursing shortage. National Library of Medicine; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK493175/
Kitsios, F., & Kamariotou, M. (2021). Job satisfaction behind motivation: An empirical study in public health workers. Heliyon, 7(4), e06857. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06857
Mlambo, M., Silén, C., & McGrath, C. (2021). Lifelong learning and nurses’ continuing professional development, a meta-synthesis of the literature. BMC Nursing, 20(62), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00579-2
Nurmeksela, A., Mikkonen, S., Kinnunen, J., & Kvist, T. (2021). Relationships between nurse managers’ work activities, nurses’ job satisfaction, patient satisfaction, and medication errors at the unit level: a correlational study. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 296. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06288-5
Tamata, A. T., & Mohammadnezhad, M. (2023). A systematic review study on the factors affecting hospital nursing workforce shortage. Nursing Open, 10(3), 1247–1257. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1434
Tappen, R. M., Wolf, D. G., Rahemi, Z., Engstrom, G., Rojido, C., Shutes, J. M., & Ouslander, J. G. (2019). Barriers and facilitators to implementing a change initiative in long-term care using the INTERACT® quality improvement program. The Health Care Manager, 36(3), 219–230. https://doi.org/10.1097/HCM.0000000000000168
World Health Organization. (2022, June 12). Nursing and midwifery. Www.who.int. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/nursing-and-midwifery#


Activity 8
Developing a Change Project
Expanding on your identified change project and the elements completed in the first three parts, devise an implementation plan that addresses the following points:
• The change you wish to initiate
• The rationale for the change, using supporting data
• The outcomes desired from the change
• The audience you need to convince
• The benefits to the institution
• Allocation of resources and potential budget requirements
• The group to lead the initiative —why these members
• The proposed timeline
• Measures of success
*Note: you will not implement the change project for this activity.
Additional Instructions:
1. All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
2. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
3. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
4. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
5. Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.
Submission Options
Choose One: Instructions:
Paper • 9-page paper. Include title and 10 reference pages.


Organizational and System Leadership: Final Change Project
Description: The baccalaureate graduate will participate in quality initiatives, recognizing that these are complex system issues, involving other members of the healthcare team.
Course Competencies: 1) Apply the concepts of leadership and management to the role of the nurse leader. 2) Differentiate between critical thinking, problem solving and decision making.

3) Apply the principles of change management and theory to promote quality and safety initiatives. 4) Integrate effective communication with individuals and interdisciplinary team members. 5) Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior. 6) Examine the variables that impact allocation of resources. 7) Develop a change plan, including a proposed implementation strategy and measurement of outcomes.

QSEN Competencies: 2) Teamwork and Collaboration 4) Quality Improvement
BSN Essential II
Area Gold Mastery Silver Proficient Bronze Acceptable Acceptable Mastery not Demonstrated
Incorporates information and feedback from parts I, II, and III Includes all elements and incorporates feedback from parts I, II, and III Includes some of the elements or some of the feedback from parts I, II, and III Lacks detail and/or does not incorporate feedback from parts I, II, and III Does not address section
Explains rationale for the change supported by data Clearly explains the rationale for the change and includes supporting data States the rationale for the change with little supporting data States a reason for the change but no supporting data Does not address section
Identifies desired outcomes derived from the change once implemented Describes in detail the expected outcomes from the change Gives a general description of what should be accomplished by the change Vaguely describes what the change will accomplish Does not address section
Describes, in detail, who is selected as the target audience that needs convincing Describes, in detail, who is selected as the target audience that needs convincing Gives a general explanation of the target audience Vaguely describes the target audience Does not address section
Describes benefits of the change to the institution Describes, in detail, the benefits of the change to the institution Describes some of the benefits of the change to the institution Vaguely describes the benefits of the change Does not address section
Discusses resources needed and potential Describes in detail the resources needed and the potential budget Identifies some of the resources needed for the change may not Does not identify the resources or does not consider the potential Does not address section


budget requirements requirements needed for the change consider the potential budget requirements budget requirements
Identifies the group that will lead the initiative, who the group members are and why they were chosen Identifies the group that will lead the initiative, who the group members are and why they were chosen Identifies the group that will lead the initiative but does not identify who the group members are or why they were chosen Vaguely identifies the group that will lead the initiative Does not address section
Proposes a timeline for initiating the change with rationales Proposes a detailed timeline for initiating the change with rationales Proposes a timeline for initiating the change, weak rationale No timeline identified or lacks rationale Does not address section
Identifies measures of success used to evaluate the outcome of the change Identifies specific measures of success used to evaluate the outcome of the change Identifies some measures of success used to evaluate the outcome of the change Identified measures of success do not evaluate the outcome of the change Does not address section
APA, Grammar,

Spelling, and Punctuation

No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. One to three errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Four to six errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Seven or more errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
References Provides two or more references. Provides two references. Provides one references. Provides no references.


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